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Approved Planet Olvan

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Name: Olvan

Region: Wild Space
System: Olvan System
Suns: A binary blue star system
Orbital Position: Habitable zone, closer to the colder area
Moons: Two moons, one of them oribting at 100K miles the other at 150K miles
Coordinates: T-23
Rotational Period: 32 standard hours
Orbital Period: 402 standard days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 15.6 km
Atmosphere: Type I
Climate: Frozen, mostly tundra while still being apt for life forms
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Tundra plains, some mountain ranges, large polar icecaps

Native species: The Olvanites (Ol'vann, as the call themselves)
Immigrated species: None
Primary languages: Olvanian
Government: Mostly warring city states; varying governments
Population: 620 million
Demonym: Olvanite
Major cities: Carinthia, Sybosynthia, Arr, other small
Major imports: Ore and minerals (from its mining colonies in the Solar System and in the neary Druil system)
Major exports: None
Affiliation: Olvanite Kingdom

Culture: Varies wildly depending on the state one adventures to. Most share a cultural identity as following "The Way", a religion melding doctrines from Christianity and Buddhism, while still holding a belief in some sort of energy pattern, which, of course, is the Force.
Technology: Late space-age, hyperdrive capable. Force is virtually unknown to them except in some religious texts.
History: Olvan, a planet unknown to any of the spacefaring cultures of its time, is relatively new to the hyperdrive club. For a long time, the Ol'vann, its native race, have dominated the planet. It's population is seperated into various kingdoms, princedoms, republics and other governments, some of which have invested heavily in hyperdrive technology and out-of-system mining facilities. Here are some examples of factions within the planet

Carinthian Republic: Is basically a free-market democracy similar to the United States and the Republic. It holds a constitutional assembly, headed by a president, which votes laws and rules over it. It is hyperdrive capable, owning many mining colonies in outer space.

Sybosinthian Empire: The antithesis of the Carinthian Republic, similar in many ways to the Sith Empire. It relies heavily on nobility, and its economy is completely state-planned. As such, it boasts some of the finest econometricians on the planet, rivalling those of Cerea in skill. It is also hyperdrive capable, and boasts a formidable navy.

Arr'ean Clans: Various small, feudal clans that squabble for dominance in the planet's north poles. Noted soldiers, they often serve as mercenaries in other nations' militaries.

There are plenty of other, small, non-hyperdrive capable city states, some of which are under the hegemony of the Sybosintian Empire

Notable PC's: Wolan Tsomcren and the crew of the Bluehawk (soon)

Intent: This planet was created to provide a location for the campaign instigated by Wolan Tsomcren and his voyage into Wild Space.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
I couldn't find Olvanian's anywhere so I'm assuming its a new species. I'd like to have their entry up and approve both them and the planet together if that is the case. Otherwise its a semi low tech planet. And I don't know why it has made my txt bold so I'm not yelling at you. Like literaly it won't let me unbold the txt.
The Ol'vann Species

Name: Ol'vann
Alternate names: Olvanites, Olvanians
Language: Ol'vann Speech
General physiology and description: The Ol'vann are bulky, short humanoids with jet white skin and onyx black eyes, Their general features are humanoid, to the exception of having elongated arms, mostly for labor and hunting. The Arr'ean clans often tattoo themselves with heraldic and clanic paint, depicting various forms of art. Due to the perpetual cold on the planet and the dim suns (caused by the distance of the planet), the Ol'vann are extremely resistant to cold as well as having a great low-light vision.
Religion: The religion that is unanimously practiced by the civilized races is called "Ur'shaka" ("The Way"), which closely resembles Christianity and Buddhism from Earth. They believe in a form of original sin, where the first humans, created by their goddess Tul, rebelled against her and were condemned to mortal lives. As a redemption, the Mother Goddess, as she is called, sent some commandments on how you could gain eternal life, through meditation and contemplation. Their sacred texts also mention a mystical energy source which is, of course, the Force. They believe that the male Prophet of the goddess Tul, will come to them to bring them back to their former glory. Ever since the discovery of the principles of evolutionary biology, a heated debate has been held on the planet, which continues today. The Republic of Carinthia boasts a right-wing evangelical group similar to the Religious Right in the USA, while the Sybosinthian Empire is highly atheistic.

The Arr'ean clans do not follow this religion. They follow various shamanic and polytheistic religions that are a dime a dozen on this planet.

Form of government: As the species is divided into many different states, types of government vary wildly. Notable examples include the Federal Republic of Carinthia, which is ruled much like the Republic, and the Empire of Sybosinthia, which is a collectivist empire with an economy that is totally planned by the state. This latter state also exercises hegemony over many small city states, which is provides with protection in exchange for stripping them of their resources.

Level of technology: The Ol'vann are in the late early stages of their space development. The main powers own colonies in other sectors, and the hyperdrive as well as the concept of hyperspace has been discovered. However, hyperdrives do not exceed 4.0 in Standard Galactic Number. However, the Ol'vann are absolute masters at agricultural engineering and the biological sciences, with levels of development as advanced as the legendary Ithorians. This is due to them having to grow food under extremely harsh conditions. Most cities are domed and have controlled temperatures. Mining technology is relatively new, not nearly approaching that of the rest of the galaxy, though this species has mining colonies in the Olvan System as well as in the nearby Duil and Arskiban System, all of which are unknown to the rest of the galaxy.

Language: The Ol'vann speak an exceptionally complex tongue with a high variety of grammatical structures. In galactic basic, one has six pronouns and operators (I, you, him, us, you guys, they). In Olvanite, there are over 60, most of which one would never use in an average conversation. It's script is based on lexigrams (ie one symbol, one word) with various operators.
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