Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Oksana



Age: 42
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 1.78m
Weight: 63.5kg
Force Sensitive: No


With short dark brown hair, piercing green eyes and fair skin, Oksana would be a pretty lady if she wanted to. However her line of work calls for cargos, armored vests, shirts, tanks and jackets normally black in keeping with her steel-toed combat boots. Long, fingerless leather gloves protect her hands, wrists and forearms.


*Double-bladed axe (submission coming soon!)
*Blaster Pistol (2)
*Ascension Gun
*Dagger (2)
*Lockpick Set
*Cole's Requiem


A hardened and experienced smuggler and thief, Oksana keeps to herself most of the time. Her friends are few and far between, but this is not due to a disregard of getting close to anyone, but moreso due to the want to protect people from becoming collateral damage. Her trades of choice have painted a target on her back and those of her friends. Oksana won't shy away from a drink or a brawl if the ocassion calls for it. Nor will she shed a tear for spilling another's blood. Some might deem her cold, but really she has built an emotional barrier to keep her from appearing vulnerable. Oksana values routine when it comes to embarking on another job. So much so that it is nearly a superstition. The way that she packs up her gear, studies the targeted location, preps her ship for departure; one might think that she was a soldier preparing for a secret mission. But really Oksana is mentally preparing herself for what lies ahead.


*Hand-to-hand combat
*Skilled with an axe
*Skilled pilot
*Great aim




Born on Corellia, Oksana's older brother Cole practically raised her. Their parents worked in the shipyards for long hours which left their two kids to entertain themselves. And that they did! Cole ran with a rag-tag group of misfits that broke into various vehicles, lockboxes and eventually small businesses to steal whatever they could that could be sold for some credits. Oksana often shadowed them and picked up on a few tricks of the trade. Her shadowing wasn't always welcomed however, and that often led to quite a few bruises. Not wanting his kid sister to always be a punching bag, Cole taught Oksana how to handle herself in a fight. On the days that she couldn't follow, Oksana honed her skills on breaking into lockboxes, storage units and pretty much anything with a lock.

Over the years the two bonded and worked together on a number of jobs breaking into vaults, temples and tombs. Sometimes it was just the two of them and at other times there were four. Nearly every job came with some kind of clash; whether it was the authorities or rival teams or bounty hunters looking to cash in. Either way their success rate was close to 85%.

Going after Sith artifacts was a gamble that they shouldn't of taken. Yet Cole was over confident and allowed that to cloud his judgement. That cockiness and promised payout blinded him from the risk. Oksana would rather forget the events that led to her brother's death. She either changes the subject, walks away or has a drink. Survivor's guilt hangs heavy on her. Oksana wear's his necklace as a constant reminder not only of him, but of what could happen if she gets sloppy.

Cole often spoke of a hidden treasure worth billions. In fact it was often told to her as a bedtime story. The details of it are sketchy, but he had written down a bookload of notes written in some kind of code that Oksana has yet to crack. She knew it as a kid, but now? Now she struggled to remember. While inbetween jobs, Oksana pours over both Cole's notes and her own hoping that one day she'll decipher it and find the treasure that her big brother had dreamed of.

That goal keeps her going.

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