Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not Safe Yet

"No more being afraid. No more being afraid." Val said, closing his eyes as he sat in the cockpit of the Mandalorian shuttle he sat in, meditating. It had been about two days since he'd escaped the Mandalorian cruiser. Fuel was low, so hyperdrive wasn't an option, and he hadn't seen a planet in a while. He'd sent out a distress call, but it was a sort of coin flip. Perhaps a Jedi or Republic team was around that could take him to Kasshyk, or maybe the Mandalorians he'd escaped from were tracking him down, or maybe a Sith or Bounty Hunter would find him and he'd experience a fresh new hell. All he could do at this point was wait and hope. "Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering." He said, opening his large pitch black eyes. He got up, looking around the small ship and opening the food compartment. "A protein bar, some muja fruit and a powdery substance simply labeled 'Good for long flights'....muja fruit it is, then." He said, taking one and biting into it. It wasn't a luxurious meal, but it would keep him alive...for now.
Now what indictment could warrant my attention so cause me to investigate the distress call of mandalorian freighter? Initially my thoughts were to assist the shuttle and convince the crew to now serve the Empire. If they refused then they would be left to their own codes and creeds of honor. To starve in the cold of space away from their home, which was soon to be within the Empires grasp. The shuttle in question was registering now.

" There Captain, Magnify on that shuttle and commence scans." I spoke gently from behind my armored mask. Hands clasped behind my back and standing shoulder width apart I observed from behind the transparsteel viewport. " My Lord, Shuttle is marked with Mandalorian symbols. Scans indicate their fuel is very low." The Captain adjusted himself and waited for a response. With the turn of my head I smirked from behind my mask as my presence in the force was allowed to echo like a wave washing on the shore to all force sensitive nearby. Oddly enough it was calming and peaceful which was more than that could be said about the other resident Sith Lords the Empire hosted. " Be slow on the approach and scan the immediate area for life signs. Once within 1000 meters activate tractor beams."

His fingers twitched causing a invisible force to activate the comms to hail ([member="Val Fazar"]) the incoming ship.

" Your distress signal has been received. This is Darth Skodd, On approach aboard the Dragons Fist. Please identify yourself and await further instructions. Your help is on the way." Skodd hummed to himself pondering something. The Dragons Fist was a Marr-class Star Destroyer. What was Skodd doing inspecting a simple shuttle?

" Jam their distress signal." he uttered to an adjacent technician.
There was long rattled breaths as he laid in this unknown starfighter of whom he did not know what he stole. With no fuel practically inside it, he had drifted for several days after going through hyperspace, smashed halfway into a known asteroid and spun through space till he got it into a somewhat stable direction. He had only one arm as of right now, his metallic one destroyed in a fight with the Mandalorian before them, two of his fingers on his right hand were gone also as he could barely grip anything in the starfighter, much less control. Giving a small cough, he would lean up and work on the communications array, having a very faint signal currently with what power systems were currently online. He had used the force over the course of several days to heal the wounds across his body to where he could finally walk but his body was still weak, the scars on his legs were still very visible of recent injuries and worse, he was still fading over time. The older Sullustan at this point was counting the days he had remaining, unsure of what will occur soon.


Hearing the voice, he slowly turned his head to his left as he saw a visage of a Force Ghost, as if haunting him from afar, outside of the ship. It was a somewhat tall twi'lek in Force Ghost form, looking over him as she slowly went around the ship, as if taunting him. "You could have had it all with me...come now, don't you wonder what would have been...come on outside, let us be joined again, together in the darkness." Jegy looked in trance by the woman, slowly reaching his right hand out towards the release for the cockpit, almost as if controlled and was touching the lever until the loud whine of a signal verification came through with a spark along with a loud shriek in the Force as the ghost would vanish from view as starfighter shook from above as he could not even see the ship to begin with until now...a Star Destroyer. For once...something he knew all about. He would press the button nearby to pulse his signal as it was very faint, almost like a distress beacon but only popping up most likely to the Star Destroyer above him. Pressing it again four more times, he would stop then repeat over again. He did not know if anyone even knew the old style of distress signals, but he hoped someone would with different frequencies could figure out there was a ship below them, asking for assistance with it being known the communications console was offline.

[member="Darth Skodd"]
[member="Val Fazar"]

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