Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Now there's green light in my eyes


N'ge'u Valley

There was a reason why Danger Arceneau had a specific interest with Geonosis. Most would figure it was due to the fact that the planet had been the first stepping stone towards getting Arceneau Trade Company out into the Outer Rim. While this held a measure of validity, the truth of the matter was far more personal than that.

Deep in the N'ge'u Valley, amidst the Badlands of N'g'zi, lay a small secret hanger facility owned and operated by Arceneau Trade and overseen by Danger personally. There were no actual sentients, there -- instead there was a fully automated facility that rarely saw any visitors. The few that did had specific coordinates and biometric scans that would allow them entrance.

Saffron, or Spenser Jacobs as the few that had known her prior to her passing, had been the most frequent visitor, with Danger coming few and far in between to check on things herself. Why would anyone pay so much attention to such a wretched and isolated location? It certainly wasn't a foundry, nor was there anything of monetary value that would pique the interest of any excavator.

The hanger itself was a large cavern-like structure with several gas release funnels sprouting from the ground. An adjacent room held a fuel storage. Above the hanger was a small maintenance room used by the singular shuttle, and had a singular entrance. Yet there was another path that would lead deeper into the caverns below.

Beyond the internal security, past thick turadium double doors, lay a small state of the art laboratory. It wasn't much to brag about, save for the neat two rows of four Kamino cloning tubes. All save but one were empty -- the last one at the far end corner, with the subtle faint life sign sensors and brain wave recorders.

The entirety of the small facility was to ensure the seamless upkeep of this singular replicant. Floating in the vat of fluid, the lone feminine figure slept.
This was a trip for her alone. Six would take all concerns in regards to the company, and she had Alisha for help if she so required. Aeri would not join her, but the Zeltron woman knew where to find her. As it was, she seeking to disappear for the next couple of days. Her schedule was booked.

She had an appointment with me, myself, and I.

The small stealth shuttle would be undetected, and the trip to the valley a lengthy one to mull on thoughts. It was midday on Geonoisis, the blazing sun baking the landscape almost akin to Tatooine. A smirk that did not reach her eyes.


Wide green eyes would reflect back at her from the viewport. The image there was not a forgiving one. She wore her age in the crinkles of her eyes, in the corners of her mouth, in the white streaks that would feather against her bright auburn hair. There was no denying Danger Arceneau was a beautiful woman, and the years had been generous to her, maturing her into a striking beauty that seem to emanate bombshell femininity.

However, one is their own worst critic, and Danger would see instead what a lifetime of sacrifices had amounted to. She had money, power, connections from one corner of the ‘Verse to the next. Yet at the end of the day, she was alone. She had reached her goals, but they had come at a high price.

She had become embittered, her ability to trust in ruins, and she held herself at a distance from all, even those she had let in previously. Alric was back, but even then, that lingering wariness would shift in the deep recesses of her mind, reminding her that no one was above breaking a promise.

And Danger didn’t like that.

Cambriele had struck a nerve, making her really consider the future. In the past, Saffron had been the one to personally attend to this particular secret, she took it upon herself much like an older sister taking care of the younger.

With Saffron gone, and the realization that everything could change and trigger in an instant, Danger knew she had to set aside preparations.

She had to be ready.
What makes a sapient who they are?

By what mix of concoctions and equations contains the formula of what encompasses the entirety of a being? Was it a soul? Memories? A sum of experiences? Was it nature? Or was it nurture? The Force?

Danger didn't know; she had no illusions of grandeur when it came to discerning the mysteries of the 'Verse. She could only do what was in her power, what was capable with her hands, and by manner of what determination she so set out for herself.

Where had things gone wrong?

One could point to Noxu. Her childhood best friend. Eventual lover. The first man to betray her. Then there was Narevni. They had an understanding. Private, never public. A relationship of a more baser nature, but an honest one. Still, she'd been cast aside. Then there was Alric.

Alric was a story unto his own.

The details were neither here nor there. Ultimately, was it better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? It was a question that would plague her, writhe through her mind. It made her ponder in introspection. Where she had been. Where she was now.

It all boiled down to trust. What life would cast onto her would ravage flesh and all she had left to do in order to move on was excise what salvageable parts and move on. Inwardly, she knew that each experience brought with it a thicker skin, a gritty determination. A bitterness that had lasted a lifetime.

What did she have to show for it? Nothing.

But she could change that. Not in this lifetime. But in the next.

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