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[NOTICE] Branch Merging

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Tanomas Graf

Within this next week, the two Force-oriented branches of the Imperial Remnant: The Imperial Knights and the Imperial Inquisitorius, will be merged into one united branch called 'The Imperial Templars' or more formally 'The Order of Imperial Templars'.

One key change that will be made with this merging will be a new 'path' progression for Force-Users making their way in the Imperial Remnant. This flowchart below details the new progression from Imperial Initiate all the way to His Majesty himself:


The Beginning
  • Imperial Initiate: The beginning of the Force-User path, all Apprentice/Acolyte/Padawan level force-users start off here and work their way upwards through great effort. From then on are four choices that culminate in ending up in one of three sub-branches.
​The 'Dark Grey' Inquisitor Path
  • Imperial Inquisitor: The Knight-level position of the Inquisitorius sub branch, the Inquisitors focus on dark-sided powers with bladework being secondary. While not dark enough to be classified as Sith, they have earned the alignment of 'dark grey'.
  • Imperial Shadowguard: The 'hybrid' class; whereas Inquisitors focus on the Force, Shadowguards sharpen their work with a blade or a saber. The Shadowguards are responsible for defending High Inquisitors and the Grand Inquisitor himself.
  • High Inquisitor: A Master/Lord-level force-user who has mastered enough of the Dark Side; They are the equivalent in power to a Sith Lord, but they are not weakened by their ambition for power.
  • The Grand Inquisitor: Leader of the Inquisitorius sub-branch, having mastered the Dark Side in its entirety. They may train the next generation of Inquisitors and appoint High Inquisitors. Answers directly to the Emperor.
​The 'Light Grey' Imperial Knights
  • Imperial Knight: The opposite of the Inquisitor, these Knights are chivalrous and work together on the battlefield as Enforcers of the Emperor's Will. Contrary to the Inquisitors, they focus on the Light-side of the Force with bladework, again, being second. They are not Jedi, but they are classified as 'Light Grey' (Not Silver, mind you).
  • Imperial Redguard: The other 'hybrid' identical twin of the Imperial Shadowguard; The Redguards are blade-focused light(ish)-siders that are the opposite to the Shadowguards.
  • Master Knight: Knights whom, like High Inquisitors, have mastered their respective side of the Force. They are experts in light-sided powers and such, but they have not mastered all of it.
  • Grand Master: Leader of the Imperial Knights, master of the Light Side of the Force. Equal to the Grand Inquisitor as well as responsible for training the knights and appointing some as Masters, Answers directly to the Emperor.
​The 'True Grey' Imperial Guard
  • Imperial Shadowguard/Redguard: While technically part of the Inquisitors and the Knights respectively, the Shadowguards and Redguards are actually part of a 'neutral' sub-branch inbetween the others called the Imperial Guard, responsible for protecting the highest ranking members of the Order. Both 'classes' specialize in saber/bladework rather than the Force.
  • Imperial Sovereign Protector: The most elite of the Imperial Guardsmen who have mastered the art of the blade or saber, enough to be assigned to protect the Triumvirate members and even the Emperor himself. There are two variants, Shadowguard Protector and Redguard Protector which are personally trained by the Guard Captain and the other branch leaders.
  • Captain of the Guard: Leader of the Imperial Guardsmen, trains Shadowguards and Redguards as well as the Sovereign Protectors personally to make sure that hose they protect are done so to the best of their potential. Answers directly to the Emperor.
Give me your thoughts! :)
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