Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Onas, the Gypsy Boy

NAME: Onas
RANK: Slave, Dancer
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5’ 8”
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
Skilled Dancer
Clever Attitude
Can do tricks like stand on hands, juggle and the like
Defiant towards people trying to control him
Hates being in one place too long
Onas tends to wear lose clothing. A white shirt along with baggy pants, sometimes with a bandana around his head. Sometimes you’ll see him with piercings. But when ordered to he will have to wear whatever his master tells him.
While born on Alderaan Onas was actually part of something of a gypsy band of travelers. They were merchants and performers and the like all brought together into one grand band of people that were basically like a family. His father was a strong man, lifting things of great weight without any enhancements or the like, while his mother was dancer often getting spar credits on the side for showing off in front of a crowd along with the others.
Because he was not as strong as his father, but far more clever, Onas had become a dancer like his mother. He proved to have a better knack for it anyways. Overtime Onas had begun to realize something about the leader of the group, a Besalisk named Gom Jrell, and how he had been spending almost all the earnings away on drink and gambling. The other performers did not appreciate when they found out but it turned out Jrell had something or other on all of them to keep the group in line.
Onas would not stand for it, however, and vowed to free him and his family from Jrell. However he was discovered and Jrell, seeing the both was too big a risk, had sold him into slavery. He made sure it would look like he’d died in an accident so his family was unaware of his condition. Jrell got away and Onas, now sold off, must fight to return to his family.

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