Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One Does Not Walk Into Hell

Factory Judge

As the star began to fall behind the horizon of the ever living city of Coronet, the people shifted. Changing jobs, ever moving. Those who woke up for a graveyard or nightly shift of their job, while others went home to their families to spend the rest of the night with. Even as one man walked home, It was clear he had one long day. Hands in his pockets, fiddling with something hidden, with shoulders hung low and eyes to the ground.

While he may have not been in the best financial situation, it was all he could do to keep his family afloat. However, the wicked never rested, never calming, and always seeking to find some low life to prey upon. It was easy for the shadowed individual to grab a hold of his jacket and yank him into an alley. Using a pair of metal knuckles to bash the man's face in twice. Leaving a couple nasty bruises and could have maybe left a hairline fracture. One that would take months to heal. The medical bills alone would ruin his family. The thief taking what he could from the man, then let him slumped to the ground.

Off this shadow man went. Rounding around the corner only to be stopped. Hearing a muffle of noise. A couple well placed strikes, and saw the body of the man fall to the ground. Unsure if the man was dead, but walking over the body was a rather well dressed individual.

You see, I am not some hero. I seek no good towards those who do not deserve my time. However, I am not willing to let those who seek to only belittle the populace without their due consequence. Holding in my hands, was a wallet, a watch, and a rather important little box. Inside was clearly an expensive ring. One for his wife that he had been working a long time to get. One he had tried to make up to his wife. Wanting to show her that he truly did care for her. As I knelt down, Letting the wet pavement soak into my knee, I gently opened the man's hands.

"Take what you will. There is no need for me to keep it anymore."

He accepted death, rather than to disappoint his wife. He didn't want to let anyone down. He would willingly allow death so that he wouldn't embarrass his family. A noble notion, but one that I felt was not needed. Placing the wallet in his hands, I returned his watch to his wrist, and even took the box, opened it to see the ring was still safely inside.

My left hand reached the man's face. Slowly healing the wounds he had sustained. It was slightly painful, but not enough to make him scream. In pure amazement, he looked at me. Eye's widening at the sight of me.

"I.. I'm sorry sir I don-"
"It's quite alright. Fret not O'servant mine."

Holding the box in front of his face. Letting him see that the ring was safe with him now, I kept my face clear of any emotion that I may have, and spoke from my heart.

"Sell the ring. Use the money to feed your family. They need you, more than they need some fancy stone and metal. Just... be more aware of your surroundings. I hope that you will be safe the rest of the way home. Have a good night O'Father mine."

Standing up, the man began to profusely proclaim owing me. I shook my head, silencing him with a finger over the lips. He owed me nothing. Sometimes, all we need, is for someone to let us know that the world isn't always cruel. However, this was a temporary tangent from my purpose here. No. In the slums of this city, in a district far enough away from the city, I felt a presence that was strange. Ebbing and flowing. One that reminded me not of a force user, but that reminded me of Death herself. It reminded me all too much of the Hell that I had seen before.

Closing in on the location, I knew I was close. I knew that they were near. I just couldn't quite pinpoint where they were. Moving onward down the street. I came to a stop. Eyes closing shut, and allowing all distractions to cease. Only the force could be my eyes. And through it, I could feel the presence of someone. Small in stature of the force potential, but different. Not quite... human.

I closed the distance between myself and this mysterious happening. And once I had done so, I found an abandoned house. No lights. No nothing outside. Perfect place for one to find themselves alone. I smiled lightly as I entered the building. However, as soon as I had done so, the physical appearance had faded from my form.

I did not expect to be seeing what was within.

|| C O R E L L I A ||

If you'd told me three months ago that I'd find myself here, I would have laughed you off, especially if you'd said I would come here for the purpose that I had.

And you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat.

The abandoned house suited me just fine. All through my walk here I'd had my ears flat against my head, my tail swishing with agitation. Sometimes I wish I could just cut the thing off. Do you know how hard it is to lie when your tail betrays your every emotion? Every time I'm scared, angry, excited, it doesn't matter, my tail will let you know. But then again, as annoying as that is, I sort of can't live without it. Race me around the tops of a city, I'll show you.

But inside here I was safe from all that for the moment.

Through the windows I could see that the sun had all but set, casting long, dark blue shadows against the walls as the orange and pink glows gently faded. It was probably a beautiful sight, if viewed from the top of some penthouse apartment or rooftop garden. But most sunsets were. I stood from where I'd been sitting on the cold, hard floor to pace around the large room once again. There was no way I wasn't going to do this, no way at all. But... I wanted to make sure everything was as safe as I could make it.

Then I heard a noise.

The door had opened and closed, someone had come in. Instantly I spun around to face the door, tail swishing behind me. The man standing there was tall. I mean tall. He must have been almost pushing seven feet, surely. The long dark shadow from his figure seemed to slide across the floor, completely covering me. I swallowed, sensing the force on him.

"Oh uh, hi." I stammered, fighting with my heartbeat for control over the startling panic, "I'd offer you a seat, but..."

I let my hand gesture to the vast, empty space around us. The abandoned house had been picked clean like a carcass, everything not bolted down (and some things that were) had been taken. I shrugged, hoping he didn't recognise what was spread out on the floor behind me. With a little luck, he had just wandered into the wrong place.

And everyone knows the luck of black cats.

[member="Darren Shaw"] (Thank you for showing me how to tag you!)
Factory Judge
The room was quite empty. All except the markings and creations of someone who wanted to make some kind of ritual. While I could see the shapes and forms of the letters, it was not coming to me immediately. I was more so focused upon the girl. Stammering over her first words with my entrance. I did not break the door down. I did not force my way in. A simple opening of the door with my boots thudding on the wooden floor of the entrance. Whatever had been here before, was stripped up and taken away. Even some items that had been bolted were removed. Strange.

However, the girl. Her frame. A tail that curled up around her legs and seemed to be hidden from view. Ears. Rather large ears on the top of her raven black hair. Moving left and right and then finally folding down as though she were intimidated. Likely by my sudden entrance, and the size of my frame. Holding my left hand up I brought my palm out to face her. A calming gesture that I intended no harm. At least for now.

She was quite emotive with her body and frame. Even for how small she was compared to myself. However, as I began to see her, there was something off. Not only was she sensitive in the force, but her body was different. She... I couldn't quite place it. Almost as though she was hiding something. Either way, I spoke up.

"I wouldn't need a seat. All this work you did, sitting upon a chair in the middle of it would ruin it."

I took a couple steps inward. Knowing that she wouldn't attack me. Looking over the shapes and forms. Something about a dead creature. Something about a portal. Something about a "Land beyond." I looked up to her. Eyeing her directly.

"Who is it that you intend to bring back from beyond?"

Someone she held dear? Someone that had pained her in a past time? Never could I think that this amber-eyed girl, be one of the few who could understand High Sith Language, as well as the language of the Beyond. One that kept creatures locked away extremely powerful and could destroy worlds with a snap of their fingers. That was, if they had any fingers. Tentacles are more their style.

"Answer me O'child mine, who is it that you seek to bring to our world?"

The man took a step or two in my direction, but rather than aggressively, he extended a hand in... greeting?

I suppose, I hardly look threatening, and even if I did by my own species' standards, this intruder looked as though there was very little that could rattle him. I took a few moments to deliberately draw in a deep breath and let it out as subtly as I could. The air was growing colder as the night settled in. My fur is short, and although it's warmer than I imagine skin would be, I couldn't help but shiver slightly... from the cold, of course.

He spoke, referencing the half-completed ritual behind me. Instinctively I turned, blushing as my ears lowered to the sides of my head. On my own, I've full confidence in what I can do. I had never performed such a ritual before, you see. I've never even seen it anywhere. I hadn't studied or practiced at all. I read it in a book once. Once, about three years ago. I've never forgotten anything I've read or seen. But... to have someone walk in and recognize it - even in the dying light - well, I suddenly felt a little inadequate.

He asked who I was trying to bring forth. But... his manner of speech was unlike anyone I'd ever met. The man, for all his apparent gentleness, made me nervous.

"Child o'yours?" I repeated, lowering myself to crouch on the floor and resume the last few symbols in the circle, "I don't recall papa being so tall... or pale..."

I flashed him a glance, not entirely a grin, but a look that meant I was being coy.

For a few moments I allowed the silence to befall us, simply finishing the last of the runes. High Sith is a difficult language to learn, but I was grateful that I'd had the opportunity, of course, it's easier when you don't have to go over the same passages again and again. Finally, I leaned back on my laurels, turning back up to my unexpected visitor,

"A protector." I answered.

Humor and wit have their place, but I sensed that - at least for now - a straight answer would be my best course of action.

"unless... you'd like the position?" Well, I never said that I always take the best course of action.

[member="Darren Shaw"]
Factory Judge
All people were children of the force. Even if they could not control it at the current moment, there were many was one could accomplish this goal. While they were typically forbidden arts of the cosmos, they were only spoken so due to people having morals, and emotions that ruled their lives. Those who had none, or were not held back by such trivial things, would understand. It is why I called this feline being, a child of mine. I am of the force. I am a being who seeks to become not stronger, but versed within its many facets of its divine and unholy natures. She was still learning, and likely going off of what she knew. No books, datapads, or tomes could be found in the area. Nor could I sense their power or presence. No. This was all her. She began to finish it even as I stood there. Speaking rather coy with me.

A bold move for one so young. Surely she could feel my presence and knew I was not some meager savant. Either way, I walked up behind her. Watching the shapes and forms draw together. The accents for the letters though, were missing.

A hand reached out, grabbing one of the tools she had, and I filled in the accents she had left behind.

"Impressive memory of the language, however to hastily drawn, could have set you up for failure."

Even asking me to be her protector. A light smile formed on my lips as I stood up. I already had my own demons to deal with. So seeing as she was so apt to go there, I may as well deal with them now. Secondly, there was nothing ever wrong with having a second set of eyes.

"Should you open this world, you are aware you would have to walk alone to find the one you seek? Where the dead are sent to not return. If you would like a guiding hand, I am able. However, a guide is all that I am. No more, no less."

I wanted to gauge how much she had thought of this before hand. Was this some girl wanting to play with the forces of the galaxy because she could? or was there some other motive than just to have some protector? Secondly, how did she feel of binding one to themselves? How could she understand, that this binding would be an eternity. Not something you can wash away whenever one wished. Cleaning your hands of your guilt, will not be what makes this curse end. Even in death it will tie the two of you.

I feared, she was getting into more than what she could ever understand. And while the father side of me, wishing to be there for my own daughter wanted to take over, the other half, only wished to see this girl burn upon the scorched sands of the Field of Blades. Lose her mind to the Labyrinth where the walls ever change. Drown in the River of the Dead. Where any to place a single fleck of flesh, will be bound by its desire to "go for a swim." She knew not of this world I had lived in. However, it is where I could end my own torment. And so I offered her.

"You know not what waits before you. A guide is what you need, O'shadow mine."

I could feel the strange tall man move up behind me, studying my work over my shoulder as if I were some student and he a teacher. A part of me shivered. I know what side of the force on which rituals like this one fell. The role of a teacher when dabbling in the darkside oft became, something more demanding. Dogs can be trained, brought to heel. Cats? We're altogether more... independent.

Of course, I know my limits. I'm aware that there would be those out there who might one day sense my penchant for the force, and seek to try. That was the main reason I was even here.

I watched keenly as the mysterious figure reached over me, correcting a few accents and markings I'd missed. I canted my head to one side, closely studying every correction he made. It struck me that he hadn't tried to stop me. He definitely wasn't affiliated with the Jedi, then. Something nagged at the back of my mind. If he wasn't a light-side force user... But I banished the idea. I wasn't a light-side force user, and I'm not all that dangerous.

A grimace as he spoke, the praise forgotten in the criticism.

"Thank you for the correction" I replied with a slight mote of disappointment in my tone.

While not in a hurry to admit it, I was glad he had made those corrections. This wasn't exactly the sort of ritual one could simply 'yada-yada' into existence.

What he said next surprised me, and I turned to look up at him. From where I crouched on the floor, he seemed even taller, his eerie presence seemingly taking up the entire room. This was the first time I truly took a moment to focus on him. There, just beneath the surface, there was... something. He was not merely a force-sensitive curious fellow who had wandered in out of sheer coincidence. Perhaps I'm not necessarily one to believe that the force guided all of us, but this was strange indeed.

"A guide?" I asked, pulling myself to my feet and dusting my hands off on my pants, "I would... honestly appreciate it. I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to pay you."

A pause. He didn't necessarily seem like the type who would make such an offer for payment, anyhow.

"Alright," I nodded, "but... would you allow me a small ritual? Just something minor, wouldn't likely last more than a few hours, just to make sure you're not planning to betray me in there?"

I fought to suppress the way my heart started to hammer against my ribs. For one, I didn't even know this man's name, I knew nothing about him. While the force hadn't yet been outright wrong about anyone, I had... missed things before. On the other hand, I had only glanced at the ritual I had in mind for a few moments. While most of it was brought to the front of my mind, it was difficult to reconstruct it all from those few seconds, months in the past.

Well, only one way to find out I suppose.
Factory Judge
She was not happy with how I seemed to take over. Nor did she feel safe. Every part of her body was showing me. The shivers, her tail coiled against her, ears pulling back on her head, and even the tufts of fur on the back of her head sticking up. Much like a cat poising itself to strike or defend itself. Making itself bigger in order to fight whatever comes its way. She was almost.. fearful of who I was. It seems now days that many fear who I am. Stature, or presence, it matters not. Even I know there are beings much more stronger than myself. However, it peaked my interests with this girl.

She didn't have anything to pay me with, and while I knew I wouldn't require such a payment, she then added that she needed proof that I wouldn't betray her or go back on her. A toothy smile emerged from my face. Looking down on her frame, I pulled the left side of my longcoat away from my side. Revealing a rather long sword I had kept there. Taking my left hand, gripping tightly upon the folded wrap along the grips length. Pulling the blade out just enough to take my right hand. Slicing the back of my hand down to the bone. Done without wince, or without grimace.

I presented the hand before her, letting the blood pool upon the top of my hand. Slowly starting to drip on either side.

"Kiha ki kraujas tuti drarwtaiyia iw ki ridis."

Spoken in the tongue of such magics, The blood began to shift from a red, to a black. Hardening to ash before leaving behind in its wake, an open wound that began to close of its own. Slowly, around the scar formed the symbols for a lock. One that was listed as a blood pact. Meaning that I would not betray or kill her.

"O'child mine, you are not the only one versed within the depths of Darkness."

The smile then slowly faded from my face as I looked to the scar. Likely having it there for now. However, I knew how to remove such trivial bindings. While sealed in blood, it was not bound by my soul. I had no intention of killing this girl, or leaving her at the moment. So if this was to make her accept what was going to happen, then it could easily do many things for me.

Show her that she is clearly outclassed in the writings of Sith, and how their rituals work, as well as show her that I had no intention of harm.

"Now do you have any artifact of the Sith'ari in which would be able to open this portal? or do you plan on turning yourself into a puddle with the amount of strength required to do this yourself?"

I highly doubted that she had a relic. And while the ritual was there, I knew of a much faster, cleaner way for one to enter the land of the dead. While it did draw more attention due to what was necessary to open one, considering it could also rip asunder the very fabric of the force itself, The ritual wouldn't kill everyone within the city should it be opened. The force is an ever powerful tool. However, should one delve too deep within the darkness, one could find themselves lost within, or be torn from the living existence without a second thought.

The man scooped aside the fold of his longcoat.

I don't know.... it seems stupid but, a part of me was almost jarred by that. He was so strange, so surreal, that the billowing panel of fabric almost seemed to be part of him, and it was almost unreal to be reminded that he was at least - in part - a normal man who wore normal clothes.

aaand carried a sword.

Immediately I bristled, poised up on the balls of my feet. However, I hadn't sensed any malice of deceit in him, so merely coiled in waiting, I watched. It was a beautiful weapon, as elegant and deadly as its wielder, certainly. The sharp blade glinted in the ailing light, emitting a gasp as it sliced into the flesh on the back of his hand.

Oh, wait, no, that gasp was me.

I watched as he uttered the ancient high-sith words. I knew enough to know it was a blood-bond of some kind, not the specifics as I hadn't read about that particular phrase before. However, he had done it immediately without hesitation, leaving a mark on the back of his hand. For all my trepidation, I appreciate that. And... feared it a little. Forever I'll be glad for my coat of fur, for no one would be able to see the way I blushed deeply. In a way he made me feel like some child flailing at this ancient and powerful art.

He spoke, echoing what he'd just proven about my not being the only one well-versed in the dark arts. Although able to relax a little now that he'd proven he wouldn't turn that blade on me, I still felt uneasy, now painfully aware that I stood in the presence of - if not a master - someone far more knowledgeable than myself.

"I don't even know your name." I muttered, a hushed awe stifling my words somewhat.

And he didn't know mine. Should I even give it? There was power in a name, after all.

Then his attention turned to my ritual, asking whether I had a relic. Sheepishly, I glanced at my meager bag of belongings: A datapad, a jacket, a switchblade, canteen, and a few rations. No ancient Sith relic. Nothing even close.

With a sigh, I hung my head, admitting defeat,

"A puddle, huh. Maybe I overestimated myself."

My gaze moved back to his,

"I guess you have another idea? You don't seem the type to make a blood bond without first assessing everything." I felt my tail uncoil from where it had been hugging my calf, beginning to swish and flick with growing curiosity, "you don't seem like... any type I've met, in fact."

[member="Darren Shaw"]
Factory Judge
She was a fast learner. Understanding of what was needed of her setting in rather quickly. Just staring at her. Knowing full well that whatever she may have learned this from, had some fine small print she failed to recall, or even read in the first place. Not like many did to begin with, but for those who wished to see another day, they tend to read all they can before jumping head first into something they had no room to move. Her apparent lack of artifacts. Even as she spoke, my left hand moved from the grip, pulling the tied brands off from the belt at my side.

She accepted the fact that I was not like other people. I was not of some agenda. Not of some order that the Jedi and the Sith tied themselves to. I was free to do as I pleased, and from that, was able to have a freedom that many could not hold. She saw that. Even speaking it that I was not a type of person she had seen before. Drawing the sheathed blade and extending it between us. I knew she was smart enough to understand that this was a relic of the Sith. Created and forged in the same processes that would be so held onto by their dark desires.

"There is always, a fine print that is missed. You are not the first, nor the last to fall prey to this."

I have been one such that fell prey to these writings. I still have the scars to prove them. The singular brand of the Sith Empire upon my chest. One of my past where I was marked to be forever under the thumb of Ashin. However, now that she is... thankfully, dead. I no longer had that above me. Should she ever return, I would have to head that call. She would forever find me. And I hated it. Loathed it.

For now, I kept my attention on the girl. Nodding my head to her question of the idea that I had. However, I would voice what was necessary of what needed to be done.

"Should you remember the incantation required to bring forth the opening, you channel the force through the object, and use it as the opening. Or, in the case of this sword, I can skip a portion of that process. However, either way you decide to go through this portal, it will close behind us, and we will need to create a second one to leave. While we are there, you best keep your mind about you and shielded. There are beings, spirits, and powers there that seek nothing but to prey upon the minds, bodies, and even more from the likes of you."

I presented what lied before her. What choice she wanted to go. And because of this setup she had, should I use the sword and its perks given to me, it wouldn't fold the entirety of space in on itself and destroy the planet like what had been done years ago during what some called, "The Netherworld Event" or some called it "The Day the Galaxy saw Hell." I really did not feel like replicating that on a planet that had already been ripped asunder, and was then brought back together over years of time. Nearly decades was spent trying to fix what was broken by Akala.

"Pick your poison O'Traveler mine."

Pick your poison

A surprisingly poignant turn of phrase, it seemed. Who, after all, would even seek out the netherworld?

Maybe it was true, I wasn't the only one to screw up and make a mistake. That, somehow didn't really lessen the sting of shame at having it pointed out. Still, better a little humiliation than accidentally ripping my own soul asunder, right? It brought a shiver down my spine to realize that, in a way, I guess I owed this strange man my life. My brow furrowed as the thought passed over me. I still didn't even know his name. Part of me got the sense that while I was hesitant to give my own name, there was no way I'd get his.

But right now, I had a choice to make.

It had become somewhat apparent that my strange visitor seemed to - if not already entered the world of the dead once before - knew more about it than I do. Yet, he still left the choice with me.

"If you have a way to enter the netherworld without as much chance for a misstep, I would prefer that one over my own."

Another glance at my ritual circle. It suddenly seemed to look less like a well-replicated set of instructions, and more like a dangerous and powerful creature in its own right, one whose leash I could barely hold. I nodded to myself, affirming my decision. I may be curious enough to venture into a place like the one we were going, but I'm not foolish enough to reject the advice and help of a more knowledgeable ally.

But was he truly an ally? He had offered a gesture to prove such, but I still knew nothing about him.

There was a way, a way I could make him tell me his name. Well, if it was done right, at least. Like most of the other Sith rituals I knew, I had merely glanced over it briefly. There was a chance it might simply fail. Perhaps best to wait for now.

"Care to join me on a trip to the land of dead?"

I held one hand behind my back, dipping into a half-curtsy as I spoke, as if I were asking him to dance. I hoped the amusing gesture would hide the way my fur was now standing on end. We were about to go somewhere very dangerous, after all.

[member="Darren Shaw"]
Factory Judge
A raised eyebrow as the feline girl showed formality with her stance as she offered her hand in joining her to the land of the dead. However, I did notice that she was learning of me rather quickly. Wanting me to perform the ritual. Seeing as I have been there before. Once forced, and a second time, of my own will. Standing there, I let the sword drop from where I had been presenting it to her. Her frame still holding out the stretched hand.

"A change in formality in your tone, in an attempt to bring brevity to the situation, is not a necessity. You could also use some help on your form."

While she looked fine to begin with, I didn't come here to seek out friends, or allies. I came to learn why she so deeply wanted to go to the very land that people scare children at night with. I wanted to know why she dreamed of coming here, when its nightmares for everyone else. Seeking a protector from the land of the dead, is not something one would look for on your average day. My tone, and statements towards her were not there to be rude, or to belittle her. No. They were there to clearly make a point I was not here for fun, or games.

Taking the sword, and relinquishing its shining silver blade from the scabbard, its silver blade began to darken and an aura of flowing blood and crimson hues shifted along its length. Walking past the girl, I stood in the center of the ritual circles. Planting my feet firmly as I faced the girl. Closing my eyes and breathing in. Using the full motion of my diaphragm to inhale with the entirety of my lungs. Drawing so much air, I could begin to feel a silence wash over me. While I still had the silence held within my chest, I reached out with my off hand to the girl.

"Please join me."

My hand. Calloused and rough. Forged in years of training and labor. Hands of a man who has felt and is still dealing with pains of his past. Loss, failure, defeat. All written upon the hand that was outstretched to this new life within the galaxy. As she grabbed it, I pulled her gently into the circle with me. Holding onto her soft hands. However, I could feel the same hardships upon her. Soft, but not smooth. They had seen better days. And I knew she had some of her own losses and failures. Opening my eyes, I didn't speak a word.

The sword glowed brilliantly as I channeled the force into the blade. The blade horizontal and aloft. Around my head and our frames the large blade swing, around my back, and with force, drove down into a slash within the air. Yet, as the blade tore through this invisible life force, A rip formed. A black void in which the canvas of our existence was pealing away.

A howling wind flowed through the room. As if a storm was brewing within this tear. I didn't even wait a moment, my off hand throwing the girl forward into the space. Releasing my hold upon her hand and letting her fall into the void. Whereupon, I followed. Jumping in before the fabric attempted to sew itself back together. All that would be left in the room, was whatever she had decided to leave behind, and the markings upon the floor fading into ash.

At first, this mysterious man simply dismissed my curtsy, but then added that it could use some work. I reflexively blushed, biting my bottom lip. It's never pleasant to learn that you need improvement.

But the moment lasted only a moment or two before the man moved, taking his weapon and standing in the center of my ritual circles. He faced me as he closed his eyes and began to channel the force. I watched wide-eyed, taking in everything he did, the way the force moved around him. I wanted to commit everything he did to memory, and as long as I could watch for a moment, I would. Presently, he opened his eyes and extended a hand, offering for me to join him.

I took it.

His hand was rough, wearing years of hard work and turmoil. As I took it, I reached out with the force, seeking to learn what I could as he brought me into the circle. Who even was he? Why had he come here, to this house, now? I didn't even have his name. I'm still relatively new to telepathy, but with a little luck, he'd be focusing on the ritual and not notice my reaching out to catch his name, just something by which to call him.

Then the portal opened.

Or, rather, the man cut it open. I watched, subconsciously moving to cling to his side as his weapon literally tore through the fabric of our world, opening up a yawning maw of darkness and chaos. A howling wind ripped through the air, the hungry blackness seeming to stretch open like a rip in a tapestry. Before I could even process what I saw, however, I felt a hand grab me and with far more strength than I could hope to muster, threw me directly at the void.

I screamed.

Utterly gripped by terror, I felt myself flung helplessly into the blackness.

The world vanished in an instant, light, sound and even gravity all seemed to vanish in the sudden enveloping darkness. Was I tumbling over and over? I couldn't even tell. My hair flew around my face, my arms, legs and tail all flailing uselessly. Vaguely, for a moment, I could sense the man behind me. He must have leaped in after me, or maybe the portal simply sucked him up.

|| F I E L D O F B L A D E S ||

The field stretched out forever in all directions. Brow furrowed, I couldn't remember if I'd landed with a thud on the sweltering ground, or simply alighted softly and then collapsed to my knees. The air was thick, the acrid smell of fire and blood hot in the thick atmosphere. My mind felt foggy, confused and heavy, as though weighed down by a blanket. The dark side was strong here, it tugged at me, pulling at the back of my mind. I had been on my knees, but dropped to my hands, coughing as the sensations all assaulted me.

Gasping, leaning back, and staring up around me, I saw them. Blades, millions of them, driving into the ground or scattered in all directions. Did one of these once belong to the spirit I sought? Squinting, my heart pounded in my throat, blood drumming in my ears. The fog in my mind seemed to grow thicker, heavier. Swallowing, I fought to strengthen the shield in my mind.

Whoever the strange man was, right now? I was bloody glad he had come.

[member="Darren Shaw"]
Factory Judge
The void swallowed us into it's depths. Drawing the strength from me to keep the portal open enough to allow us through. Letting us fall into the sands below. However, It was a sudden stop and moving us outward where we ended in the Field of Blades. Millions of swords were upon the ground. Planted, and even armor was left abandoned. No sign of the previous wearers to be seen. Even as I stood there, light headed from the rift in the force we created, I had a flash to the event. One where a simple temper tantrum of a little girl, caused the entirety of hell to be molded within the physical plane. Bodies of many beings littered the ground and blood was everywhere. But now, that was gone.

Coming back to the present, I looked at the feline girl. On her knees, and gasping at the sight of these blades. A simple but straight face is all she would get. With my explanation as to how we were here.

"Years ago, a child of divine gifts was not appeased with her life in the Netherworld. So she broke the space between. What you did, was only a percentage of a fragment of the power she held. Luckily, she is dead."

Upon reaching out, I found a sword that pierced into the ground. Its guard and grip looked so familiar. The white wrap around the grip now covered in a darkly dried blood. Taking the sword, I quickly threw it into the distance. As though it was some other random blade. However, I reached down to help the girl up. Offering my hand should she accept it.

"This is called the Field of Blades. Its supposed that all Sith and Dark sided Warriors who die, come here to fight on for eternity. Forever not reaching their sought glory, but never failing in battle. All these blades are the souls who are trapped here. Now, you wanted a protector. Do you have a calling for them?"

Sheathing the sword back into its rightful place, I could feel it almost lock into place. As the girl would finally stand. I looked around. Making sure that there weren't any warriors near by at the moment. They were far enough a way that I didn't think we would draw too much attention.

"You will need to work fast, and silently if you can. We are not alone here, and if they sense your weakness, they will attack."

It was embarrassing to have this stranger see me struggling to catch my breath, coughing at the ground as he stepped up to me so elegantly.

He found a sword as he apparently waited for me to catch my breath, plucking it up out of the ground and examining it a moment. In my haze I squinted at him, watching with a pounding head as he tossed it into the distance. Why had he done that? Just casually while he waited for me? Was there something about these seemingly abandoned weapons that made them dangerous? Was it something else? Panting, my chest heaving, but feeling my meager shield descend in my mind, my gaze remained on him as he explained where we were and how it had come to be this way.

The stranger reached out a hand, and I slid my own into it, grateful for the help as he pulled me to my feet. For a few moments I waited, allowing my head to stop spinning and my legs adjust to taking my weight again.

At his question, I turned a much sharper, clearer gaze up to him. My hand reached into the front of my shirt, retrieving what was on the end of the long strip of leather around my neck: it was a small shard of some kind of metal, clearly very old and jagged, slightly curved as if it had once been a part of a piece of armor or perhaps a helmet.

"This was part of his mask," I explained, dropping my head to lift the makeshift necklace off and hold it clutched in my hands.

I glanced around briefly as he mentioned that we weren't alone. My stomach dropped at his words. It's true, I was the weak one out of the two of us. Smart? Absolutely, but strong? Sadly, not as much as I'd like to be.

Clutching the item in my hands, I took a few moments to close my eyes and begin to gather all the force energy I could. It was difficult here, but I had to recall the next ritual I needed.

"̵̻̪̲̺͠À̵̜̺̣̙̼̝̳̣n̬͚̦̺̘̻̳͘ ̴̞̖͍ŗ̰̤̭͔̰̩ͅì̜̘̻͍̤̻͇͢ ̛̘̝̬͎́͘a̮̺̯͚̞̤̬͡n̶̴̢̗̳̝̰̗̮̻̳m̱̀͝u̵̧̬͓͉̼̞d̸̞̦̗̬͖̮̖̼z͍̠͇̺u̮͚̙̗͖̫̹͖̥n̝̘͠͞a͏̩̬ ͜͏̷̦̣͙̙̳̦i͓̥̲͙̣̠͇w̨̨̥̘͉͈ͅ ̰̥͉͍͠s̮̼̖͓̺͘ͅi̸͈͉̗̰͍̰̙͉͠͠s̤͚͟ ̡̹͚̥̣̦n̬̻̠̥̦͖͖͟͡͞i̵̢̞̥̪̯̠̮̤m̝̞͘͞y̧̛͈̳̱͔̱̳͔i̷̡̝̼͖̣ ̗̱̻̦̜̗̹̖͘ą̩͚̞́͘i͏̘̪͞ͅk̡͈̖͢s̢̨̞̬̫̺̺̰̰o̦̻ś̼̘̰̻û̷̴̖̲͈̮̭̟̘t̷͇͚̗͕̹̼̠̼i̡̢̳̮͕ ͏̪̣̬̠̱͙̲N͓̭͖̳̟̠̯̤̱͝ù̢̠̯̜̗ ̰͕͉̤̱̠̦r̨̠͙̯̘̻͉͍i͔̣ỳ͕̤̝̦i̴̹͚k̴͏͏͔̮̠͚̭r̟͔̣a̰̳̜̲̰u͚̼̦͍ͅt҉͏̣̰̳̼̙̟̺̙͘i̶̢̟̟̦͟ ̷̬͖̥̰̠j̡̥͓̳͜'̧̤̱͇͕̝̣͍́͢u̵̡̺̬̫̥͎͙͔͠s̢̰̪̹̬̞̥̯,̛̦̹̲̥̕ ̺̣̰̰͔̪̝͍̘͞a͏̩͔̖͓͕̯̼j̢̠̖͓̭i̸̮̯͡ ҉̦̗̟k̭͔̞̱̫̬̫͙̕͢i̸̙̙̥̖͈͙̳̬ ͉̮̫͕͘ͅr̻̖̼͜i̭̼̟̼͠ͅd͍̝i̼s̼̟̪͢͠ ̴̭̠̟̗̫̩̖̜͔d͚̟̻̮̲͖̬̕͘i̴̬͍̖͎͈̥̩̟ͅâ̸̭̜͍͢͡ ͈͎͕͔͡a҉̡̟͙̻̱s͈̖͈̝̠̘̜͕ą͚̞͉̼̗͓̱̣̭͢ŕ̭̳̮͠s͙̼̯͙͞iͅ ̛̩̰̖͈̜̞͍k̗͘͘i̴̥̻͔̝̻̟͍̥"

Opening my eyes, I found myself taking a step closer to the strange man. The spirit would be hard pressed to resist such a ritual, but would likely not be pleased.

[member="Darren Shaw"]
Factory Judge
Oh the mind of a child lost among the swords in the field. To feel the cold steel as it stung the flesh, and sliced cleanly through. That feeling returned to me. The cold pain of steel I had grown accustomed too. While I physically did not feel this, I could feel it. The cold shiver ran down my spine as this feline girl uttered the Sith Language. Not even of her own. Her voice melded with the force. She controlled it in a manner I had not seen in years. Something was clearly going on.

Even if she showed me this broken shard of the helmet to call upon whoever it was, I could slowly feel... Their eyes upon me. Not just me, but her as well. My mind steeled against these creatures of the darkness, flooded my senses. My right hand began to move of its own. They wished for me to fight. They wanted me to slaughter all around me. Even this poor girl. Part of me wanted to let it take control. To succumb to these powers. Like an old friend returning to me.

A black shade formed in front of us. Shaping and twisting to create a scantily clad woman. Raven black hair with sickly pale skin. But eyes. Eyes that shone in the color of Cyan. A color I have learned to hate. Every part of me wanted to reach out and... kiss this woman. However, I did not. My shaking hand stopped. Reaching to draw the sword I held at my side. The singing steel echoing among the other swords.

Stepping forward, with a growl that seemed to come deep within my chest, and resembled more of some creature of darkness than that of any human.

"O'betrayer mine."
"Oh darling. Don't give me that."

The sword held out at her. Her eyes alone were not upon us. I turned my head over my shoulder to the girl.

"You better hurry up lass. Seems like there are more demons here than I expected."
"Oh now that is a cute little pet you have there Darren! She is just... delectable."
"I already killed you once. I will do so again."
"You know how it works down here. I cannot die here!"

I didn't say a word. I knew how the Netherworld functioned. I knew that if I ever returned here, that all of my demons. All of my past, would find me here. Attempting to fight me. Ashin, Shorn, Gale, Onyx. Their souls would come to claim me for their own. I couldn't- Wouldn't let that happen. Slashing at the shade who once resembled something I cared for, She dissipated into the black smoke once more. Laughing as she did so. I knew what was happening. She was going to use all of her strengths against us. She had the power to do so. Its why I... No. Not now.

Sheathing my own blade, I wrapped it quickly around my belt. Feeling all of my hearts beating rapidly as from my hands sprouted talons. Spiky growths the size of short swords. My back erupted into these as well. Piercing through the armor I wore, as if the armor were apart of my flesh itself. A deep growl, a tone I have not used for nearly decades left my throat.

"We have company."

Something began to form in front of us.

A shadowy figure, a dark spirit of some kind began to take form. At first, my heart pounded with anticipation and fear and excitement all. Was this him? Wait... wait, no, something was wrong. This figure was female, and she didn't appear before me but rather, the stranger. Stunned, I watched the exchange, listening to how they spoke. Darren. I finally had a name. The sudden revelation caught me off-guard, breaking my concentration.

The shade and this Darren snapped at one another before he turned back to me.

I swallowed.

My face fell into an expression that reflected the horror rising deep within my gut as I watched him. He began to sprout, grow these tendrils. Long, spiked, angry growths appeared, lashing out from him as he muttered in a tone that I had never heard, as if some mask or shroud had fallen away. I stumbled back, my heart racing in my throat. The force energy I'd gathered already dissipated as my concentration shattered, my focus moving entirely to him. The shade had worried me,

But this? This was the man that had brought me here?

"What are you?" I whispered, my words laced with terror.

[member="Darren Shaw"]
Factory Judge
The clashing of ancient blades, Sith Swords, Force Imbued, Sabers, and all other manner of weapons of the Jedi, Sith and inbetween clashed against one another. Their sounds rising up within my ears. Echoing louder and louder as I could feel a void creeping up from beneath. An old curse of mine threatening to break. A rage of the poisons within my veins wanting me to lash out.

These spines of mine, bone and coral of the flesh. Sharp as any blade. Yet, even as I stood there, my left arm erupted into a slew of tentacles. From about the elbow down, the entirety of my arm was replaced with a black mass of appendages. Five of them to be exact. Stretching out rapidly to those who drew too close to me. Grabbing at one man. Wrapping around his head and neck. Hearing the dying screams as his head crushed between the tendrils. As they stretched out, Another sought to end them. To cut them in half. While his blade was met with a solid hit, but not cleaving through. My appendages wrapped around his blade before he could pull it back. His attempt to let go was met with his swift end. The blade being thrown back into his own chest. As he fell to the ground. Trying to pull it out while still hilt deep into the cavity of his life.

My head, Jaw opening in a growl with teeth that seemed unnatural in jagged edges. Opened wide as I lept a distance to another man. Biting down into the flesh and sinew of his neck. Ripping the flesh easily from him. Blood covering my lower jaw and neck from the vital veins I had struck. No. WE had struck.

We continued to fight. Our right hand grabbing a fallen blade. Sith Sword. Only noticeable by the flux of the Dark side of the force that suddenly filled my veins to the brim with power. Our voice howling into the air as it cleaved into a woman. Armor she wore, but not resilient enough against the strength of our might. Taking one, two, three cleaves to break through to find its resting place within her chest. A blade stabbed into our back. Piercing through the armor ever so enough for me to feel pain.

We stopped all motions. Just turning of the head to look at the armor clad young face of a warrior who died well too young. Our harmonious voice range out in a low but deep laughter. Muscles clenching tight, and a withdrawal of our arms. Allow for the spikes within the back to pierce into the face, throat, arms, legs of this attacker. We could feel the pain he felt. We could feel the damage we had done. The spikes returned to beneath the skin. The red bleeding flesh being replaced with the pale skin tone we once had.

Turning around to the voice we could hear over all of this bloodshed. Over all that was attacking us. it's what pulled me from this deep. My communion with the darkness.

"What are you?"

My bloodlust sedated enough for me to gain control of my poisoned mind. Snarling at her to let her know I was not happy with her being distracted.

"Finish your mission. Or I will leave you here to contend with the monsters you so sought! Do not take me for a kind soul. I could have feasted upon your marrow the moment I saw you. I should have ended your wild desires of coming to a place you know not! Find this worthless guardian of yours, or so help me, I will break every pillar of the Nether, allow it to crumble upon itself so I may find you, and dine upon your flesh!"

She needed to find whatever she wanted now. Or there would be much worse coming her way. I could feel it with every fiber of my being as the Lo'tekk called unto me. Wanting me to fulfill its desire to return to the world once more. The Horror that lived beyond our stars. Calling and wishing me to bring it's flesh here. A place where it could feed upon the souls it so hungered for. Growling, Howling at myself, I called my appendage to work with me. Returning to some kind of normal state. Talons drawing back within their homes. I yanked up two blades from the ground. Holding them aloft as I shuddered with my regained control.

"Do it now girl!"

I watched on in pure horror.

Men and women came for us; armor and weapons bared as they seemed to close in on the man, no, the monster. The creature who had been named "Darren" fought them off, not necessarily with ease, but to my shock it looked as though a part of him seemed to thrive on the bloodlust. The petty little ritual he'd done to appease me before we'd come here, the promise not to harm me, it seemed so pitiful now, a piece of twine he could break as easily as snapping his fingers. His entire left arm had become a writhing mass of tentacles, his voice deep and demonic, almost like it weren't one man speaking... but two.

Those last few words snapped me back to reality. Fear or not, I had to finish what I started. How could I start again? What if he wasn't even...


I saw him, stalking across the battlefield. He was the on being whose gaze was fixed on me, rather than Darren. Unlike most of the fighters here, this warrior did not walk as a man. He appeared as a giant war cat, his fur the color of the void as the very dark side itself seemed to waft around him like an aura. He wore battle-barding, almost as dark as his fur and tattered with age. I muttered his name,


Although still several feet away, he seemed to instantly react to my whisper, his gaze suddenly intensifying. With might and authority in equal measure, the enormous cat stalked towards me, piercing eyes illuminated with some unnatural not-quite-white glow. Although the face was feline, I could see the snarl of his maw, the disapproval in his face.

This was why I had come here. I didn't want just anyone at my side. A'Baal had been just one of many Sith lords of old, and not even especially influential or powerful. No, I had chosen him because he was a felacatian like me.

I had to work fast. He had been summoned to me, but that was only half of the ritual. Now? Now I needed to bind him. I glanced back at Darren. Would A'Baal be able to kill him if I bound him successfully? Or would the monstrous man be able to dispatch him as he did so many others?

I took a breath, hating the idea that had just flashed into my mind. It was risky, very risky. I was working on borrowed knowledge as it were; having never practiced these powers, but merely recalling them. Dare I even try to twist it, without even knowing how it worked? But what choice did I have? The felacatian Sith warrior was approaching, closer and closer. He took his time, as if he knew that in this place, he was king, and I would never be able to outrun him. Now or never, Valrayne.

Closing my eyes, I put the jagged edge of the shard to my palm, cutting deep enough to let the dark crimson blood instantly begin to pool around it. As I did, I spoke, shouting from sheer panic and desperation;

"S̘͎̙̭͇̜͝a̸̸҉͕̞͖̳͓̯͓̟̟̟̕͟ṣ̜̬̜͔̭̩̺͈͇̜̲̝̗̤͟͜͡͞ ̴̧̤̙͚̝̳̩͇̺̪͔̪͘͟͞r̷̡̢̳͍̱͇̫̼̠͕̘̦̞̟͠͡ͅi̵̮̖̮̥̳̹̳͓͉͎͖͍̲͘͝ ̛̰̪̙̜̪̤͙͈͙̩̻̺̩́̕n̢͞͝͏͔̖̖͕͇͔̬̜̭͖͇̦̘͚͓í̞̪͖̞̼̹͙̤̠̳̟̻̜̀m̶̢͖͓̹̰̭̙̞͚̖̱͍̰͓̼̪͙̀͝y̮̗̳̫͞į̬̳̱͚̮̙̺͙̱̘͝͡ ̧͈͈͔m͏̶̸̢̪͇͈̺͚͇̳̳͉̠̝̖̥̼͚̣͉ͅͅí͏͎̖̱̥͈̟̘̜̗͎͇̟͓̗͖̘͍̦͡d̢̛҉̯̥̹̱̠̰̱͔̰͔̬̯̮w̧͚͙͓̮͉̮̥͈̗͈̯̭̱͍̫͜͝ͅa̗̠̖̜̝͚͍̖̞͍͕̟̥̗͡͡n͡҉̠̙͓͍͎̳͕̹̬͎̤͈̲̯͚ͅͅ ̸̵̡͕͔̻̟̗̮̜̙͖̪̣̗͙̦͚̕ͅi̷̛̪͎̹̬̟̘̙͝ẁ̵̵̢҉̗̬̘̦̳͔̺̤̮̟ ̛̛̤͖͙̬͘͝͝ŗ̧̛̱̦̙̝̟̰̲̗̻̼͙͉̠̲͝ͅi̡̛͠҉̪̙̠̟͇͎̮̤ ̸̡̡̣̞̩͔̮̞̹̝͚͙̤͍͡T̷̡̡̢͉̙͓͖̦̣̰͚̙̬̭͉̺̲͍̘̥̬̮͝s̨̡̡̧̬̺̦̳̩͉͉͇̲͢ͅi͖̼̟̞̯̘͕̼̥̰͝s̵̫̟̼͍̣̗̝̜̘͚̟̦͜ͅ ͇̤̟̠͇̞͎̫̤̲̫͔̀͠N̵̼̣̳͎͘u̵̸̡̖̝̥̩̫̰̟̱̝̹̱͍͈̪̪͔ ̶̶̸̮͎͙͎̻̹̲͕͜m̧̧̙͍̣͓̮͚̣̩̻͓̜͚̬̯͎̹ͅí̶̦͔͇̱r̵̨͢͝͏̟̙̼̰̫̹͖̳͇̹̰̞̜̭͉ͅj̷̷̵̧͚̰̱̼̱̱̮͚̙ḭ̧̡̡̖̠̪̮͙̬͙̞̼̗͢ ͝҉̖̺̺̟̬̞̫͟j̵̨̞̫̥͚͓̹̰̖͍̼͉̗͖̀'̷̵̶̼̺̳̮͉̮͖͇̞͇̰̳̱͡ú̸̸̴͉̦̟͙̼̗͓̣̼̜̜̦̲͎̫͜s̡̧̧͎̲̜̦̻̙ ͝͏҉̮̞̠̣͚̳̤̪̺á̛̟̗̩̫̣̝͙̦̭̦̺̮͢ͅͅn͏̸̵̻̪̙͈̤̜̪̗̩͉̱̤͚̪͖͞ ̡̻̺͍̤̯̞̕͠ķ̢̛͙͕̰̦̣̯͟͠ì͇̳̝͈̀͢͝͡ ̨̀́̕͏̙̭̠̠̯̖d̶͍̭̯͉͉͎͜r̭̱͈͉̻̱̱̗̪̩̦̞̝̞͕͍͠į̡̖̹̣̫́̕y̫̖̥̖͓̮͘͠ͅͅí̧̨̛̭͖͍͓̤̺̫̮͓̯̝̼̭͢ẃ̹̯͓͖̟̟́͜͜͝o̴̡̫̼͓͔̣̥̮̙̣͜ͅr̶̴̟̦̮̫̩̗͙̫̲̦̼͕̲̀͡i̧̭̮̳̹̟̱͎̥͇̟̹̥͓̻̤̞͔͘͟!̷҉̵̪͖̥̕͟ͅ ͏̬̠̻̻̝̦̹͕͟͝ͅͅͅD̵͚͕͖̣̮͎͘͟r̵̛҉̣̦̪̟̥͓̹̦̪̘ó͙̟̜̪ ҉̸̭͎̻̭̜̘̫̪̗̣̟͎͘ͅr̗̻̩͚͚̠͎͓͚͎̭̲̦̼̭̮͍̕͝i̶͎͈̭̭̣̯͉͓̲̱̲ ̡͠͏̸̸̙̥̮̭̝̝̗̖͖̳͇͓̻͕̺͓j͏͏̯̹̩̫͉̗̯̞̞͖̳̼̥̹̠̠̺͙̱͠͡i̸͖̺͖͇̭̪̖̻̟̭̬̺̼̲̺͉̝͡ͅn̢̕҉̡̼͎͉͈̼̩̲̻̻̦͝'̡̛̘͎̠̻̦͖̪̜̱̦̙̥̳̕ ̨̗͎̬̰̫̩̀͘t̡͙̫̪̼̫̩̤͈̬̺̹̝̫͇͢ņ̷̶̢͏̦̖̯̳̞͙͍̳̭̣͇̱̥̜̰̫ͅi͏̘̙̖̮̫̹͎̜̩͔͖̠̪̰̬͞r̼̦͈̝̀͜ḿ̶̞̭̘̼͚̻̳̥̲̭̳̖̳̳̘̟͙͟͜͢ͅa̵̪͖̝̥͍̭̞̘̰̪͙͚̩͍̝̮̙̯͢͜ͅ ̨̻̬͙͙̫̞͜ͅí̢̢̤̦̪w̢͎̯͔͓͖̕͠͡ͅͅ ̛͏͓͙̻̭̰̼̝̜̠͖̩͈̟͟q̨͉̖̣͉͙͈͈̞̖̺̥̺͕͉̺̦̟́̕y̴̴͓͉̘͉͔̘͚͢â̶̙͔̳̮͍̩̺̹͕͚̜̘̜̬̯͓͖̖͠s̨͓̝̣̀͡ͅi̡̛͡҉̢͖̲̜̱̯̻̖k̛̝̤̬̥̯͉͘͜͟͝ ̧͇̥̼̦̝̪̯̪̮̖͎̗̻̲̪͇̀N͜͡҉̡̹͎͕̥̮̟̰̥̭̻̻̟̩̗̝͈͕͎̳u̴̷̶̡̨̥̤̭̞̻̫̬͍͇̯̖͇͉͇̜̣̲͕ ̢̟̞̫̼̀͞s͜͝͏҉̢̹̝̳̞o̧̢̜͓̦̞̭̞̺̯̗͢s̸̸͜͡͏̺̯͚͉͙̣̫ų̧͉͈̹̰̺͇͙̬̻̝͖̤̹̬͇̯̱̂̀͢t҉͔͔̮̬a̸̵̱̥̣̬̮̲͉̭̩̠̰̫̩̝̟̮͜r̶̢͈̥̩̗̭̫͙͍̙̹̙̦̺ͅi̡̝͙̻̪͚̺͕̘͔̪͙͚̼̞̞̳ ̸̴̻͖̪̜͖̣͔͕̻͉͔̥̗̬̮͔d͏͟͏͏͕̫̳͇͚̦̗̗̟͓ͅz͏҉̡̧͔̺̼̰̀ͅͅù̘̘͍͓̺͝o͖̤͔̗̝̤̯͚̮͖̯̟̹̺͙͙͜n̤͖͍̠̗̖̲͓͉͚̗̠͝ţ̵̶̤͔̻̬͕̖̥͓̱̱̠͇͙̬͚͓͢͠ͅḁ̧̞͔̥̦͎̠̘̲̣̺̘͕̼͖̯̠͝ͅi̛͘҉͏͈̲̙̬͇ ̨̛̺͎̣̞̦̳̰̝͙̝̙̤͜͟ͅͅì̧͖͙̩͚͎̟̮̘̼͍̗̭̥͖̞͈͢w҉̠̬̮̝͙̥̞̼͘ ͏̭̰̥̤̘̙̙̹̖̪͚͙͈͢͞ͅt̰̬̭̟̣̮͇̝͢u҉̖͍̲̻̻̻͇̮̜͙͉͓͙̣̘̪̪̦́'̧̕҉͖͈̺͕̜̞͕̬̱̤̜͎ͅͅį̷̴̹̗̱͈̙̪͉̻̘̺̰͚̭y̸̹̲̘̼̞͉̺̞͠ì̷̢͔̳̫̝̫́͢a̧̡͔̺̯̯̭ ̵̨͞͝҉͚̫̻͙̹̱̣̦ͅa͉͖̼͈̘̹̬̟̯̳̣̻͙̗͖̩̗̪͡r̀҉̪͙͈̩͚͖̠̼͍̦̭̝͝į̡̡̗̼̝̰͉͈͇̖̫̪̰̩̜̤̮͞͝ķ̛͓͖̘̲͓̘̺̝̠̠͈̯̗̖̀ͅa̧҉̨̪̤͔͖̖̙͙̹̹̰͍,͢͞͡҉̠͍̰̥̥̼̥̻̳̟͈̼̱̣̭͇̺ͅ ̡̫̼̬͍̙̼̳͓̻̬̤̟̹̕ͅͅs̴̵̡͍̟͚̤̺̫͉͔̺̘̠̺͚̤͍̲̙͙͞į͢͜҉̭̗͓̖̠͈̭s̨̢͡҉̟͚͖̫̯̩̖̰͎̹̘̝̠̱̲͕ͅͅ ̡̨҉̣͙̹̥͖̹͇̹k̞̖͙͙̬̺̬̕͟ͅr͏̥̼̭͓͠a̧̤̭̮ͅų̷̩͓͕̻̙̝̰̺̖̭̰̣̣͈͚̰̲̭͜j̨̢̯̘̬͙̮̝̳͕̩́͜͢a̶҉̛̹̯͈͈̻͍̼̱̥͚̖̺̝̟̲͚̺͔̟s̛̲̞͉̺̰̣͙̲̜̣̟̝̦̗͘͠ͅͅ ̵̢̛̖̰̠͉͈̫̟͢͝t̢̫͖͉̝͈̯̩̣̺̭́u̸̵̢̨̹̝̯̻̖̜͖̘̣͈̼̻̹t̴̺̟̱̪̙͕̪̤̜̳̦͔̰͙̳̼͓̻͟͠͝i̴̡͍̲̮͖̟̝͎̰ͅ ҉̪̤̭̣̙̙̗̟̪̞̤̼̝͠ͅt̯̳̪̭̣͍͈̭̞͝ù̵̱͈̮̝̲̖̳̤͉̝̘͎̭̮̯̺̻͟͡'͢҉̶̸̭͉̜̠̩̙̺̙̯̖͇̼i̛͇̬̹̱̘̝̱͇̞̕͢͟y̢̤̮̮͇̫̦͓̳̜͕̼̰̟̥̘̙͈͓͜͟ì̛͈͉̥̼͎̣̼̝̝̺͙͉͝͝ͅą͓̘̺̮̰̩̬̺͇̗̲͚͟͠ͅ ̶͙͈͍̬̯̥̙̱͇͔͙̺̫̳͔̫k̴̡̛̠͙͎͎͕̠̺̭͘͢i̺̲͔̺͓͈̺͍̳̮͢͜ͅr̨̨҉̵̰̪̰̹̥̰̩̩̪͓̖̬͖̜̘͈̲͟ͅś̮̖̰̯̮͈̗̲̼̺͔̰̥̠̖͇̩͖͘͜ͅ.̵͈̲̲̯̦̗̻͍̞̮͇̤̕ͅͅͅ ͞͏̨͖̞̠̗̲͕̰̬̬̫̰̭͎̪ͅͅŃ̟̞͍͙̞̤͈̪̮̲͎͎̥͈̼̹͕͠ͅu̷̦̗̝͔̘͙͓͙̮͎͓͕̼͜͠ͅ ̶̵̻̠͖̮̜̖̣̮͈͔̬͢m̴̨̛̼̺̭̙͎̳̭̟̼̼̖̗̠͓͎̖̀͡i̢̛̭̟̙̗͚̞̰͠ṛ̢̛̬̞̙̙̤̻̩̖̠̲͈͓͘͘͢j̴̛̭͉̳̻͍̜̙̩̲̘̝̻͔͖̲̰̫i̴̴̺̮̲̭͖̺̱̩̖̠̠̟̗̣͞͞"

The ritual that I had read then instructed that I was to smear a little of the blood from my hand on my subject. A'Baal and Darren were both a ways away, so instead I called upon the force... and flung my hand out. The drops were sent flying into the air, and using my basic telekinesis, I sought to send them to land on both the felacation and the monstrous stranger.

I just hoped that changing the ritual like this wouldn't end up with all of us dead.

[member="Darren Shaw"]
Factory Judge
As soon as the girl began to focus and snap out of whatever was taking hold of her, I turned my attention to the four warriors in front of me. One was dressed in old Clone War Era armor, Another of the Ancient Sith, One seemed to just be wearing conventional robes, and the last was actually a woman. A Vong-formed to be correct. Spiny growths had come from her. Littering her skin with a natural armor to strikes. However, she was to die first. Her screams of war and battle reached my ears before she took two steps forward. In that time, I had taken a number of them to close the distance. Running the blade through her stomach.

Using the pommel of the second blade, I smashed it into her side. Yanking the blade held into her womb, to the side. Cleaving out from her stomach and letting all that had once been kept in, to spill out onto the ground. She screamed no more as her body fell from shock. The Clone War Warrior and the Robed Fallen charged me at the same time. I took a step back to let the lightsaber cleave through open air, while the second one was brought up to have my bloodied blade cut in half.

This sudden ease in cutting the sword, allowed me to get the upper hand on the Robed individual. Stabbing the broken blade into his exposed throat, then with a pivot of my right foot, to my left, I send a high kick into the grip of the sword. Punching it deeper into his throat where the guard broke skin. Lodging itself deeply. Saber was dropped in time for me to snag it out of the air. Using the second sword to barely parry the saber of the armored clone away from me. Leaving a red molten blade in it's wake. The green saber I had just gotten, burst back to life as the hilt was facing directly at the helmet of the trooper. Letting the dirtied, and bloodied white armor turn black from burns, and red from the melting armor.

I dropped all of those weapons to see a large feline creature closing the distance between it, and the girl. It seemed she was staring directly at this thing. Whatever it was. I didn't wait to find out as I bounded with enough strength to break any normal human bone. One bound to close the distance between myself and the girl. She threw out her hand as I got in front of her. Blood from her hand being thrown at the beast. But suddenly, I felt a white hot burning upon my flesh. The back of my right hand.

I howled in pain at the sudden, and unexpected pain. She did do something. I knew she was up to some nefarious chit the moment I saw her. Without even thinking, I spoke the language of the dead.

R̴͍͕͕̦̻͖̞̦͍a̡̢̦̭̦͚̤̫̰̕ ̶̨̞̩̻d͏̻͡z̶̢̺̬̖̪̩̰̲̀i͔̼̬̣͜͜a̱̻̼͘͢r̴̨͉̼͓̹̙ͅơ̭̝͔̳n͈͟͠i̶̴̜̞̖͕̻̬r̴̖͚a҉̫̝̣̖ ̮̫̲͙̼͜͠͠s̸̵̜̣̖̲a̵̹̫̣͍͎i̱̤̫̹̭͠͡y͕̕͘i̸̝̝̕r̬͙̙̮̩̩͖͜͝ ̨̖̘͙̀͡d̨̨̩̙̳̖̕z̵̜̘̞u͍̣͉͎̕ò̭͍̹̫̙̫͢n̷̡͍͍̩͍͕͜t̙͉̺͔͖͉̖͓́͠a͉͉̠͇͈̦̥͝į͙̙̕ ̤͇͔͚̗̳k̲̤̯͉̺̜̪̘̘i̢̛͎̥͚̕.̧͔̬̙̪̕ ̰̗͓̪͚͉͇̤͍N̠͎̖̫̲͖͎͓u̫̙̲̗͔̗̩͘ ̨̲̺͎͍̱́̀t͍͓͖̩͔̮͓͘͢ú̴̠̲͔͚̕t̴͔̲͎̻́͡i͚̜͝ ̡̪̪͓͓͙̭̝͈̯͠r̦̣̦̬̰̱i͎̬͓͓͘͢ ̟̺̪͇̮̭͟t̵̬̗̯̲̖͘͢i̸͓̪̞͈͢n͚͘͢a͎͎ ̢͏͓̙͕̥i̢̞̮͢͡ẃ̸̘̳̹̥͍͇̮ ̲̻̠̞̜r̷͎̗̫̠̤̬̬ͅį͚̮̫̥̩̳̱ ̛҉͎̠̬̞T̡̰̳͚͞ͅs͎̭͔͘ą̠̙t̖̥͇͇͕͕̙͠o̸̫̜̳̯̦͚͡ṭ̷̣͖͖̟͇̮͘a͈̻̩̰͠,̯̬̫̭̞̕ ̧̟͚͕̦̪̜̗͎d̴̙̮̬i̭̟̱͎͍̞̬ͅâ̧̭̬̠̱͉͝ͅ ͖͕̩̮̰͕͢j̱̹̺̰̬̼̥̫͜'̴̡̬͎̺͢ú̧̬̠̱͓̠̤s̡͏͚̫̯͕̠̝̲̙̥ ̷̠̜̤̝̗̹͘͢ͅw̴̲̪̪̠̙͝ͅa̸̻̠͎͙̗̪̝͢͜ŕ̩͖͔́͢ͅí̫͍̗̘̜̰͞a̵̰͢͝ ̨͙̰͉̖̱͜͢t͙u̶̼͙̟̜͙̮̱͞ţ̻͙i̴̩̯̣͞͞ ̧͏̷̞͉̩ͅk̸͙̞͉̦͝i̭̥͇̰̕ͅ.̵͎̺̗̦̤͜

The white hot burning pain continued for a bit as the creature was also feeling this. Stopping in its tracks. I knew that she had done what she needed. Reaching out, I grabbed a blade from the ground. Closing the distance while I had the time, and stabbed the creature within its side. Hearing a feline growl of pain as the blade snapped with the sheer strength I forced upon it. Just enough for what I needed. Pushing it away and upon the ground, I rushed back over to the girl. Drawing my own blade.

"Give me your hand now!"

Everything happened at once.

Darren turned and saw me, lunging towards me. To protect me from A'Baal? To kill me first? I didn't even know. However, both he and the felacatian reeled, hissing in pain as the drops of blood burned against their skin and fur. For those few precious moments, I felt relieved. It had worked, my blood was burning into their forms, compelling them to my service. Two powerful, foreboding creatures to protect me. I dropped to my knees, a heavy sigh of relief uncoiling from my chest.

But then Darren spoke.

I didn't catch all of the words, as with most of the languages I studied I read them, not heard them. But I could sense the viciousness behind them, the way he seemed to spit them almost reflexively. What had he done? What had I done? With a shriek, I was torn from my terror as he grabbed a blade and before I could react, drove it into A'Baal's side.

"A'Baal! No!" I cried, reaching out as the great beast roared in pain and dropped to the ground.

My heart stopped for a moment, watching as years of research slumped to the earth. But... there! He was still breathing. The blade had been snapped off in his side, so if it wasn't removed, perhaps he wouldn't bleed out just yet. He had been disabled, but not killed. Not yet.

Darren snapped my attention back to him, shouting for me to give him my hand. The battle and chaos raging all around me, the fear that I might lose the one thing I'd come here for, and the worry that I'd made a horrible mistake, his words seemed to cut through the haze like one of the blades he wielded with such ferocity. Amid the panic and chaos, I couldn't help but comply, holding out my palm. A long, deep cut still wept blood, more now because of my elevated heart-rate and panic.

[member="Darren Shaw"]

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