Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oh my, a girl, oooh, ho-ho-ho-ho, eeek [Ærin Firebrand]

Doctor Yan Korab

Midvinter Ranger and Medic (Neutral Good)
[member="Ærin Firebrand"]


It was a greying day on Midvinter, the sun was hidden behind clouds of perpetual dusk, there was light snowfall with chances of brief blizzards, and an off-worlder would freeze in about 10 minutes or so. So pretty much it was a sunny day by Midvinter standards.

Anyway, Yan was in the depths of one of the many forests on Midvinter, so deep and out of the way he was the name of the forest would be unknown, for there was scarce any that went that far into the thicket to name the location.

Clad in his usual darker garbs and cloaks he was kneeling, his beak mask laying on the ground next to him, packed with few fresh lilac-like flowers he was able to find in the forest, it was in the Midvinter's medics belief that their smell would warden off sickness that traveled through the air. The man would mutter to himself, his eyes closed and his form rocking slightly in prayer mixed with meditation. The hood of his cloak was pulled over the mess of black hair that adorned his head, the slow-falling snow would gather on it to make it sheen slightly in the scarce light that hit upon the small clearing.

Yan would extend his hands to his sides, gathering upon his inner strength and will, he would reach out to the forest around him, feel the life unseen pulse through it, through the soil, through the plants, he would feel the roots beneath and reach out to them with his own current of life. What he thought was magic granted to him by the Goddess of Earth, Runa, was in fact Force. Either way it did get results as the Doctor's ritual inspired growth in the roots beneath the surface, and as the new branches of the plant's tendrils begun to spread, he was able to shape them.

It would not be long before they begun to break the surface, raising slowly towards the sky as masses of roots twined together slowly to form stronger structures, a doorway-like structure begun to form before the Doctor, the woven natural quill of strong plant fibers guided by his hands, and Force through them.

It was during this work that he especially listened to the Forest around him, in case somebody would begin to make his way towards him, in case somebody would notice him. Fearing repercussion and being accused of witchcraft, the Doctor preferred for his gifts to become elusive, undiscovered.

And so, in this state of alert and paranoia he would continue to sculpt his work, planning to make an arch out of the roots running beneath the forest below which he could make an altar and complete the shrine.
[member="Doctor Yan Korab"]

This had been the longest time on Midvinter since she left Exocron and her training. She had been homesick for sometime and she was enjoying being back. BlackWing, her black stallion had returned to her, after she had sent him free, it was like he knew of her return.

Aerin had finished her days hunting and walked with high thick leather boots among the freshly fallen snow. The forest full of abundance .. full of life give resources and now two dear lay over the back of BlackWing. She did not wish to burden him further by adding her weight, and the walk would do her good. Besides there is no hurry, at least .. she had no reason to get back to the galaxy at large. Not yet anyway.

The air crisp bit at her cheeks, giving her a rosey glow, her lips warm with the cold red as berries. Her hood of her fur coat pulled up around her head and her breath issued as white mist as she exhaled. A smile now formed across her face, as she began to play with her breath to see how long she could create the mist. She had only just began this silly game, when she came to a sudden stop.

She stood motionless for a moment her force senses alerting her to the presence of another force user. Yet she felt nothing of ill intent. Her head turned to the right . . her eyes fell on the form of a male figure, clad in dark wear. She could not see what the man was doing, exactly, but he seemed to be building something. Her brow knitted but she moved forward toward this strange creature.

"Good morrow, good Sir", she said in her best cheery voice.

Doctor Yan Korab

Midvinter Ranger and Medic (Neutral Good)
[member="Ærin Firebrand"]

As the arch was completed Yan would stand up, stretching his legs and shaking snow off of his knees, his hands running alongside the woven root pillars as he extended his energy towards it, small buds would begun to appear and unfold as he started to cause the Tree Archway to bloom.

But it was then that something disturbed him, a presence begun to close near his position, a presence stronger than what he felt before, there was not only life in that one, but something stronger still that the Doctor did not understood, or never felt before. It was not sexual attraction as much as Aerin probably wishes to get in his pants, it was the sensation of another being strong in the Force nearing, a sensation Yan has not felt before.

The sensation disturbed Yan so that he scrambled quickly to find his mask, pulling the black concealing headpiece over his head he found some sort of comfort from the sensation of its hardened leathery surface and straps pressing against his skin, the strong smell of flowers and herbs hitting his nostrils from within. He would stay motionless for a bit, trying to feel whether the presence would disappear or pass him. No sign of such happening came to him, in face what he heard was loud breathing noise, what kind of pervert was he dealing with here?! Unknown to him it was not the rasp of some depraved stalker but simply Aerin playing with her breath somewhere off of his position.

Still, the Doctor was determined to finish what he had started, in order to not piss off any gods and loose his magic, and get away from there as fast as he could!

And so, in careful yet hurried movements of his hands, somehow he managed to make that oxymoron a reality, more flowers would begin to bloom over the archway, most of them were white, but other colors could be seen as well. The trick was neither the greatest nor the hardest for him to conduct, but he somewhat felt its toll on him, his energy drained a bit even as he finished decorating the root doorway, his hands then extended towards the ground as roots broke through frozen earth and snow, forming a basin of sorts between the pillars of the arch where offerings were to be made for the prayers.

The Doctor did not had much time to watch his work with satisfaction,

"Good morrow, good Sir"

As cheery as those words may have been, it meant something different to the Doctor, it meant that someone could have seen him in his work, it meant someone could have found out about his powers. It meant that if that someone would want to have him declared for witchcraft among the tribes, they could just as well try to, although it may not have him killed right away, it may lead to more questions, which in turn may lead to trouble.

That's why, as soon as Yan heard those words, he bolted in opposite direction, towards the wall of trees that surrounded his position, away from the voice, past the archway, away from his magical deed and his work.

As he sprinted past the archway, accompanied by the creak of packed snow under his heels, few flowers were tugged on the wind caused by his movements, they floated and twirled in the air, floating in a little dance after the Doctor for a bit.
[member="Doctor Yan Korab"]

Aerin stopped dead in her tracks at the result of her words. The strange man, now masked had bolted for the thickets leaving a trail behind him, that in the snow and the oddity of flowers following his wake.

"Good Sir! I mean you no harm!", she yelled out trying not to disturb him further with a loud voice. However, she could not help but move forward to where he had been working. She let the reins of BlackWing fall to the snow, knowing the horse would not bolt. She walked over to what appeared to be a shrine to the Gods, no doubt, she had seen this in similar ways before today. But not the beauty it.

"Extraordinary", she whispered out loud, as she walked around it admiring. But she too could sense a disturbance in the force, the man attuned to it, that much is certain. It seemed to her more and more of her fellow countryman and woman are. She was once, well still is called witch, having to move from village to village in order to keep her identity and this unknown talent to herself. Until now, she has finally found a place, more accepting of her. She too had not know of where the talent had come from, but now she is away of the Force and what it truly is and what one can do with it's power.

She would go after the man, curiosity more then anything driving her forward. Besides she had a great kill to share if he needed food for his pantry and fill for the cold nights. She followed the fallen flowers until they ended, and then his tracks in the snow. He laboured a little in his path, but still had the Valkyri fleet foot.

Doctor Yan Korab

Midvinter Ranger and Medic (Neutral Good)
[member="Ærin Firebrand"],

During his escape the Doctor would stop behind one of the trees, his back clinging to it as he hid, using the tree as a cover for his slender shape. Yan would slightly tilt his head, listening to the noises of the forest, but hearing no footsteps yet, it seems whoever was following him stopped, surely to have a better look at the altar he has constructed.

It was enough time he needed, turning to the tree he jumped up, reaching out to a nearby branch to grip it tightly and pull himself up, utilizing his acrobatic skills to get a bit of a vantage point, and make his tracks disappear, at least on the ground. Soon enough he would find himself on the strong branch, wood slightly creaking as it would hold up his weight, with another good jump and pull-up he would be higher still, climbing the tree with plenty of ranger experience and training.

He would look to another tree and propel himself in a leap towards it, jumping onto the neighboring tree and catching his balance, moving still he run on the strong branch before leaping once more, to yet another tree.

And so, he begun to run on the branches and trunks of the large trees filling the forest, making his escape above the ground, utilizing his balance and acrobatics to distance himself from his pursuer.
[member="Doctor Yan Korab"]

Normally, Aerin would simply turn and walk away. There are many on Midvinter with eccentric traits and clearly this man is one of them. However, there is something singing on that breeze she now recognises as the Force. Ever speaking to her, whispering and asking her questions of herself and those around her. She could sense the Force within him, and wandered if he knew of it. She once was ignorant of her 'talent', having the label of witch placed on her, simply because of superstitions of others. But she too was afraid of it, never having the name to place to it. Now, she is aware and strong through training.

Her sense informed her he is ahead of her and so she moved toward the feeling letting the force guide her to his direction. Now standing at the base of a tree, the tracks had vanished, no fallen snow to cover them but he was close.

Her focused and felt the pull upward. However she did not lift her head to search the tree tops. She knew he was there but did not want to alarm him further. She whistled for BlackWing to come and soon the black stallion arrived. Aerin, spoke to the horse as she always did. "We shall continue our journey soon enough my old friend, but now rest", she said as she removed all the weight laden on his back, finally the reins and she let her horse run free.

And so Aerin gathered some things from her packs and laid them on the snow. She walked around the area gathering dry wood to begin a fire. Soon the sticks and logs were ignited, she placed some snow in her travel pot to melt for tea. Her pouch full of herbs, taken from the saddle and sprinkled into the warming snow water. Immediately the aroma rose up into the sky.

"Would you care to join me?", she spoke now to the man in the tree tops, but she did not look up, instead she sat cross legged on the ground.

Doctor Yan Korab

Midvinter Ranger and Medic (Neutral Good)
[member="Ærin Firebrand"],

Few twangs of brunches above her head and promptly a layer of snow that would fall aimed at her mane of curly red hair would be a clear sign to Aerin that whoever the man was he did not stayed in one spot too long.

Indeed above her head Doctor propelled himself from one tree to the other, slipping slightly as his body slammed against a neighboring trunk, the ice and snow doing its work as he jerked in a dangle and them moved backs, kicking his legs he would launch like a pendulum to jump to yet farther tree, landing a bit safer in its branches and taking a running start along one of the more sturdy limbs to zoom to another tree, this time slipping on purpose a bit lower, getting himself closer to the ground.

A whistle would be heard and sounds of hooves in the snow as the man's own mount was summoned, as far as Aerin could hear it was only one creature fortunately, and indeed it would follow the man's movements in the treetops.

Another jump and he would catch another branch with his hands, managing to get himself lower as his mount caught up to him and the man swung like pendulum again, aiming for the beast's saddle as he released the branch, unknowingly to him the Force helping him pull off the escape. Still as much as the Force could do for him he gave out a painful groan as he landed, slightly bending in half as he thought to himself,

Need softer saddle, will feel that in the morning.

And with quick movement of his feet he would spurn the beast into movement.

Aerin would feel the hooves moving again but they would not leave just yet, snow crunching beneath the horse, she could hear him circling in the woods around her, a shape seen here or there. Apparently she caught enough of his attention that he was watching her.

"And why should I join a stranger?!"

His voice would call out

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