Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Once in a Blue Moon

[SIZE=10pt]Exiting his ship on the outskirts of Markhareim City[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nikias disembarked the unmarked shuttle and took his first steps onto the planet of Crystalsong. In all honesty Nikias had never truly planned on coming to the world[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and in all honesty hadn't learned about it till a few days prior to his visit. Besides the species that had inhabited the planet and a brief outlining of their cities and culture Nikias didn't know just about anything and would've took pleasure in exploring the planet as a whole[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] learning from the numerous cultures that inhabited it. None of those things were on the agenda however[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nik had come to the planet looking for one thing. Well woman to be more accurate. Due to the large amount of battles he has found himself in lately and often times clashing with those far more powerful and varied in the force[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nik needed a way to close the gap. To give himself an edge in combat to make up for his overspecialization in telekinesis. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]As anyone would in such a situation Nikias scoured not only the holonet[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] but all his contacts in order to find someone that would be able to help him in the creation of such an object. About Ninety percent of the leads led to either dead ends[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] or con artists just looking to make money off of another's credits. Yet as though the force was aiding him[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] one of them paid off and Nikias was able to get into contact with an Alchemist who was famed for her numerous creations. Talismans and such that Nikias had no clue how they'd escaped notice[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and upon making contact Nikias had been pointed in the direction of Crystalsong and ordered to wait in Markhareim city for her. Without even questioning it[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nikias had traveled to the planet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]From down on the beach Nikias could see numerous lights from the city that cast a glow down onto the beach making things at least somewhat visible. The sand crunched beneath his boots[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and the sea-breeze caused his white hair to whip in the wind. It seemed like a pretty peaceful world[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nikias wore nothing but an open front jacket and a pair of black pants as he walked up the winding staircase that led to the city. Waves of dark energy poured off of him due to Sorzus Syn's amulet turning the man into a walking force beacon alerting just about every trained and untrained force user to his presence. Now how am I supposed to find this woman? Nikias thought as he crossed the peak of the stairs and entered the silent city streets. It was incredibly late at night after all and the moons Cryast and Karatal were high in the sky. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt][member="Særa Ayña Savan"][/SIZE]

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