Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One for the Money, Two for the Show(Open)

A quiet laugh was her only immediate reaction to [member="Dani Ticon"]'s manner of going about solving the problem, and Keira brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes as the threats continued, ending seamlessly with a shotgun leveled at the interloper's nether regions. It was quite the predicament he'd landed himself in, but she didn't quite feel bad enough to dissuade her sister from her current plan of action. The Ticons were certainly a different breed, prone to in-fighting and confrontations, but they had each other's back when it was necessary. "I don't care if you hold my hand, but I can threaten people just fine myself. Been doing that for long enough as it is." It was a viable tactic, even if talk was cheap.

Reaching over with one hand she rested a hand on the double-barrels of the shotgun. "If we could have nobody get shot tonight, that'd be great. Scenarios like this just end up being messy for everyone in the end, and I'd really rather live and let live." A beat past, the smallest of smiles turning up the corners of her mouth. "Of course, I'll let the two of you make the final call. Far be it from me to interfere when my sister actually decides to dispense justice." That, and she knew what happened when you got in the way of a Ticon once they were hell-bent on an objective. It was better to step to the side and let everything run its course, whether you liked it or not.

[member="Sal Katarn"]

Sal Katarn

The little spat between siblings was interspersed with a sprinkle of offhand threats directed at him. Sal arched a brow at the demand for an apology. Been a while since things had been this... interesting. And to be honest, he might've been in this spiral galaxy too long. Escaped one too many deaths. Getting blown away in a strip club wasn't exactly the way he would've chosen to go out, but Sal had long since come to terms with the final darkness.

Sometimes people were more afraid of living than they were dying.

He gave another shrug. "Sure."

Panning over to [member="Keira Ticon"] he said, "'pologies. Misread you." Despite those words a twinkle of mischief danced in his eyes.

Katarn could tell a veteran killer from a greenhorn coward at a glance, but a people person he was not.

[member="Dani Ticon"]

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