Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Of Wraiths and Men

Coruscant, the fetid heart of the Republic and the hated Jedi. Thousands of ships orbited her skies daily, so many that it was virtually impossible to track it all down. Thus Daxton's ship, King Henry VIIII, a converted Corellian freight transport drew no special attention. Had anyone bothered to check, it was registered as belonging to the Jensaarai.

Wearing a disguise of simple merchant's robes, he disembarked and locked his ship. The Sith Knight had much business to do on this wretched world and he did not relish coming here one bit.

Pausing to center himself, he surrounded himself with a faint aura which would cause people to not notice him as their eyes and thoughts slid off him as if he were not there. A very simple trick for the weak minded, it would not work on another Force User. Gathering his robes he began his descent to the world below.
Reid was walking to his apartment after a long day of training. He was tired and not really paying attention to his surroundings. He was so anxious to get home that he left his lightsaber at the temple. Not that it would do him much good, he wasn't very skilled with weapons in general. When the first drops of rain began the fall from the sky, he put his hood up and started walking quicker deciding to take a short cut through an alley.
Wrapped up in his own thoughts, Daxton wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings, just another face in the crowd. Passing by the open air markets, he glanced over his shoulder before heading down an alley. The entrance to the lower levels was disguised behind a dumpster, Daxton did not want his presence to be detected passing through the usual entry points which he was sure were under observation.
Reid continued to walk down the alley. It was too dark to see but he could hear footsteps coming up in front of him. Sensing a dark presence, he stepped into a hole in the wall to observe closer. He wasn't thinking with much sense, if it was a dark presence then they would probably attack him. If someone were to attack him then he would be defenseless because he had no weapon, It was too late to turn away now, for the footsteps were already much closer.
Stepping before the dumpster, Daxton muttered, "Open Sesame," as he gestured with a slight waving motion with his left hand. Using the force he shifted the container to reveal an access door with a broken access panel. Pushing it open, he waved his hand again and the dumpster returned into place before shutting the door behind him and descending into the murky depth lit with green lights.
Reid stepped out from his hiding spot. He stared at the dumpster in awe wondering how the man did that. He considered just going home and forgetting about it but something drew him closer to the dumpster. He attempted to open the dumpster but cannot do it. He closed his eyes and focused on the dumpster. He was amazed as the dumpster made room for Reid to pass. He pushed open the door and descended into the green light.
Daxton paused when he heard the door open once again. Either he was being followed or he was imagining things. Moving quickly behind a pillar he waited in ambush to see who would come down the path he had just entered from. He had considered eliminating whoever it was, but information was more important now.
Reid continued to walk down the hallway. All he could think about was the visions that he had been having. He knew this couldn't be it because in the vision there was no green light. Of course he was just saying this to reassure himself. He knew that at any moment he could turn into a room like the one in his vision. Reid stopped suddenly in front of a pillar. He sensed it again. It was a sort of shudder he got throughout his body. He knew something bad was about to happen. He didn't want to be a coward, but he didn't want to be stupid either. He decided that he valued his life and started to run in the opposite direction.
Spotting the boy as he began to run away, Daxton snapped forward with a tentacle of force, wrapping it around his ankles and yanking him to he was hanging upside down. "Well, well, what do we have here?" the sith knight said as he stepped out of the shadows. "Haven't you heard it is impolite to follow people? You could get in all sorts of trouble that way."
Reid stared at the sith. He didn't know how this could happen. He didn't have to worry though. He wasn't destined to die. At least, not in this way. "You're not going to kill me. I can see the future."
"Who said anything about killing? Now is that a good way to start a conversation?" Daxton chided him as he locked gazes with the youth. "How about you tell me your name first before we get too far ahead of ourselves."
Reid was trying to come up with a plan. He couldn't think of anything. He usually works well under pressure but there was no way out of this. He was trapped and the only way to safety was to escape himself. "Put me down!" Reid demanded.
"Why should I? How do I not know you are some sort of criminal? Maybe an assassin even by the shifty look about you. Tell your name and I might let you go." Daxton enjoyed tormenting the young boy a little too much, but he had plenty of time before he had to meet his contact.
"Me a Sith?!" Laughing out loud as if that was the funniest thing in the world. "You have the strangest stories in your head child. If I were a Sith and I am not saying that I am, wouldn't I have cut your throat open by now, or fried you to a crisp or split you open like a melon? Open your eyes padawan and use your brain. Yes you heard me right. A sith will not pause and have a chat, a Sith would kill, crush and destroy, yes? So that probably means I'm not a Sith, right?"

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