Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oh Not Again...


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Everywhere she went now, Kay was being monitored. Not only was she watched by spies working for bounty hunters, and the Hutt Cartel, but she was also being watched by G.R.I.M. on orders of the Prime Minister. It seems that some of her choices have gotten her into trouble. A couple of rules were broken and now she had to be on her best behaviour. Well it was far better than being put on trial and potentially being executed.

She finished up her day's work at her office in the Capital, and was now on her way to report in for the night. It was now her new routine and at times it was annoying, especially when she just wanted to sleep. But there was none to blame but herself.

Kay sat inside one of the transports and just stared out the window, almost bored but a little sad with how things have turned out.
The Shard Jedi hunter watched as the man slowly collapsed, hitting the floor with a thud. The man was one of the many spies tailing [member="Lady Kay"], and he had kindly told the hunter where he could find this woman. Of course, despite the man's generosity, Fumi'cultro could not have afforded to allow him to live.

The rain splattered against the hunter's helmet as the mellow breeze zipped through the streets. However, Fumi'cultro ignored this, setting his sights on the transport that he had just witnessed the woman enter from across the street. Unfortunately (at least for Fumi'cultro), he was unable to bring his sonic launcher along with him for this particular target.

Instead, he substituted the launcher with a simple DL-44. The DL-44 was small, but incredibly effective and relatively easy to conceal. Slowly, the hunter's hand drifted down to the Bantha-hide holster at his hip. Slowly, it unlatched the holster, placing a hand on the weapon as it slowly removed it, slowly proceeding to approach the transport.

Shoving a civilian off to the side, the Shard slowly climbed into the transport, examining the passengers on board. DL-44 in hand, Fumi'cultro turned towards the driver, slowly raising his blaster. "Drive.", was all the Shard said, his voice coming out in a robotic, slightly high-pitched voice. The driver stared in disbelief as he quickly obeyed the Shard's demands, quickly speeding off.

Unhurriedly, the Shard spun around, raising the DL-44. "I am looking for one who goes by the name Lady Kay. If this name ​corresponds with you, please stand up."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay looked up from the window and raised a brow at [member="Fumi'cultro"] as he requested she stand up. The voice was almost comical, but the fact that he had a weapon drawn made it less funny.

She clenched her jaw. Some in the transport looked at her as they knew who she was. But Kay didn't want to stand up, even though he had said 'please'. She had surrendered herself before and it didn't work out well. Why would today be any different?

Kay had an idea. She whispered to the person next to her, "If we all get up and run to the exits, we'll all escape. Pass it along." She gave the same message to those in front and behind her. Soon everyone was whispering to eachother.

Now to see what the helmeted one will do...
The Shard watched as the passengers began whispering to each other. Slowly, the Shard spun around, turning towards the driver. "Turn right.", The Jedi Hunter muttered, slowly proceeding to examine the crowd. The Shard slowly began to burst into a high-pitched, robotic cackle. Abrubtly, the cackle came to a halt as it raised it's DL-44, blasting a nearby passenger. The passenger hit the floor with the thud. Screams of terror shot through the air, slowly the Shard raised the blaster, pointing the weapon in the direction of a panicked woman seated in the back. Placing it's finger on the trigger, Fumi'cultro slowly applied pressure to the trigger.

A bright bolt of blue shot through the transport, striking the random woman in the jaw which killed her instantly. "Again, I am looking for one who goes by the name of Lady Kay! If this name corresponds with you, PLEASE. STAND. UP!", The hunter barked in anger.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The second blaster bolt whizzed past her. She half expected this to happen,but didn't want it to. Kay clenched her jaw and got to her feet. Though there were many passengers already on their feet in their panicked state, some of them banging on the doors. "I'm here!...I'm here.."

She gripped the strap of her satchel and frowned. "If you've come to try to collect on my bounty, I'll have you know that they are not valid here....Only in Hutt Space."

[member="Lady Kay"]

Fumi'cultro slowly raised his blaster, directing it directly towards the woman. "I was intending it to transport you there...However, I could settle for a corpse.", the Shard squeaked, slowly approaching the woman. "I am sure you are aware how much those Hutts are willing to pay for you, correct?", The hunter inquired, suddenly bursting into laughter.

"Driver! Take us to the nearest spaceport.", The Shard ordered the driver.

(Sorry for the short post!)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay narrowed her eyes slightly, yet remained still, not even looking at [member="Fumi'cultro"] as he spoke to her. "I am aware...." She tightened her grip on her satchel. This wasn't fair. She was supposed to be safe outside of Hutt space. Maybe Thraxis and the Jackals put him up to this. Where were the Republic guards and agents when she needed them?

"You know...I'm sure that the authorities have already been contacted. These shuttles do have panic buttons on them afterall. So no matter where you go....they'll be there waiting." Or so she hoped at least. This hunter was bolder than the rest. He might prove to be a real challenge.

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