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Approved Tech Novatrooper Armor

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"NovaTrooper" by
Intent: To Create a set of armor unique to the Imperial Novatroopers.

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Restricted Missions: N/A

Primary Source: N/A

Manufacturer: The Galactic Empire

Model: NV-10

Affiliation: The Galactic Empire

Modularity: No

Production: Limited

Classification: Anti-Blaster

Weight: 4Kg

Quality: 3


  • Blaster Proof: This set of Armor hosts multiple layers of protection against blaster fire. The Blast Armor chest plate that is laid over a thin layer of plastoid is backed up by a thin armorweave bodyglove to act as the last line of defense.

  • Utilities: The NV-10 Armor is composed of a few extra systems, to better serve the wearer in his duties. A sensor scrambler, full life support system, and the climate resistance offered by the plastoid composite makes the armor useful in a variety of situations.

  • Toxin/ Environmental Defense: The duties of the Imperial Novatrooper can take them to all manner of worlds for all manner of tasks, the NV-10 Armor was created to reflect the needs of many of these situations. As such, the armor was built to survive extreme environments and filtrate poisons and toxins to allow the user to breathe in fouled air.

  • Lightweight: One of the bigger advantages to the NV-10 is, despite it's complicated Life Support system, it is still extremely light weight and provides excellent mobility.

  • Fast Reboot: EMP/ION weaponry can damage the systems to the armor. Causing malfunctions, Life Support Failings, and systems errors. However those systems can usually (unless suffered kinetic or physical damage) be manually rebooted to their original settings and specs, making them useful once again.
  • Projectile Defense: This armor, while very resistant against blaster fire, can take a very minimal beating from slugthrowers and vibroweapons. Generally able to survive one, occasionally two, rounds from a slugthrower the NV-10 is weak against these weapons.

  • Kinetically unsound: Kinetic damage has a crushing effect on this armor because of the thin materials used in place of more solid, cushioned materials.

  • Expensive: Novatrooper Armor, while not insanely different from standard Stormtrooper armor, is very expensive because of the Life Support Systems utilized in the suit. So much so that the armor is not held in heavy reserve, but often made to capacity of the unit.

  • Difficult Schematics: Even the most experienced of Armorsmiths and Armortechs would find it difficult to modulate or repair the NV-10. Because of that it makes field and deployed repairs nearly impossible. So if a system fails or a piece of the armor is destroyed it must be sent back to it's origin to be fixed.

  • Lightsaber susceptible: As many other Armor systems, the NV-10 can be dispatched quite easily via a lightsaber. Making close quarters combat with a Force User an undesirable method of war while using this armor.

During the reign first Galactic Empire, figureheads and military such as Emperor Palpatine and his Moff leadership saw the need to integrate an effective guard force within the Stormtrooper Corp. These guardsmen would focus on the protection of Imperial and Sith relics, downed or deactivated enemy vessels, and on occasion Imperial Leadership.

Thus, the Novatroopers were born. With training to match that of the Galactic Republic's ARC Troopers they were a skilled and well-versed unit. Because of this they were chosen to be gifted their own Armor systems, in the past the Novatrooper Armor was not much more than a slightly upgraded Stormtrooper kit.

Under the modern Galactic Empire the NV-10 was created to work in conjunction with the unit's impressive training. Making it force the wearers to maintain a standard of skill and resourcefulness, while still providing the tools and systems needed to give them the modern edge.
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