Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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On The Island of Misfit Toys (Siobhan)

Galina managed to stop the tears she felt falling now that they were safely on the ground. Soibhan's words had been most comforting to her while she was so terribly frightened. As Siobhan reached to wipe away the few tears she'd missed, the young woman only closed her eyes and allowed for it without any fuss. The human contact, something she much needed.

With a deep breath she let Sio take her hand and lead her from the ship, occasionally glancing back to check where Tempest was. Her rescuers, she felt very much attached to thus far and wanted them to stay. They'd kept her together so far, and truly she couldn't bear to be parted.
Galina squeezed Siobhan's hand particularly tight as they approached Tegaea and Chesna. She only managed to let go, as the woman approached, the feelings of calm took over, and the wild redhead managed to relax a little, though her eyes were wide, looking at everything around them, floored by the sudden change in environment. She jumped as Chesna touched her hand, startled, but not afraid.

Cocking her head to the side, she found it most strange as the woman spoke, she actually understood. The alone brought a sense of relief to the girl. It'd been so difficult to understand Siobhan and Tempest, they tried but she struggled. Basic wasn't her native language, not considering she wasn't from any planet in known space.

The next words out of her mouth, were of an entirely different language, one that clearly Galina knew well, but undoubtedly the rest around her would not understand, though Chesna just might. "Chesna, thank you." Spoken very softly, gratitude in held in every word. "Where are we?" She asked, still speaking in her own language in a hope that the woman before her would understand her meaning.

[member="Tempest"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Anya Venari"]
[member="Galina"], [member="Tempest"], [member="Anya Venari"], @whichever alt Val/Tegs is using at the moment!

Now that was a way to keep Chesna from corrupting the wild girl too much!

Siobhan leaned into her wife's kiss and enthusiastically returned it, then gave Chesna an appropriately serious stare. "Thanks. She's been marooned on that island for years, I think her parents died in the crash. No idea where she's from. She was terrified during the flight over, but I managed to calm her down a bit. We can't just leave her unsupervised without someone to take care of her."

And you're clearly the person to do that! Do you have any good role models? Least I know which example not to follow! You're also a homicidal, high-functioning psychopath. She glanced over to Calina as she spoke in what seemed to be her native language, which obviously Siobhan did not understand. She gently patted the girl on the shoulder and pointed to Tegaea. "Tegaea. Wife. Friend. My home," she said gently. Clearly it would be up to Chesna to play translator and help the girl make sense of things.

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Galina"]

Through the power of obscure semi-divine abilities, Anya understood, and her replies were magically transformed into a form which Galina understood. She whispered in the girl's ear so that just Galina could hear her.
"We are at the house of Siobhan and Tegaea, the red hair over there. They are great and powerful women, and you should obey their commands," Chesna said without the slightest hint of irony.

"They are pledged to each other. They are very nice, they will look after you. I will help look after you."
Galina jumped slightly as Siobhan patted her on the shoulder, a little skittish but who could blame her. "T-te-gaea." She managed to say with a little effort, wrapping her mind around the name, to remember.

Her attention was drawn back to who she knew as Chesna. It was all so strange to her, how the woman just seemed to understand her, and could talk, speak in a language she didn't know well but somehow it's meaning magically became clear to her. She might not have understood it, but she was eternally grateful for it.

"So this is .. their home." She said softly, now knowing that the woman before her somehow could understand her language. She didn't question the part about obeying their commands, after all Siobhan and Tempest seemed quite wise, it was no stretch to imagine that Tegaea was one such woman too.

"Pledged to one another? I don't understand." She spoke in her language as she glanced once more to Siobhan and Tegaea. The concept wasn't one that was known to her, after all when she came to Kaeshana, she still thought boys were rather icky and only worth it to smack around or cruelly mock. Dating, well that certainly never came up on the island of misfit toys. And she certainly hadn't had the time to figure out if she was interested in boys or girls for that matter. Ah, this writer imagines the conversation might get a little awkward, from this point forward. Hell, Galina had never been even given the birds and the bees talk either!

"You'll all look after me?" She asked softly in her own native tongue. Her expression shifted into something of a most grateful and stunned look. "I... I ... Thank you." She didn't know what else to say at that point.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Tempest"] [member="Anya Venari"]
[member="Galina"], [member="Anya Venari"], [member="Tempest"], @make up your mind Tegs/Nantaris!

This one would find it humorous if Galina learned about the birds and beeds after catching Tegaea and Siobhan in flagranti during nocturnal lovemaking. They did induldge in some rather unconventional activities that were definitely not mainstream after all! It was also quite likely that Siobhan would find the time to impart important lessons about gender roles to the wild girl. Those manlings had to know their place after all!

Siobhan noticed how skittish Galina was feeling when she touched her and quickly withdrew her hand, looking apologetic. After all the last thing she wanted was to scare the girl. However, she gave her a hopefully reassuring reassuring smile when Galina tried to speak her wife's name.

Words were exchanged between Galina and Chesna, though Siobhan could obviously not understood what they were saying. Galina's language was none she had heard before. Admittedly Siobhan was not a linguist but she had the suspicion that perhaps the girl's family might have come from beyond known space, where Basic was not standard. If she was from the unknown regions before they had been opened up it would also explain a bit how they crashed on Kaeshana of all planets, since it was terribly remote.

"We should go inside. What's she saying?" she asked Chesna. "Tell her there's food and a bed for her here."

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Galina"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Chesna insinuated a caring hand around the girl’s shoulders. She bore an ever so innocent look as Siobhan asked her.
“She is expressing her wonder at your house, and how great and benevolent a host you are being,” she said. That’s right, Chesna, puff Siobhan up more.
Tegaea at the least looked suspicious, but Chesna was already talking to Galina again.
“They are life partners, married, bound in matrimony…usually literally,” she said with a smirk which Galina would totally not get.
“We’ll look after you. There’s food and a bed inside, Siobhan says. She will also give you many beautiful dresses and we will bathe you and make a beautiful princess!”
A little bit of embellishment never hurt.
“Where are you from, Galina?”
This writer would also find that a most hilarious situation. Much awkwardness would ensue!

The girl tensed a little at the arm draped around her shoulders, it took a moment to adjust to but she finally relaxed. Galina's brow knitted together and Chesna explained Siobhan's and Tegaea's relationship to her. "Oh, so joined together for life... Married." She said with a nod, not quite sure what she meant by the last part."Women are allowed to do that here?" It all seemed strange if you asked her. And surely that last part was just some strange custom of this land. If only Galina had a small clue as to what that really hinted at, the mating ritual it involved! The young woman was in for quite a shock when she found out about that ... extracurricular activity.

The redhead seemed a little eager as food and bed were mentioned in terms she could understand. "I .. am hungry, and tired." She said quietly then reached up to touch her dirty hair. "A bath?" She asked, "Is there one?" It was undoubted that the girl didn't ... smell all that nice given it had been eight years since she'd had a proper bath or shower, much less able to brush out her hair. The girl looked down at the furs covering her and tugged at them gently. "I guess this doesn't count for much for clothes." But it had got her through the cold winters in the north, so that was something.

Galina paused and thought for a moment to recall the name of her home. "Sigma nine-five-seven." She said after a brief minute or two. It'd just been so long since she'd even thought back to her home, and now, now thinking about it made the young woman rather sad, her mood shifting a fair bit after she'd spoken the words.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Anya Venari"] [member="Tempest"]
[member="Anya Venari"], [member="Galina"]

As much as that was what Siobhan would have liked to hear, she looked unconvinced at the sycophancy. "Chesna, translate accurately. This isn't a game," she said seriously. It annoyed that she was unable to understand what Galina was saying.

She got the last she said. Or rather she understood when she said Sigma. Presumably it was her homeworld. Likewise she picked up on the shift in mood. Siobhan was no empath but she did not need to be in order to sense the woman's sadness. Understandable considering the ordeal she had been through.

"You're not alone anymore, Galina. You'll never be," Siobhan spoke gently, nodding to Chesna to translate. "Let's go inside. You'll get food, can get washed, have a bed for the night."

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Galina"]
Chesna nodded, chastened for now. She was such an irrepressible sort that it wouldn’t be long before she started impishly acting up again though!
And she noted the sadness and held Galina’s hand, looking at her intently.
“Siobhan says you’ll never be alone again…you’ll always have friends around you. Come on inside, we’ll get you some food, a bed, a wash first though.” She spoke this aloud so Siobhan could understand, and through her empathic bond, so could Galina.
To the refined Eldorai, Galina was not exactly the perfumed flowers she was used to dealing with, but she didn’t show any of it. She knew that given a couple of hours she could make Galina a beautiful and modern looking girl again.
“We’ll find your home if you’d like. But come, let’s get you cleaned up.”

Tegaea had swiftly organised a room and bath for Galina, and also prepared food for her too. Chesna indicated the steaming bubble bath along with the various scrubbers, soaps and body-washes.
“Did you need any help? I’ll be right outside if you need any,” Chesna said politely.
That made her feel a fair bit better. She'd been alone for so long and never wished to be alone again. Galina managed a smile, and reached out to Siobhan's hand, squeezing it gently to show her gratitude before releasing the brunette. "I've been alone for so very long. Can you thank her for me?" She asked Chesna most hopefully.

"It's a very long way from here. Many many days in space." She said softly. "And I don't know the way." It was a place she didn't even know the coordinates for anymore. It would be searching for a needle in a haystack as it were to figure out where her homeworld was.

The young girl smiled a bit brighter as they brought her to her room, and the bath. The bath excited her very much. "Thank you." The steaming heat from it, and the scent of the most lovely bubbles were quite attractive to her inner child. She glanced back to Chesna with a single question. "Clothes? I don't have others." She said quietly as she stepped inside. But she left the question at that, and closed the door between them, slipping from her furs, and leaving them in a pile far away from the tub. With a most content sigh, she stepped into the heated waters and immersed herself beneath it completely for a moment or two before she surfaced.

Shifting down, for a long while she just kept as much of herself beneath the water, relaxing greatly, while allowing some of the grime to come free on it's own. A good hour passed in the tub before the young woman emerged wrapped in a towel, her hair a bit of a tangled and damp mess but completely free of all dirt and grime from years of not having a proper bath. She looked expectantly for Chesna to guide her further, and hopefully they'd found her something to change into.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Anya Venari"]

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Galina"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
(Skipping in here as I was directly referred to. Sio can have her two turns next time.)

The Pygmalion transformation was astonishing. Chesna appeared with two sets of clothes for the girl. Surprisingly they were actually quite modest and comfortable. They would be an almost perfect fit, as Chesna was exceptionally skilled at measuring women’s measurements by close observation. Skilled at other things too, but this as well!

Once Galina was dressed, Chesna sat her down and as gently as possible brushed and dried the girl’s hair.
“How do you want it? Loose or in a braid?”

With this question answered, Chesna led the reborn and quite pretty Galina to meet Siobhan and Tegaea….
[member="Anya Venari"], [member="Galina"]

While Galina used her considerable talents to Pretty Woman Galina Siobhan had presumably gotten freshened up and likewise changed out of her vaguely paramilitary-style street clothes. So suffice to say she probably looked like a feminine fashionista when the less wild and quite pretty Galina entered the dining room.

Likewise it could probably be quite accurately said that Chesna did not disappoint when it came to her makeover skills. Come to think of it, she should get her own show! This writer suspects that it would unfortunately be cancelled pretty soon because prudish moralists would complain about all the innuendo and sex in it. By contrast, it would probably win awards if it contained homicide, torture and maiming.

"You look beautiful, Galina," Siobhan said sweetly when the girl emerged. It was not said in a flirtatious tone of voice, rather it sounded more like a proud mother or elder sister complimenting her. "Please sit down. There's food and drink for you," she gave Chesna a nod to translate.
Galina looked over the clothing curiously for a moment before she decided on an outfit. As Chesna brushed through her hair helping her to style it, dry it, apparently a quite beautiful figure had been buried under all that grime. "Loose," She said softly.

The new Galina, even surprised herself. She'd never thought herself to be any bit pretty but the mirror she passed certainly didn't lie. Stepping into the dinning room, the smells of wondrous foods quickly reached her nose and her stomach grumbled and growl, expressing it's desires very much to devour the food offered.

But she didn't move to take a seat yet, she looked quite curiously between the three women as she'd managed to make out her name having been spoken, and the word food and drink. Her eyes drifted back to Chesna for the explanation. The woman had been able to translate well enough for her so far.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Anya Venari"]
[member="Galina"], [member="Anya Venari"]

This writer shall temporarily assume direct control over Chesna! They will give her back soon. Well, maybe not. It depends on their mood. And so Chesna's eyes suddenly started to glow and she got a vaguely creepy, overdramatic voice as the power of space magic technobabble took posession of her.​

Alright, the last bit about Harbinger possession did not really happen. Chesna laid a gentle hand on Galina's shoulder. "Siobhan says you're a beautiful princess and asks you to sit down. Don't be shy, there's food and drink for you. And a soft bed with silk sheets later!" It was Chesna so obviously she would be trolling. For her part Siobhan was seriously wondering what the elf was actually telling Galina but gave her the girl a smile to encourage her a bit.
Galina smiled brightly, as Chesna translated, bowing her head slightly towards Siobhan, a kind of thank you. "She is so kind to me." The redhead said quietly as she took a seat, and started to help herself, perhaps a bit too eagerly to the food at the table. The poor thing after all had been starved for years, and well .. her manners were at about a ten year old's level. Not thinking about how she'd look to the people around her at all as she piled her plate high with yummy looking and smelling food. And the water! Galina, dove in taking a long long drink of the water at her place, savoring the coolness, for she'd had to have heated water only for years now. The idea of cold water, was something she absolutely loved!

[member="Anya Venari"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Galina"]

Without seeming to move, Tegaea's right hand latched onto Chesna's ear like a limpet to a rock. The Eldorai squeaked as her sensitive organ was sternly held.
"Chesna...Station 43 is looking to gain a new crew member...."

Chesna looked sulky. "Sorry, Mistress." She looked to Galina. "Mistress Tegaea is very stern. Don't upset her...."

Tegaea released Chesna's ear. "Please translate to her that if she sees anything she wants more of tomorrow, we will get it. Also tell her that Tempest will be by tomorrow to see her as well."

Chesna translated...more or less exactly. Station 43 would be hell to Chesna.
[member="Galina"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"], @whichever alt Tegs is using at the moment!

Siobhan gave her wife a grateful look. "She's gonna be a bad influence on her. I just know it," she muttered. Right, Sio, whatever you say! This writer can't wait to see Galina's look when she finds out what mummy really means when she says that she and her wifey are worshipping the Goddess Ardarvia.

That'll not scar her at all!

In any case Siobhan gave Galina an indulgent look. You could not expect a girl who had been marooned in the wilderness, forced to survive on her own when she was just a child, to suddenly have refined table manners, so she was just happy that the girl was finally getting something to eat. Sio's own table manners had been terrible when she joined the Jedi. "Tell her she can eat slowly. No one's gonna take the food away from you. It'll still be there," she said softly, with Chesna presumably translating for her.
Galina seemed a bit surprised by Tegaea's reaction to Chesna. That's one way to make an impression on a young woman! "Definitely stern." She said in agreement with Chesna.

The redhead nodded slowly at Chesna and then to Tegaea, with a rather appreciative expression. They were doing so much to take care of her. She'd actually never really recalled anyone being that kind on Sigma, but then again Unknown Space was a whole different beast in and of itself. It was just quite unexpected that anyone would take her in like this.

She did get rather excited at one word. "Tem-pest, will be coming?" She asked of Chesna to translate for her, "I can't wait. She helped save me." She said softly, more than a little thankful for her rescuers, even if they had scared the crap out of her to begin with. And right now, she was eager to be reunited with the other half of the duo that got her off that evil island.

Oh yes, the corruption of the wildling had already begun. Chesna was just the first. There were bound to be other events too that were a less than perfect influence on the young woman as well. This writer giggles so much at the idea of Galina learning what Goddess Ardvaria worship really is! The poor thing will be scarred for life!

With Chesna translating the last bit, Galina paused and glanced about her food. The girl realized, perhaps she was trying to hoard food a bit, protective of it when she didn't need to do that anymore. She gave a slow understanding nod as she bit at her lip. After a moment or two she started eating, at a much more civilized pace.

After a while, Galina actually started to feel rather full, maybe a little too full but it was totally worth it in her book! From there, she slowly pushed her plate away to signal she was done. Though she still was sipping rather joyously at her water.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Galina"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Because this writer likes confusing others…another alt change!

Chesna meanwhile would never ‘accidentally’ let Galina view such a thing. No, never! How could anyone say such a thing?!

“But they’re both very nice,” Chesna said loyally, and genuinely. After all, the couple put up with her trolling, so they had to be worth it! The fact she gave them mindgasms in return…well, fair exchange and all that!

When Galina had finished eating Chesna offered her a hand. “I’ll show you to your room. If you need me at any time of the day or night, press this button.” She proffered a small buzzer. When pressed it’d alert Chesna.

“Tempest will be by tomorrow. For now, say goodnight to Lady Kerrigan and Lady Alcori,” she said, just like a teacher.
[member="Galina"], [member="Anya Venari"]

Did Galina still remember how to use a toothbrush and stuff? If not presumably Auntie Chesna would show her. On another note they would probably have to take the girl to the doctor because she had definitely been missing all the important vaccinations. Hopefully she was not afraid of needles.

In any case dinner was coming to a close and the sun was setting. One imagined that Siobhan and Tegaea would need to have a talk of sorts.

"Goodnight, Galina. If there's anything you need, just call. Chesna or I'll be there," Siobhan said softly, indicating the small buzzer the demigoddess had profferred. Presumably Chesna translated what she had said. Approaching the wild girl, Siobhan gave her a hug. Again it was loose so that if the contact was not wanted Galina would be able to disentangle herself without difficulty, Siobhan would not force it.

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