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Approved Starship Omicron Station

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  • Intent: To create a unique station to be used for RP and as a base of operations for an NPC organization I'm developing.
  • Image Source: Lee Petty
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Civilian University and Think Tank
  • Length: 72,000 meters
  • Width: 72,000 meters
  • Height: 57,000 meters
  • Armament: None
  • Defenses: High
  • Hangar: Several docking units around the ring for anything from capital ships to shuttles. A few hangar bays for individual fighters.
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
  • Speed Rating: Very Low
  • Hyperdrive Class: Very Slow: 10

The Omicron station is equipped with a "modular room" system where individual rooms can be depressurized, unattached, removed, and replaced with rooms within a similar shell. This allows for the station to be frequently customized to fit what ever new need may arise. The rooms currently available are:

- Dormitory: Living quarters, roughly six small rooms per module, each room having two beds and two dressers.
- Living Quarters: Two larger rooms equipped with luxury items and a personal kitchen.
- Mess Hall: Cafeteria, large tables lined by benches.
- Kitchen: A large industrial kitchen designed for mass production of food
- Lecture Room: A classroom capable of seating 120 students comfortably.
- Biology R&D Facility: Bacta tanks, minor cloning equipment, simulators, a clean room for viral experimentation.
- Droid R&D Facility: Droid assembler, simulators, advanced work stations for repair and modification
- Weapons R&D Facility: Shooting range, advanced work stations for hand crafting weapons, simulators
- Starship R&D Facility: Simulators, holographic display for schematics
- Chemical R&D Facility: Simulators, equipment for mixing, producing, and testing chemicals
- Alloy R&D Facility: Simulators, equipment for producing a variety of alloys and metals, equipment to design new alloys.
- Computer Lab: A laboratory used to design and produce complex computers and programs.
- Droid Assembly: Small factory meant for production of Class 1, Class 3, or Class 5 droids respectively.
- Automated Factory: Factories designed to produce anything from luxary goods to mechanical parts for droids, ships, or weapons.
- Arboretum: Large indoor garden, used for social settings, meditation, and agricultural education.
- Hologram Entertainment Center: Large rooms designed to produce holographic simulations for enjoyment
- Combat Simulator: Holographic room designed to test participants' skills in a variety of combat situations.
- War Room: A room with a large holographic table used to educate strategy, as well as practice large scale battles. Capable of simulating troop morale, troop resources, and a variety of programmable troop units.
- Hydroponic Farm: A large farm meant to mass produce vegetables and fruits
- Recreation Room: A gym, equipped with a variety of work out equipment and tools to participate in many popular sports.
- Minor Museum: A Small museum used to show off anything from art, cultural artifacts, trophies, and powerful relics and weapons.
- Store Front: A small store rented out to corporations to sell their wares within the station. Can also act as a cafe or restaurant.
- Hang Out: Effectively a living room designed for socializing.


Station Cloak Generators: Several generators are spread across the hull in order to give the whole station an invisibility cloak. These generators also double as scramblers against most scanners available on the open market.


Teaching the Next Generation: The Omicron Station is designed to be the ultimate school/university. The modular system allows the station to customize what rooms/classes are available depending on demand from students as well as provide a healthy, enjoyable, and self dependent environment for them to thrive.

In Security: The security of the students is top priority within the Omicron Station. The cloaking device is used to try to hide from any sort of raiders, pirates, or would be harassers that would make day to day life complicated. There are then several shield generators capable of producing a powerful shield as a show of defense to deter anyone who could find them. Then under the shield is several layers of durasteel armor plating.


Secluded: The ship is designed to be deployed in deep space away from prying eyes. Although it is equipped with a robust communication system, should that be knocked out the station has nothing to fight back with.

Import or Bust: Although much of the station is self reliant, any food other than vegetables and fruits must be imported, as well as most luxary goods and equipment.


The station is designed in 4 equal parts, each equipped with the same amount of modular rooms. Each part is designed to be a self-reliant "school" of sorts for each of the four "associations" within the school. Each association specializes in a different field, and when students are brought aboard the station they may sign up for any association. Each of these four parts is divided by a hallway filled with security to prevent easy passage from one part to the next. These four hallways all lead to the large center dome which is a massive arboretum, filled with a small forest of sorts. Within this large arboretum is a stage where announcements are given verbally to all the students and faculty who gather within the dome. This is also the only place for students of the different associations to socialize with each other. So it is equipped with a variety of hang out areas, small sport arenas, small wildlife, and even a lake for fishing.
[member="Myra"], wonderful sub here, I just got one tiny little thing i'd like for you to do if you would be so kind.

Myra said:
Material: Durasteel, Duracrete, and Duraglass. (The three Duras)
Can you please link the specifically named materials in this sub? Thanks, that would be wonderful
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