Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
[member="Callista Gseran"]
In the wake of the Grandmaster's private declaration that the Jedi Order would no longer be solely affiliated with the Republic, every Jedi within Shule's immediate circle would have some adjusting to do. The Jedi had always relied on private donations and Republic largesse; the latter would soon be gone. Rumor had it the Republic's leadership was screaming conspiracy, and considering Shule had spent enough time as the Order's Grandmaster and spymaster to get his own opinion of the Republic, he didn't doubt the rumors were true. Probably invented or guessed, but probably true nonetheless. Off at the Dantooine enclave, where Shule and his closer associates didn't actually take the Jedi stipend, belt-tightening would manifest mainly as fewer Jedi visitors with the funds to pay for the Jal Shey attire that kept the lights on.
Those lights flickered as Shule came up out of the archives to greet the lonely enclave's newest visitor. What little he'd seen of her file suggested she was out of her time; he'd met more than one like that. Whether that meant she was used to government sponsorship of the Jedi or a much looser relationship -- that depended largely on her. Those trends had shifted radically, sometimes year by year or month by month, over the course of the old days.
That, and people made their own choices based on modern circumstances as much as on experience. Perhaps Callista Gseran would be a Republic apologist, declaring that the only true Jedi served only the Republic. Perhaps she would be more cosmopolitan, or have another allegiance entirely.
What mattered, for the moment, was that she was connected to the Levantine Sanctum's loose-knit patrol network, the spacers and Forcers who supported the defense and patrol forces of Levantine Free Space. Every once in a while, the Sanctum asked for a little extra, a priority mission.
Gseran would have been briefed. The planet Cadomai had a very extensive history with the Sith, or rather the last few years had seen at least four Dark Side groups express profound interest in the place. Currently, it was Ession-influenced, and Ession was an ally of the SJO, whose relationship with the nearby Sanctum generally boiled down to 'you do you.' Ession's Jedi Lords and penchant for fielding Dark Side-affiliated ground forces had raised a few question-marked flags in Sanctum worlds' command structures. Shule and Gseran had been asked to take a surreptitious look at Cadomai, to investigate allegations that the planet's Sith background had to do with Ession-related plans.
He knew the impression he'd make as he came into sight of Gseran -- he was in dire need of a haircut, and his robes had been patched heavily. A long fall through broken branches on Kashyyyk hadn't helped with that at all.
"Morning," he said sleepily. "You must be Master Gseran. I'm Master Windspeaker -- call me Shule -- welcome to Dantooine."
In the wake of the Grandmaster's private declaration that the Jedi Order would no longer be solely affiliated with the Republic, every Jedi within Shule's immediate circle would have some adjusting to do. The Jedi had always relied on private donations and Republic largesse; the latter would soon be gone. Rumor had it the Republic's leadership was screaming conspiracy, and considering Shule had spent enough time as the Order's Grandmaster and spymaster to get his own opinion of the Republic, he didn't doubt the rumors were true. Probably invented or guessed, but probably true nonetheless. Off at the Dantooine enclave, where Shule and his closer associates didn't actually take the Jedi stipend, belt-tightening would manifest mainly as fewer Jedi visitors with the funds to pay for the Jal Shey attire that kept the lights on.
Those lights flickered as Shule came up out of the archives to greet the lonely enclave's newest visitor. What little he'd seen of her file suggested she was out of her time; he'd met more than one like that. Whether that meant she was used to government sponsorship of the Jedi or a much looser relationship -- that depended largely on her. Those trends had shifted radically, sometimes year by year or month by month, over the course of the old days.
That, and people made their own choices based on modern circumstances as much as on experience. Perhaps Callista Gseran would be a Republic apologist, declaring that the only true Jedi served only the Republic. Perhaps she would be more cosmopolitan, or have another allegiance entirely.
What mattered, for the moment, was that she was connected to the Levantine Sanctum's loose-knit patrol network, the spacers and Forcers who supported the defense and patrol forces of Levantine Free Space. Every once in a while, the Sanctum asked for a little extra, a priority mission.
Gseran would have been briefed. The planet Cadomai had a very extensive history with the Sith, or rather the last few years had seen at least four Dark Side groups express profound interest in the place. Currently, it was Ession-influenced, and Ession was an ally of the SJO, whose relationship with the nearby Sanctum generally boiled down to 'you do you.' Ession's Jedi Lords and penchant for fielding Dark Side-affiliated ground forces had raised a few question-marked flags in Sanctum worlds' command structures. Shule and Gseran had been asked to take a surreptitious look at Cadomai, to investigate allegations that the planet's Sith background had to do with Ession-related plans.
He knew the impression he'd make as he came into sight of Gseran -- he was in dire need of a haircut, and his robes had been patched heavily. A long fall through broken branches on Kashyyyk hadn't helped with that at all.
"Morning," he said sleepily. "You must be Master Gseran. I'm Master Windspeaker -- call me Shule -- welcome to Dantooine."