Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old Heirlooms [PM to join]

Atlas Kane


Two pieces of steel, two blades. That was what Hayato would make today. Two powerful blades out of those he had found on his home planet, Rysil II. At the moment those blades were simple steel, forged by one of his ancestors long ago, before Hayato’s grandfather was even born. The blades were in pretty bad shape when Hayato had found them. He had to polish the blades with special oil first, to get rid of the rust that had completely covered the surface. Then he had to sharpen the blade’s edge, which took a while and was quite the tedious task. Hayato had insisted on doing all of the work on his own, to keep the tradition of his family, since he had found a Holocron near the blades that was made by one of his ancestors. It described exactly what those blades were and what they stood for. It also explained what the Moto-clan was doing with the blades. The parents were supposed to give the blades to their children once they were worthy, but in Hayato’s case, that didn’t happen. His father passed away when Hayato was still young and the same day he had also lost his mother. It was a tragic event in Hayato’s life, one that he would never forget, but one that he needed to remember.

Hayato was sitting on a small cushion on a small hill on Dantooine. Next to him was a small blanket laid out on which two metal blades were laid out and next to them was Hayato’s Templar Armor. Near him was also a large boulder which was flattened on one side and kind of resembled a table. Hayato was here, meditating on the Force. He did so to prepare himself for what he was going to do next, which was use the training he had received in Art of the Small to toughen up the Blades that had been passed down from generation to generation.

@[member="Talon Vosra"]
@[member="Hayato"] -san

Dantooine...a place that held a dark memory of days gone by. Once when Talon was a young apprentice, before Metalorn, before Bastion, before the Jedi, he had come here to this place. Not far away from the tall grasses that danced beneath his pale hands there was an enclave. It was ruins now, but it had held a small lightside cult and Talon along with three others had come. His eyes closed against the memory as regret welled up in him. The three young Sith had left nothing. Even the younglings had been killed. Talon's sith sabers had been made on this very world and washed in the blood of the innocent.

His emerald eyes opened as he looked skyward and drew a steadying breath. His armor had been made with materials from a vault they had found and many of his teicks had been used on this very plain to kill stragglers. It had all been wiped from the records of course as many things were, but his memory held strong, and he wouldn't ever forget. The debt he owed the force was great. The Force made life and life fed the force to take all those lives was an assault on the force and Talon felt his debt everyday. He buried it behind a mask of humor and flirtations but at the end of the day, it was the topic of much meditation.

He saw in the distance on a hill where Talon had once made his sabers and would do so again only now he would do it as a Jedi. On that faithful hill sat a figure and Talon could feel him in the force already. Talon took another breath and slowly moved forward. It was a long walk and Talon fought the urge to use the force to hide his approach. It was an old habit from another life. Soo. He came close and watched the man. He didn't speak he would wait for the man and then he would see where the force took them.

Atlas Kane

A long time had passed since Hayato had begun to meditate. He was now in a deep state of meditation, almost completely oblivious to the world surrounding him. It was a state of calm, tranquility and peace. A state in which he could concentrate better and this state would be required for what he would do next. He would need to focus on what Josiah Denko, the man who had taught him and Krest the Art of the Small technique, had told him the day they had made their first altered metal bars, which they were supposed to make a sword out of. Hayato had picked up a lot that day and the whole process was labour intensive, so he had prepared a lot of food for afterwards. After another short while of meditation he thought it was time. The man started to concentrate on the Force. He was trying to condense his Force signature, just like Master Denko had taught him. This was still not a very easy task. It took a while and a lot of concentration, but he made progress. He imagined just like Master Denko had told him, he imagined he was squeezing together a lump of clay. Bit by bit his Force Presence shrunk, not all at once, but over a longer period of time, until it was almost microscopically small. This had been the first step, the next would be to alter the molecular structure of the swords lying next to him, which would not be an easy task.

He grabbed one of the metal swords which were near him and balanced it on his knees. He rested his left hand on it, then he took a piece of his armor made from Phrik and started concentrating on it. He wanted to see the molecular structure of the metal, try to see it so he can shape the metal that comprised the sword into a similar structure. After a while, he managed to see what he had seen under Master Denko's guidance. The structure of the Phrik he was holding in his hand. Then, he looked at the blade he was holding in his other hand. He saw its structure as well. Now that he could see both, he altered the structure of the regular metal, to mimic that of Phrik. It was quite labour intensive and it took him a good while, but he managed to do it. The regular metal now had a similar structure to Phrik. Not the same, mind you, but a similar. It had been the second step in this process and it was quite the hard part to pull off, but it would have to be done again. Hayato put the altered sword back and instead took the other. He had to re-concentrate and repeat the whole process. It would be a miracle if he didn't pass out afterwards. Soon, this blade was altered too and he could move on to the next step.

This step was the one Hayato had struggled with a bit under Master Denko's guidance. He had struggled with it because he had not known how exactly to pull it off, but by now, he had done some research into the subject and now he should be able to pull it off. This part was the inversion of the swords polarity. For this step he placed the piece of Phrik armor back to where it was before and instead took both blades into his hands. He needed to feel the blade's magnetic field to pull this part off. This was in itself not that hard of a part, since it took concentration and in this mindset and after this much meditation, Hayato had a lot of concentration. The hard part was reversing the polarity. It took him quite the concentration and it took a lot of time until he had figured out how exactly to do it this time, but then it was done. He had sort of figuratively 'pulled a sock inside out' to quote Master Denko. Now the Blade would be able to resist blaster bolts and Lightsabers. This was the most important part of this process.

He moved on to the last part, the part during which he would personalize the blade. This part was the easiest and least difficult. In this final step Hayato had to meditate on the blade as he would on a Lightsaber crystal until he achieved the desired effect. The effect was to make the blade a beacon of the Light Side of the Force, which would manifest itself in a way that was visible to everyone. It could range from a cloud of flame, sparks or just a simple colour change. That last part would signify that the process was complete and that the blade could finally be used. So Hayato meditate on the blades. He sat there for a long time, it took him quite a lot of meditating. It was just like the first time he had tried it. A long while of meditation and then whoosh and the blades started to have an aura. It was a light blue mist-like aura that mimicked the wind. It was a beautiful addition to the blades, one that reflected what Hayato had wanted for the blades. He had finally completed the process. It took him a long while and he was quite exhausted, but he had finished the process. He then put both blades aside, reached behind him, into a small bag and pulled out a small box with food in it. He moved his cushion and the blanket so that they were next to the big rock and so that they were facing the sunset and then he just slumped down. He wanted some time to relax after what he had completed and this was the perfect opportunity, he had a feeling that this moment would not last long however, so he made the best of it and enjoyed it.

@[member="Talon Vosra"]

Talon moved alone to sit on the opposite side of the boulder he thought of as table rock. The other man began continued his meditaions while Talon sat to begin his. He removed his brown cloak and laid it on the ground in front of him and he sat crossed on the ground. He removed several components from his belt as well as two cylindrical casings. All was laid out in precise order in front of him as he removed the one small solari crystal he had taken from Rhen Var and the other, a standard yellow, he had received from his friend when he decided to become a Jedi investigator.

He lay the crystals down in their proper place and began his focusing meditation. Slowly the crystals rose as he began the process of imbuing them with the force and bonding them to him.

As the unknown man began his feverish work of crafting his blades the crystals that hovered before the jedi began to glow. One the yellow shown like burnished gold while the clear Solari began to turn a deep blue. How long his focusing lasted was lost to him while his every fiber became engrossed in the task of finishing the process.

Of his talents telekinesis was likely his greatest and for one who hoped to master the Niman form it was a great boon. He focused now on the components before him. If he made even one mistake the entire effort would have to begin again. The components rose together and slowly the saber with the yellow crystal began to come together. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he assembled the first saber while holding the other components aloft. In minutes or perhaps hours the first was done and laid down as the second started to come together. His brow furrowed as he concentrated and his mouth opened to inhale deeply as fatigue began to set in.

At last the work was done and he opened his emerald eyes. The sabers rose to his tired hands and he slowly got to his feet. The other man was already sitting with food before the rock and Talon walked over to sit across from him.

Talon felt no malice directed his way and had the man wanted to kill him he would have been an easy target. The Jedi knelt down and took out a small food capsul and a small container of water and looked at the Man.

"May I join you?" He asked.

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