Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not So 'Commenor' Anymore - The Power of Industry Grows

[member="Lady Kay"]

Kay had a way of defying expectations. This wasn’t the question she was supposed to open up for.

He knew she had probably given this answer a thousand times before, but to Jorvan this was a small step in the right direction. He didn’t make it obvious, but of course he paid attention to her body language. Her facial expressions, the way she shifted the weight on her feet, the placement of her hands, all were visual clues to help him piece together a puzzle.

The pause in her words didn’t go unnoticed. It was another piece.

“It was....Well, we made a fantastic team."

Yet, another piece.

Those were the only words Jorvan needed to hear to understand what was going on between them. She wasn’t on guard because of anything he said, or the fact that he was a crime lord. No, the reason for her defenses was quite simple. She wasn’t over her husband. He could feel it in her pause. And he could sense it was a lingering problem when she mentioned that she had lost her way for a time after his passing. She was one of those wounded people who were afraid to get close to people, he thought. His younger self. The type of person he was before Julia and Thorin took him in on Deneb and showed him what a real family looked like. There was a time when he too was afraid to let down his defenses, but Julia had broken down those barriers with a cunning smile and a cheeky personality. She didn’t care that he didn’t want her around, she involved herself in his life anyway.

He looked at Kay and thought that maybe she hadn’t found that type of person yet to push aside her stubbornness. He certainly didn’t care to be that person for her, but if that was what it took to get what he wanted from her, he would certainly put on a mask and play the role.

Whatever it took.

That was his motto for everything.

"What about you, Jorvan? What got you onto your career path?"

For some reason, when she asked this question he was still caught up in his thoughts of Julia. He wasn’t sure why he was in the mood to be honest, but since she had opened up a bit, maybe he could do the same?

He ran his thumb over the spot where his wedding ring would have been and said, “To be honest, I’m not so much of a good person like you. I’m more selfish. I like to be rewarded for my hard work.” He looked away from her and stared out a window with a small chuckle. “Everything I’ve done has always been to impress my late wife, I think. The companies I started. The charity work. I’ve always tried to be the person she thought I should be. Honest. Kind. Benevolent. Things I couldn’t normally be without a motive, but for her I tried.” He chuckled. “Oh, I tried.” He ran his hand through his hair and shook his head. “I’m not even sure what dreams are mine anymore at this point. Most of the things I’m working towards were things she wanted me to do.” He wasn’t talking about his criminal activities, but the other things. Like expanding Hatha Industries and the great work that lie in Serenno. His eyes came back to her. “I’m sorry to hear about your husband though.” Jorvan tapped his heart. “There’s a void there that can never be replaced, right?” He offered her a sympathetic expression. “Sorry, I made you bring it up.”

It was an apology he owed himself too, because he didn’t want to conjure up Julia’s memory when he didn’t have to.

He looked towards a small commotion that appeared to be going on in front of the entrance. He smiled at Kay and said, “How about we get some fresh air? Maybe take a look?”


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jorvan Hatha"] admitted to being selfish. She figured that. Like so many others, he had an air about him that told her that he was used to getting whatever he wanted. But still within the polite conversation, Kay was still trying to determine what his motive was. What reward was he seeking from her? Perhaps nothing more than a business contract? No. It couldn't be that simple.

Jorvan was a widower? That explains Amanda trying to talk him up earlier. It was another thing that the two had in common. But more than likely he found it easier than she did. He had his daughters, a part of her was alive and well. Kay and her husband had no children of their own. Her satchel was the last physical reminder of him. Everything else was gone, including the lightsaber that he had crafted for her. That was recently stolen and destroyed by a bounty hunter.

Something he said made her wonder about him even more. He couldn't be a good person without a motive. So what was he like otherwise? Again she thought of that look in his eyes when he had stepped towards her earlier. Perhaps his charity work and even his business might be a front for something.

As he apologized and sympathized to such a big loss, she nodded a little, offering up a small smile. "It's okay to talk about it from time to time. It is tough though on some days. Today just isn't one of those days. I'm not as sad as I once was."

Kay raised a brow as she peered over to the increasing noise level coming from the front entrance once Jorvan brought it up. Was someone being refused entry? "All right. I'd hate for a fight to break out. Some people have short tempers." She let him lead the way, partly due to a lack of trust, and partly to not hurt his pride and prevent him from stepping into a dangerous situation first.
[member="Lady Kay"]

As Kay followed behind him, Jorvan wondered what the hell was going on. He had arranged for a commotion to happen later, but now wasn’t the time yet. He still wanted to wait more until he had Kay’s favorable opinion before he set those things in motion.

Amanda’s voice greeted them as they got closer to the gathering crowd. “Jorvan darling, let me have a word with you.” She offered Kay a polite smile before she dragged Jorvan aside and whispered in his ear, “You’re getting sloppy, love.” She tapped Jorvan’s chest playfully and then she nodded in the direction of the entrance. “Before I have to step in, mind telling your little girlfriend to leave for me? I would have called the cops but…..” There was a certain look of amusement in Amanda’s eyes. “But she insists that you invited her here.” Amanda covered her mouth with a chuckle. “Please, hurry up and shoo that little riff raff out of here. She smells like death sticks and cigarettes.” Amanda gave Jorvan a push towards the entrance, but Jorvan only looked at her confused. “Just go,” Amanda told him. Jorvan was hesitant, but when he heard a person’s voice shout out, “Jorvan Hatha, I know you’re in there!” his feet started to carry him in that direction.

He spared a glance in Kay’s direction, but he honestly didn’t what to tell her. Fortunately, Amanda gave him a wink, and as she moved to engage Kay in a conversation -- and hopefully to lead her away somewhere else, Jorvan headed for the center of the commotion.

“Finally, you showed up. It took you long enough.”

A teen in a hoodie and a miniskirt, blew out a ring of smoke in his direction, and he only stared at her like she had lost her mind.

Who are you? he asked her.

He got a bit closer and regarded her clothes with a slight suspicion. It was possible she was a member of the Red Wave, but even if she was, his people knew better than to associate with him in public. They knew the rules. They knew how the game had to be played and yet this random girl was standing before him, shouting for his attention.

“What do you want?” he said.

The teen didn’t answer. Instead, she whispered something into a comlink and a few seconds later, a trio of similar dressed people entered the restaurant, carrying musical instruments, and sporting cocksure smiles.

Jorvan ran a hand over his face, and didn’t dare think that what was happening was really about to happen. They didn’t possibly think that this was the place to-

“You said in your commercials that anyone could live out their dreams at Lusha,” the teen said. She picked up the guitar that was by her legs. “And in an interview you said you would always lend your ear to talent, no matter the time. No matter the place.” She put out her cigarette and slung her guitar over her chest. The two guys and the girl behind her started to plug in their equipment and set up shop.

Jorvan couldn’t believe that this was really about to happen.

“Listen to us like you listened to Reiya on that street corner,” the teen told him.

“You know the difference between a street corner and a upscale restaurant right?”

The teen shrugged her shoulders. “You listened to Kyla on the subway. You can listen to us now.”

Jorvan covered his face to suppress a laugh, the boldness with this one, he normally would have liked her spirit but now wasn’t the-

“Let’s get the show started,” the teen said.

Before Jorvan could protest, a peculiar sound started to fill the air, and every eye and ear turned in their direction.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Another raised brow as Amanda took [member="Jorvan Hatha"] to the side. With the way Amanda was acting, things seemed to be fine. But the looks on Jorvan's face seemed to be of utter confusion.

But then Amanda was on her way to Kay and had pulled her away, asking about her new job and of all the businesses therein. It was time for them to do a bit of a catch up, but as Kay spoke, both risked glances towards the entrance when they thought the other wasn't looking.

And then the group of four kids took out their instruments and started to play. The crowds seemed to part for them, leaving Kay to stand there with Amanda. Jorvan had an entertainment company, didn't he? Maybe these kids were auditioning. Or maybe Amanda hired them to get everyone to dance? It wasn't exactly her style, but there were other clients that Amanda was catering to that might have appreciated such a performance. Kay wasn't sure who they were, but she didn't mind their music at all, which was evident by the tapping of her foot to the beat.
[member="Lady Kay"]

They had a sound that he hadn’t heard in a long time. It was that Fifth Ward, Coruscant type of sound. That type of music he might have heard at Luca’s Juke Joint or the pool hall over on Rumkin Street. He could almost feel like he was transported back to 838 ABY, when him and Flex were just coming up in the game. They were wild back then. Busting off rounds at the Ralea Crime Family, pulling capers, stirring up chit with the Mandos. Yeah, a song like this might have playing from their stereo as they roamed the streets back then. The Fifth Ward always had that old school feel to it. That vibe. As he listened to them, Jorvan thought that they would have fit in perfectly. They had the look. They had the sound. And most certainly they had the attitude to "go out and get it", which was the only code that the residents of the Fifth Ward abided by.

They were exactly the type of talent that Jorvan was looking for. Someone that could remind Lusha of its Fifth Ward roots.

As they concluded their song – to the applause of no one, Jorvan was the only person who seemed to enjoy their performance, although he didn’t let it show it on his face. Instead, he observed their composure, as they met a silent crowd of onlookers, who looked visibly annoyed that their afternoon tea time was being disturbed by a group of hooligans.

Jorvan was impressed that the teens didn’t seem to give a ****.

“So are we signed or are we signed?" the teen said. "Don’t even try to front. You know we killed it.”

They did, but Jorvan was hesitant to give her ego any compliments.

“What’s your name?” he asked her instead. He still looked unimpressed, but the teen could tell where this was going. This was her victory and the look in her eyes told him she knew it.

She pulled out a pair of tickets and shoved them into his hands with an arrogant smile. “Find out tonight,” she winked.

Jorvan opened his mouth to say something but her eyes were already looking elsewhere. He followed her gaze and was surprised to find her staring in Amanda’s direction. Or maybe it was Kay’s? He didn’t have time to dwell on it, because she suddenly starting heading in their direction, mean-mugging away the waiters and waitresses who tried to get in her way.


He could feel Amanda telling him to do something about this, but Jorvan only met her eyes with a shrug. What did Amanda want him to do? Manhandle her out of here? That wasn’t likely when he was trying to convince Kay that he was harmless. He followed behind her though, just to make sure she didn’t do anything crazy.

When she stopped in front of Kay and Amanda, it was Kay who got her full attention.

The teen grinned as she said, “I still remember you clearly from that day, Ms. Senator. Back on Sleheryon, near those cages.” She got a bit closer and offered her hand. “I never got a chance to thank you back then, but I’m thanking you now.” She offered Kay a mischievous smile to go with the handshake. “And I’m also thanking you for my brother. You might not remember him, since he’s a pretty quiet and forgettable person.” She snorted a little at her own joke. “But when you gave him that key, you gave him something else besides freedom.” The teen tapped her chest. “You gave him a little heart. He’s still out there rescuing slaves just like you now. Just like you how you rescued us. And-” She scratched the back of her head. “I don’t know, just thanks or whatever.”


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay liked the song. But it was clearly too much for the other guests. Amanda was obviously not very pleased. Kay just gave her a small smile. "Every youngling wants to be famous..."

And then the young woman stepped across the room towards them, with [member="Jorvan Hatha"] following close behind. Again she was called by her former title. Just what did she have to do to change that? Maybe it'll stick with her forever. No point in correcting people unless she was in a political atmosphere.

When the young woman spoke and held out her hand, Kay brightened her expression a little as she smiled. She had never been thanked in such a way by former slave captives before. And the tale of her brother's exploits gave her a sense of pride and accomplishment. So she really was making a positive difference in the Galaxy. "You're most welcome. It is good to see that you are able to chase your dreams, and your brother too. Please send him my good wishes when you hear from him next. And that was a great song that you played, though I don't think that it suited everyone. Shall we go outside and leave everyone to their meetings?" Kay had warmed up to the young woman rather quickly, afterall, the musicians intentions were out in the open and were innocent. While Jorvan's true intentions were still unknown to her.
[member="Lady Kay"]

The teen had come here to see Jorvan, but to Jorvan, he could have easily been the side dish. He watched as the teen took in Kay’s compliment with a surprised expression. There was something about the way her face lit up that made him smile a bit. It was clear that the teen held Kay in high regard. More so than him, who was probably just a stepping stone to her, although Jorvan couldn’t blame her for her mindset. It was good that she hungry for stardom.

He stood beside Amanda, as the teen said, “That sounds good to me. We should hang out a bit. Maybe a laugh a little about how we almost died a time or two back then.” The teen shot a look in Amanda's direction and crinkled her nose. “And, I can tell Ms. Stick-up-her-”Jorvan coughed loudly to make her rethink her words. Amanda narrowed her eyes, as if she dared the teen to continue. The teen rolled her eyes. “Yeah, let’s ditch this place. Being around these fake people in here makes me want to gag anyway.”

As her and Kay started to leave, Jorvan leaned into Amanda’s ear. “Satisfied now? She’s leaving.”

“Not after causing a ruckus first.” Amanda frowned. “I think you planned this little stunt on purpose. Is this your way of getting back at me for last time?” Last time referring to the time she tricked him into attending a fundraiser, under the pretense that someone he wanted to meet would be there.

Jorvan laughed, “Does it look like I planned this? She’s walking off with the person I’m supposed to be seducing, remember?”


“You know what I mean. I’m trying to get her on my side.”

“Un huh.” She accepted a cup of tea that was offered to her by a waiter. As she brought the cup to her lips, she said, “Are you sure it’s okay to leave it like this?”

Jorvan shrugged his shoulders. “Seems like a A and B type conversation. There’s no rush. And anyway-” Jorvan’s eyes bounced between Lady Kay and the teen. “Seems like a touching reunion don’t you think? What are the odds of those two finding each other?”

“I don’t know but I wished it would have happened elsewhere.” Amanda started to go off into a rant about increasing security and hiring waiters who weren’t afraid to “throw hands” at unruly guests.

Jorvan was listening to her, but as he did, his eyes were on Kay and preparing for his next game plan. It wasn’t until he happened another glance in the teen’s direction, when he realized that maybe letting those two be alone wasn’t such a good idea.

The teen had caught the way of how he was looking at Kay, and the grin on her face, told him nothing good could come of it. Especially if she was hip to the business practices that went on behind closed doors at Lusha.

He looked at Amanda and said, “On second thought, I think I’ll join them.”

Meanwhile, the teen had moved closer to Kay and whispered, “I think Mr. Hatha here whose approaching us, might be afraid of something I might say to you. Maybe we should mess with him a bit?” She looked over her shoulder at Jorvan who was getting closer. He looked visibly annoyed that she was whispering something in secret. “Oh, he’s nervous. How about we pretend like I told you something incriminating? A man like him has secrets you know. I know of a few rumors but-” She tapped her mouth playfully. “Since I want him to sign me, I should probably keep my mouth shut on those shouldn’t I?”

As Jorvan finally approached them, Jorvan smiled, “I hope you ladies don’t mind if I join you? You mentioned Sleheryon and-” The teen started to snort with laughter. She elbowed Kay in the side playfully and whispered, “See, what I tell you? So predictable.” Jorvan continued on as if he didn’t notice their whispering,“-and I wouldn’t mind hearing about such a tale. Had a few run ins with the slavers there myself,” Jorvan said truthfully, although he was leaving out the part where he didn’t go there to rescues slaves, but just for a few random drug deals.

He thought the teen might have knew this lie because she suddenly smiled, “Oh I’m sure you did, Mr. Hatha. Oh, I’m sure. I was just telling Lady Kay here about some of the things I heard about you, actually.” She looked at Kay with a mischievous wink. “Isn’t that right, Ms. Senator?”

Jorvan’s eyes shifted to Lady Kay, as he raised his eyebrow. Did she really know something that he didn’t want her to know?


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
As she walked with the teen, Kay hooked her arm around hers. Sure she got a few disapproving looks, but she was helping to get everything back to normal and leaving the others to their meetings.

Kay raised a brow as the teen whispered in her ear, risking a glance over her shoulder to [member="Jorvan Hatha"] just in time to catch the expressions on his face. He did seem to be hurrying after them. But what the teen spoke of caused her to wonder just who he was, exactly. He shouldn't worry about rumours, but something told her that she wouldn't like what she might hear. But she decided to play along anyways, even though she was a horrible liar. "I'll follow your lead..."

Jorvan soon approached, seeming very interested in learning of what they were talking about. At least they were already outside and onto the sidewalk, though she had no idea of where they were going just yet. "Predictable indeed. You were right that he loves a good adventure. It certainly gives him ideas for his -devious- plots." In her mind she imagined him using the tales of her missions for his own. "I hear that such tales are perfect for wooing the ladies." No doubt they were making him feel a little uncomfortable. Kay looked to the teen and gave her a little wink, hoping that she was doing a good enough job.
[member="Lady Kay"]

At this point, Jorvan would have signed the teen to Lusha just to make her life miserable. The teen had a cheeky smile as Kay said, “Predictable indeed. You were right that he loves a good adventure. It certainly gives him ideas for his devious plots. I hear that such tales are perfect for wooing the ladies." And after Jorvan heard this, he knew this teen was determined to be a headache.

This was some way to treat a person you were trying to get hired by, but maybe the teen had did her research, and knew that he had a soft spot for people like her? It didn’t matter though, because no matter what she said, Jorvan knew he could get the ball back in his court. It didn’t matter what the teen had told Kay, as long as Kay had ears to his hear his words, then he knew he could game her like he did the rest. It was only a matter of getting this teen away because he knew she would be a problem.

Jorvan regarded the two women with an innocent smile. It was cute they thought they were putting him on the spot like this.

“Wooing the ladies, you say?” Jorvan got a bit closer while he crossed his arms. His smile a bit humorous. “Is that the impression you think I’m giving off? That I’m trying to seduce you, Lady Kay?” It was true in certain ways, but of course, Jorvan wouldn’t admit it. “I’m not sure if I should be flattered or offended. And here I thought we were just having a friendly conversation between two like-minded individuals.”

The teen leaned into Kay’s ear and whispered, “He’s trying to run game, don’t listen to him. Watch he’s going to try to guilt you next.”

“There’s no one trying to run game here,” Jorvan chuckled. The teen’s voice wasn’t as low as she thought. The teen smiled back,

“Oh, is that so?”

“Very,” Jorvan winked. “And anyway-” His eyes shifted to Kay and there was a certain look in his eyes. “-if I was trying to run game……’d know it. When I go after a person, don’t worry, I make my intentions very clear. I’m not in the habit of playing games.”

He said that, but he was playing one right now. Maybe Kay knew that, but what could she do? Keep resisting? Well, she could try, but it wouldn’t work. What she thought she knew, barely scratched the surface of what he was after. Her defenses weren't properly set-up.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was very glad to have the teen with her while [member="Jorvan Hatha"] stepped closer. Again he was getting too close for comfort. Maybe it was his confidence that made her a bit nervous, plus the fact that she still hadn't figured out his intentions yet.

She smirked at him as he suggested that she felt that he was trying to seduce her. Kay didn't think that was happening at all. If it was, his methods were highly unusual. The term 'playing game' wasn't known to her. She assumed it just meant that he was going to lie like a used speeder salesman. It was a curious exchange between the two of them, at any rate, and one that she had found a different angle to go on.

"Did I say that I thought you were going to use the stories to woo me?" She laughed a little. "By the Force, no. I figured that you'd use my stories as your own to woo -other- ladies. As far as I was aware, you and I were just having a conversation." She looked to the teen. "But you were right. He's no different than the others that we've fought. In some aspects anyways. I'm not so sure that you should sign with him, actually. You'd only end up with the wrong crowd." Kay looked to Jorvan to see if his eyes gave off any hints of what she spewed forth had any truth to it. The eyes had a certain look to them when hidden truths when they were revealed. Yes, she was still trying to figure him out.
[member="Lady Kay"]

"Did I say that I thought you were going to use the stories to woo me?" the woman laughed. She might not have meant it that way, but that was the way Jorvan had interpreted it. He had a feeling that this woman thought that he was after something carnal, but maybe he was wrong? It was a possibility, considering she didn’t strike him as a good liar.

But yet when she said, “I'm not so sure that you should sign with him, actually. You'd only end up with the wrong crowd.”

There was something that told Jorvan that a game was being played here. His eyes darted between Kay and the teen, and while he was still smiling, it was undeniable that his smile was becoming less and less genuine. There was something that Kay said, that clearly rattled him in a way, although one would only notice it if they were paying close attention.

The teen smiled at Kay’s words however and said, “Hmm, I think you might be right.” She tapped her chin playfully as if she was considering her options. “You wouldn’t happen to know any agencies looking for a talent like me, would you?” She looked at Jorvan with a mischievous expression. “Preferably one where the CEO wasn’t a man who….”

She purposely let her words trail off, and at that time, there was a silent conversation going on between the teen and Jorvan, that Kay might not have understood.

Jorvan could tell that this teen knew who he was. Not just about the shady stuff that went on at Lusha, but the other stuff. The type of stuff that he warned her with his eyes, that she was better off not saying or else there would be consequences, although he did so still smiling.

The two of them were certainly messing with him, but Jorvan didn’t see why he couldn’t mess with them back.

In response to Kay’s words, there was a look of disappointment on Jorvan’s face. He was getting ready to put on a show.

“If that’s what you really think of me after our conversation then-” His smile was a bit sad. “-that’s really disappointing to hear. I thought you wouldn’t be like the others who rushed to judge me, but I guessed that’s too much to ask of a stranger, right?” Jorvan chuckled a bit. “I understand though. You’re hardly the first person I’ve heard this from and I doubt you’ll be the last. But what can I do? Smile a little more? Be a little less honest? Try to make myself appear as docile as I can be so others around me can feel more safe?” Jorvan shrugged his shoulders. “I’m afraid that’s not me, Lady Kay. I can only be myself. Every word I’ve spoken to you has been the truth, but if you don’t believe them, what can I do?”

“Well, you can prove them for once,” the teen smiled, but Jorvan ignored her words and focused solely on Kay with a more serious expression.

He was acting right now, but he was so into his role, that he was genuinely looking at her with the eyes of a man who felt like he was being slighted for no reason.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
So there was something there. She saw it in his eyes. He wasn't quite the good person that he pretended to be. [member="Jorvan Hatha"] was quite possibly very dangerous. Some might find that attractive. Heck, Kay's late husband was a Darksider. But there were some dangers that weren't good for ones' self. And more importantly, for her, especially as she didn't know what he was after.

The silent interaction between the teen and Jorvan only confirmed her suspicions. And then he did as the teen predicted. He put on the guilt trip. If she was by herself, she would have just apologized and left. It wasn't as though she was needing anything from him. Already she could feel her defence starting to crack. But hopefully that would be as far as it would go. In the meantime she held her ground for a moment longer. "I meant no offence, of course. We were only teasing. I figured that you were of the sort that didn't mind that. But as you said, I probably judged you wrong."

Kay lightly shrugged her shoulders, trying to seem indifferent, though inside she felt bad. She looked to the teen. "Just let me know where I can reach you and I'll put the word out to my contacts and see if they can meet you. In the meantime, I should probably take my leave." To run from the situation was far better than staying. She didn't want to lose control over it. And right now she felt her control slipping.
[member="Lady Kay"]

The way she wanted to run away from the conversation was petty but endearing in a way. It reminded him of his late wife and how she would always change the conversation whenever she was losing an argument. He would always let her have her little victories, but he wasn’t sure if he should extend Kay that same courtesy. He started to open his mouth to say something, but the teen did something very peculiar that silenced whatever he was getting ready to say.

He looked at her and he raised his eyebrow a little.

Did she just give him a wink? And not just any wink, but the kind of wink that told him to just shut up and let her work her magic?

He wasn’t sure, but as she spoke to Kay, something told him that maybe this teen wasn’t as against him as he thought.

She had a mischievous smile as she said, “Well that sounds like a plan, Ms. Senator. In fact-”She started to search the pockets of her hoodie, and as she pulled out a concert ticket, Jorvan tilted his head a little. He had an inkling of what she was doing, but he wasn’t sure. The teen wrote something on the back of the ticket and said, “My contact info is on the back, but you should use that tonight.” She was referring to the concert ticket she had just given Kay. She tapped the guitar that was slung on her back. “We’re performing tonight but it’s our first time performing in public. Well second, if you count just a while ago.” The teen took Kay’s hand and squeezed it playfully with a grin. “A friendly face in the crowd would always be a welcome sight. Maybe we could catch up a bit after the concert?” She shot a smirk at Jorvan. “Preferably just the two of us though. I don’t think we need any cling-ons this time, right?” She stuck her tongue out at Jorvan, but he didn’t make a response.

Instead, he tried to figure out what type of game was this teen playing. Kay wasn’t aware of it, but the teen had slipped him a concert ticket too, before she left to seek out Kay in the restaurant.

How where the two of them supposed to catch up in private, when she had already invited him to the same event?

Wouldn’t him and Kay run into each other?

Had it slipped her mind, or was she doing this on purpose?

He didn’t know at the moment, but he did know what words he wanted to say to Kay.

He gave her ample time to answer the teen’s question and then he said, “Well I’m not in the habit of holding people against their will, but I have to be honest here. I was hoping that this conversation would go another way.” He nodded towards the restaurant. “Truthfully, I wouldn’t have stayed here for so long if you hadn’t been present. While it wasn’t my idea for Amanda to introduce us, I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t have tried to approach you on my own eventually. I don’t particularly care for too many politicians, but you struck me as someone that was different from the norm. Honest, dependable, I could go on, but I suspect you would only think I was just trying to butter you up at this point, so I’ll get to the point.” He held out his hand to her in a friendly gesture. “I was hoping that we could be friends? Or maybe acquaintances who just met up from time to time. Maybe for drinks? Maybe for an anti-slavery operation or two?” He scratched the back of his head. “Normally, I can take a hint. I get the feeling that I make you uncomfortable in some way, but-” His eyes focused on her in a way that showed his desire to get closer to her. “-I’m willing to put in the time and effort to change your opinion of me. If….you would allow me that is?”

Jorvan spoke to her as if he didn’t acknowledge that she said she was teasing with her earlier statement. He knew it was a lie, and his eyes told her that he knew. He knew there was something about him that put her on guard, but all he needed was the time to make her feel comfortable around him.

He was hoping for a quick victory, but if it turned into a war for him to win her over, he was prepared for a battle of attrition.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay took the ticket and checked out what she wrote on the back, before slipping it into her satchel. She wasn't sure if she was going to use it at all, but the look in the teen's eyes and the way that she squeezed her hand suggested that she should. "I will certainly try. It might take some juggling and I could be late, but I'm sure that they would still allow me in." She would have to inform her pilot. Kay had a habit of never staying anywhere for long. Even when she was invited to stay at one of her friend's palaces, she would sneak off in the middle of the night. She couldn't quite explain why she did that all the time. Maybe it was safer that way.

[member="Jorvan Hatha"] spoke next. And he was planning in inviting her to dinner with him? Such invitations tended to come from those wanting a one night stand. Kay felt empty enough without having a meaningless encounter compound the feeling even more. No, there had to be a reason behind it all. Players don't invest so much effort for something so simple. So what was he after? The companies that she helped oversee? Or the connections that she has from being a former Senator? She had a feeling that outright asking him about it wouldn't give her the entire truth that she sought.

Kay watched him as he asked to be friends. What was that that they said? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Is that what he was doing? She almost hesitated as she placed her hand in his and gave it a soft shake. ...Okay." She didn't quite know what else to say at that point. The weight of his gaze caused her to revert back into herself, into her thoughts. After a moment or two, she pulled herself back to the present. I suppose that I could use some help on my missions at times....Thank you." Kay wasn't a drinker at all. She liked to be in complete control of herself. It was why tea was always her drink of choice. That or water. "I should go and find something a little more suitable to wear for a concert. I wouldn't want to stand out." If she was planning to go to it, shopping was a perfect excuse to escape from the situation at hand.
[member="Lady Kay"]

“I suppose that I could use some help on my missions at times....Thank you."

That wasn’t exactly an invitation to come sweep her off her feet. But to Jorvan it wasn’t about what she said, it was about what she didn’t say. She didn’t say he had to stop pursuing her friendship, although he could tell she wanted nothing more than to get away from him at the moment, something that didn’t bother him, because he was used to having to put in work for what he wanted.

He looked at her, and his smile was a bit genuine. What he said next were words that he truly meant. “Well, I hope that we can meet again soon. Until then...” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and he looked at her with an expression that let her know that this wouldn’t be their only encounter. For better or worse, he was determined to be a permanent fixture in her life.

His eyes traveled to the teen next, and that mischievous look was on her face again. Something told him that she knew exactly what she was doing, but to Jorvan, the question was why? What was the point of her even trying to sabotage him in the first place, if she would just turn around and help him out in the end? Did she want him in her debt? He stroked his beard. It was a possibility but Jorvan didn’t care about returning favors, although the teen probably didn’t know that.

He gave her a genuine smile too though. “And you, well if Lusha is still on your mind-”

“It’s not,” the teen said cheekily, although she gave him another wink that said otherwise.

“I’ll leave you two too it then.”

Jorvan gave the two a nod before he headed inside to say goodbye to Amanda, and before he left for the evening.

The teen on the other hand, looked at Kay’s clothes with curiosity. “Hmm, I hope I can trust your definition of suitable clothing.” Her eyes came up to Kay with a chuckle. “You don’t need any help do you? I know a few spots if that’s the case. I can give you some good directions before I bounce?”

The teen heard the honk of a landspeeder, and she knew that was her bandmates telling her to hurry up so they could get in a quick rehearsal before their performance later. The teen flicked them off and returned her gaze back to Kay, waiting for her answer.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Oh boy. Kay had made a new 'friend'. She gave [member="Jorvan Hatha"] a polite smile and nod of her head. He was trying to be charming. Trying. With normal people it might have worked, but she saw that he had some hidden agenda, and it wasn't a good one. But there were so many options as to what that agenda exactly was.

She watched him go and then looked to the teen. "He's up to something....I'm going to do some research after I find something to wear. I'm sure that if I dress like you, I'll be fine. I could blend in. I don't always dress this fancy, you know." Kay glanced over to the speeder, and then to the teen. "You should go. We wouldn't want them to think that you are chickening out, now do we?" She gave her a smile and squeezed her shoulder before heading off to the platform where her ship was docked.


Terrac was lightly dozing in his chair, feet up on the control panel. Kay smirked a little and then took her satchel off, before dropping it near him, letting it hit the floor with a clank! That woke the old pilot up,or rather it startled him. He dropped his feet to the floor and drew his blaster, aiming it at her. Kay didn't flinch. She just looked at him with a smirk. "Doll, how mamy times have I told you to not sneak up on me? I was in deep concentration, I could have killed you." She rolled her eyes at him as she picked up her satchel. Terrac looked past her. "No strays this time? I'm impressed. No urgency either, which stayed out of trouble, this time! Doll, I think those lectures if mine are finally starting to kick in. Finally! Where are we off to next?"

"Nowhere just yet. I have a concert to go to. So you can just stay here and concentrate on your brandy or whiskey."

As she walked off to her quarters, Terrac could be heard shouting after her. "That's not what I was doing! I was focusing on escape routes! You can't go anywhere without us getting chased!" The rest he mumbled under his breath. His words were pointless anyways. Kay was stubborn, just like he was. And he was enjoying his time off from retirement. Going out in a blaze of glory was far better than dying in a chair watching holo videos.

Meanwhile Kay was rummaging through her small selection of clothes. She had some for a variety of tasks and events, but most of them were of the upper class styles. Hmm. She didn't want to stand out too much. No doubt she'd be older than most in attendance too. So she put together an outfit that was suitable for the concert, lets her blend in at night, and wouldn't hinder her if there was trouble. It was one of the outfits that she wore on her missions.


It wasn't long before she was changed, slinging her satchel over her shoulder. Terrac gave her that look that said that he knew that she was marching headlong into trouble. "What are you up to, doll?"

"Just going to a concert. I'll be back in a few hours."

"You better be. I'll have the engines running. Be careful out there and try not to be followed this time."

Kay nodded and smiled, before heading down the ramp. Terrac followed her out. She was like a daughter to him. Or maybe a niece. He stood at the edge of the ramp and watched her till she disappeared, before studying everyone else nearby. He couldn't shake the feeling of them being watched. There will be no more dozing until they were off Commenor. He had to remain alert. After taking note of everyone nearby, he went back inside of The Free Lady and closed the ramp.

[member="Lady Kay"]

“So how it’d go, bossman?” Chacha asked him. As he entered the hotel suite she was sprawled out on the couch in her underwear and a t-shirt. The music was turned up loud but she turned it down so she could hear his answer with a wicked smile.

“You were right. Go ahead and gloat,” he told her.

She followed behind him with a childish giggle. “Of course I was right. I told you to pick another target. She’s too stuck up to fall for you tricks. She probably took one good look at your face and said nope, not happening.” She continued to tease him as she followed him into the bedroom. Both with her jokes and her lack of clothes.

Jorvan could only smile at her antics though. She was the bodyguard that was assigned to protect him, but she had always been something more to him. She was a like younger sister that he couldn’t stop looking out for, although he knew the real reason why his brother had sent her to protect him. She was both his bodyguard and his brother’s spy. He knew she was sent to keep track of his movements, but he had always embraced her like she was family. She was family. She had been with him ever since he left The Aveal and started his conquest of the streets of Coruscant. Like Flex, she was one of his “day ones”.

“Are you sure you want to wear that?” Chacha asked him, bringing his mind back to the present.

Jorvan stared at himself in the mirror.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“Nothing in particular, just saying you could do better.”

Jorvan shrugged his shoulders. “I really don’t think she’ll care about my clothes. And anyway-” Jorvan reached for his comlink and tucked it into his jacket. “She might not even show up.”

“You have a point.”

Chacha slipped into a pair of jeans and followed him out of the door.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

Chacha looked at him like he had said something stupid. “What do you mean where am I going? You think I’m going to let you kark it up a second time?” She cupped his chin and shook it playfully. “I’m coming along. Deal with it.”

The teen didn’t tell him anything about the tickets she had given him, but on the way to the venue Jorvan had done a little research. The teen was participating in a type of event that was similar to the Battle of the Bands. The Fest was a concert that pitted bands against each other to see which could get the crowd the most hyped in an indoor arena that was designed to hold at least 20,000. Several of the winners had gone on to get signed, and put out commercially successful albums, but it was the prestige of winning that mattered to most.

As Jorvan’s landspeeder pulled up to the Madison Arena, the parking lot was already packed. Teenagers and young adults alike were already turning up in the parking lot, jumping on top of random cars, and getting into random fights like they were already gone off the liquor and high off a few death sticks.

“These little chits need to turn down,” Chacha snorted as they found a parking space.

Jorvan agreed, but he wasn’t as bothered as she was.

Once they were inside –Chacha had used the force to manipulate her way in without a ticket, the two of them ran into a familiar face.

“Is that my man, Corbin?” Jorvan laughed.

Corbin smiled to show his signature row of gold teeth. “In the living flesh, my boy. What’s good with you Jorvan? You still haven’t kicked the bucket yet, huh?”

Chacha coughed to let him that it was an inappropriate comment, but Jorvan didn’t mind the joke about his sickness.

As the two of them started to catch up on old times, Corbin led Jorvan to his luxury box. They started to pop a few bottles and unwind a bit. Corbin had already had the place lively with a few of the girls he brought along, but Jorvan tried to keep his focus on Kay’s arrival, although the more and more he drunk, the more he started to forget why he even come to the concert in the first place.

Instead, he started to get lost into conversation with Corbin and as the two of them talked, The Fest had begun, and the bands had started to play without Jorvan noticing.

Fortunately, Chacha was there to look out for both Kay and also the teen’s performance whenever she took the stage.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
It wasn't hard for her to find the Madison Arena. All that Kay had to do was follow the noise. She was on foot, so that made it easy. Most of the people were already inside by the time that she got there. However there were some loitering about, there for the sake of being there, more than anything. She went to the gate and produced her ticket. Her satchel was thoroughly searched. No weapons were allowed and she had none on her anyways. Her satchel just contained a datapad, commlink, a spare shirt and her water bladder. After all was said and done, she was allowed inside.

So many people.....

Kay wasn't used to such crowds, particularly such a rowdy bunch. Even though her Force signature might be hidden by the sheer number of people alone, she kept her signature to the size of a tree nut, just in case. Her ticket was for the floor, meaning that she could go anywhere without having an assigned seat. It was mostly dark, a band had just finished their set, though the audience was cheering for an encore. Was this the first band? The second? She wasn't sure.

She weaved her way through the crowd, pushing back against those that tried to continue their moshing to the beat of the applause, until she was at stage left, a few rows of people back. Kay kept her hood up, just in case anyone recognized her. But everyone on the floor seemed so young. It was more than likely that they didn't follow politics.

To the cheers of the audience, the band returned for their encore performance.

Instead of staying perfectly still, Kay rather enjoyed the heavy twist on a classic and cheered with the rest of the audience. And then they left the stage. As the crew began to set up the stage for the next band, the house lights went on, signalling an intermission. She made her way closer to the stage and looked to either wing of the stage, hoping to catch a glimpse of the teen and let her see that she was there.

[member="Jorvan Hatha"]
[member="Lady Kay"]

[SIZE=12pt]Asha drummed her fingers against the table while Doros paced around with a nervous expression. He was rattled. All of them were rattled. It was only Asha who kept a clear head. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She warned them that the competition would be fierce, but they took her words lightly. They didn’t know The Fest, like she knew The Fest. She had watched the previous concerts and knew what type of energy the other bands would bring, and she told them they weren’t ready, but when it was a 3 to 1 vote to try out for the auditions, what else could she do but put on a brave face and go with the flow? Jorvan Hatha had liked their performance anyway, didn’t he? He tried his best with that little poker face of his to deny it, but Asha had met men just like him. Her former slave master thought he could play mind games too and that never worked out for him. Even when she was just a child, she could always read people’s faces. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]As she looked at herself in the mirror, she thought she was the personification of cool and collected. It was no wonder her bandmates felt comfortable enough to come to her with their problems all the time. No matter how much they were nervous about performing well out there, they knew she would right the ship eventually and get their heads in the right place. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She always did. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But who would stop the shaking in her own legs?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Vanity, you’re up in ten.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The answer was no one. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Asha gave the stage coordinator a nod, and she whistled for her bandmates to gather around her in the dressing room. They held hands while they stood in a circle. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Nervous?” she asked them. There were awkward smiles and embarrassed head nods, but Asha knew she could turn it around. As they huddled closer, she told them what she always told them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]This wasn’t their first rodeo. This wasn’t their first test. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ever since their lives as slaves on[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]Sleheryon, they’d always been together. Trusting each other. Believing each other. Believing in Asha that she would never steer them wrong. She asked them to believe her now as she told them that they would go out there and slay the competition. The competition was fierce. She didn’t lie about it. But she told them that they had to rise above it. Like they always did in situations like this. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Believe in us,” she told them. She punched their chest playfully one by one. “Believe in our dreams, you scary f****.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]There was a bit of laughter, and her bandmates started to relax a little. Their confidence slowly returned as they made their way out of the dressing room.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]They had been together since they were children. [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=12pt]And now they were still together as they chased stardom. [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=12pt]Asha thought it was fortunate that they had stuck together this far, although she knew the road ahead would be tough. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Do you think he’ll come?” Duros whispered. “Mr. Hatha?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Asha thought he would, but she figure it would be better if she said it with a certainty. “Of course.” They were still backstage but they were getting closer to the roaring crowd. Her bandmates were brimming with confidence now, but it was Asha who was starting to feel a small seed of doubt. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Can we really do this, she thought as they finally emerged on the main stage. The noise of the crowd was so deafening, that she could barely hear what Duros was trying to tell her. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]There was an energy here that was raw and intimating. She could feel everyone’s expectations as a sea of eyes looked in their direction. They were hungry and starving for another wild performance. They wanted to get loose and throw their bodies around. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]She could smell it in the air. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]They wanted to go crazy and scream their lungs out. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Bring it![/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] They all seemed to say. Make us burn this mother****** down like it was 839. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]****, it was a lot of pressure.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Asha felt her heart beating faster with each second. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Maybe they had bitten off more than they could chew?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Asha!” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Duros had to grab her shoulder to get her attention. He might have seen the slight doubt in her eyes, because he suddenly smiled and pointed in a certain direction. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]It must have been Jorvan[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt].[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked with the smile of a person who had just won the lotto……..It wasn’t Jorvan though. It was Kay. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Asha blinked, but there wasn’t any disappointment in her heart. No, Kay being here meant just as much. She smiled in the woman’s direction and waved, giving her a mischievous grin. She didn’t think the woman would show up, but then again, she never thought that anyone would care enough about her and the rest of the slaves on Sleheryon, and Kay had appeared.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Kay couldn’t hear her words but Asha mouthed the words “Thank you,” before she headed for the mike. “Chasin City, can you hear me out there?” she said in a cool voice. Kay’s presence had given her an energy boost to overcome her nerves. She thought back on how Kay had stood fearlessly on that loading ramp, blaster in hand, staring down a crazy dude with a rocket launcher, as if she wasn’t afraid of anything in the world. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Asha manifested the confidence she saw Kay carry that day and she took it for her own. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Chasin City, let’s rock out!” she said.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Asha’s fingers touched the strings of her guitar and the legend began.[/SIZE]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
There she was. So Kay didn't miss the teen's band coming to the stage. In fact, she was there right on time. She was spotted by one of the boys and then by the girl that still didn't have a name to go by. They hadn't been properly introduced, even back when they were first rescued. There was no time for such things, not while they were all under attack. But that was then. The teen was in a different stage in her life, as were her friends. No longer slaves to others, they were free to pursue their dreams and become whatever they wanted to be. Everyone deserved that chance. Everyone deserved to be free.

Kay gave a little wave in return and a bow of her head to let her know that she saw the thanks. As Vanity began their set, she remained where she was, but she didn't stay still. She wanted to show the band that she supported them and appreciated their efforts.

The first song that they played was the same that she had heard earlier at the restaurant. Though, it didn't have as much energy. Was it nervousness? More than likely. What could she do to help? Kay gave them the thumbs up, followed by hand signals to indicate that they need to add more energy. She lacked the ability and the skill to speak into their minds, but that would more than likely throw themselves off anyways. And she didn't want to draw attention to herself either.

The next song started and it too was a little lower in energy than what she felt it could be. Kay whistled and shouted out cheers, riling up those around her. She turned around so that her back was to the stage, trying to urge the audience that was behind her into cheering louder and pumping up her fists. And then she saw him. Was that [member="Jorvan Hatha"] in the crowd? He wasn't dressed up like earlier. In the blink of an eye he was gone, or at least, hidden in the crowd again. She turned herself back around to watch the performance on stage. The teen didn't give him a ticket to get in as far as she was aware, and security was tight. And besides, she didn't quite look like herself in this outfit anyways. It was all just a paranoid coincidence.

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