Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not Quite Two of a Kind

Scanning the bar for a face as familiar as her own, mostly because it resembled hers almost down to every last detail, Sayl spun absently in her chair, stopping herself after a few turns and facing the crowd of people milling about once more. He's late, no surprise. But Balkar has to be around here somewhere. Her gaze strayed almost habitually to the pazaak tables that were to one side of the bar, not spotting him in the throngs of people pressed around. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out the deck he'd given her, shuffling the cards more out of boredom than anything, never quite able to sit still. After a moment of this she returned them to their proper place, sighing quietly in annoyance that not even [member="Balkar Din"] had shown yet. Their status as friends or perhaps something more had been left open-ended, but she was beginning to get the feeling that they were now a couple of sorts, though she'd never bothered to ask him outright.

That was a question for another time, when she wasn't waiting for both him and her twin brother, [member="Sage Bane"], to show. There was another thing she'd never figured out: why exactly her brother was so interested in meeting him as well. He'd never struck her as the overprotective type, or the sort to really have any concern about any relationships but his own, but it seemed she'd underestimated him in that regard. She just hoped he wouldn't behave too badly, with it being their first meeting and whatnot. No promises could be made about how exactly he would act, something she'd informed Balkar of beforehand. The fact didn't bother him, or at least he acted like it didn't, so that had been that. A time had been set, the arrangements made. But the both of them had neglected to show up on time, a factor that didn't surprise her when it came to Sage. Her other anticipated guest was another matter altogether.

And she hadn't even bothered making a pass or two around the establishment in order to pass the time. Then again, she still had plenty of credits left from the last time she and Balkar had crossed paths. Not quite ready to take on the pazaak tables yet, she still preferred pickpocketing over any other method of thievery, even if playing cards was easier than any other options in some scenarios. C'mon, I'm not gonna wait here forever. It's only so much fun when you don't have anything to do. There was no use in complaining about it, really, but that didn't stop her any. It wasn't like she had anything better to do, in her mind. She could always buy a drink, sure, but something told her she would want all of her wits about her for this meeting, especially when it came to keeping her brother in line at least marginally. He was a wildcard, but so was she.

Once more she searched the faces of those that passed by for any token of familiarity, finding none. Leaning back she rested her elbows on the bartop, toying at her lip piercing with her teeth. It wasn't the most fun pastime in the galaxy, waiting, but it was a deal better than most others that she could think of. Besides, no one had really bothered her yet, something both rare and surprising given the number of drunks that were wont to inhabit places like this. Any second now would be great.

Balkar Din

Con-dude extraordinaire
Walking into the cantina Sayl had pointed out to him beforehand, Balkar looked around, scoping the place out. It was a different place than he was used to. In fact, he'd never been to this particular bar. But Sayl had called the meeting, and so he was there. Something about meeting her brother? From what she said, the man was likely not going to be very happy to see him. Who was Bal to care? He'd met a very intriguing girl in a bar. Now they were interested in each other. He just hoped it didn't break out into a fight. Not only was he a horrible fighter, but he didn't want Sayl to get freaked out or anything. Speaking of which... where was she? Ah. He smiled as he saw the girl at the bar, shuffling the deck he'd given her. Walking up to her quietly, he poked her arm gently. "Hey there gorgeous, I miss anything?"

[member="Sayl Bane"] [member="Sage Bane"]
An ever-present deathstick dangling from the side of his lips, Sage Bane made his way into the dark cantina where he had arranged to meet his twin sister and her new piece of tail. He wasn't sure what to make of the whole situation, as the man had only been recently reunited with his orphan sibling, and brotherly feelings were new to the Chiss hybrid. Despite the newness of the situation, the more the twins trained together at the Jedi temple on Ession, the closer they became, and for better or worse, Sage had become fiercely protective of Sayl, whether she liked it or not. Besides, even if she protested his overbearing brother act, she knew full well he wasn't likely to stop anytime soon, as each twin was as stubborn as a Nymalian water-ox.

He knew the first place to look for his sister was the bar, and sure enough, there she was with her new beau, a ruggedly handsome smuggler-type. Sage meandered up to the couple and drawing a huge hit off his deathstick, leaned into give his sister a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, pateesa." he whispered, his language slipping into slug tongue, a leftover habit from his Nal Hutta upbringing. Then Sage turned towards her boyfriend and exhaled a large cloud of pink smoke in the man's face.

"Hi," he said with a self-satisfied smile. "I'm Sage. You must be my sister's flavor of the month."

[member="Balkar Din"] [member="Sayl Bane"]
A smile instantly found her lips once Balkar approached, and Sayl shrugged in response to his question. "Unless you count drunks interesting, no. I haven't even stolen anything yet." At that her smile grew a bit more mischievous, and she once more brought her deck into hand, the cards seeming to pass between her fingers more easily than when they'd first met. It wasn't that she'd been practicing an exponential amount, but she was a fast learner when it came to things that captured her interest. And pazaak happened to be one of those things. It was due in part to who had introduced her to things, certainly, and that was a factor she wouldn't deny. His company was something she didn't mind, and had even adapted to in a way, though her bonds with her twin still ran deeper, despite his attitude that often irritated others.

And the way Sage decided to introduce himself was only a further testament to that thought. Unable to suppress a roll of her eyes, she returned his Huttese with her own muttered comment in the same tongue, "Chana fa wolei." Maybe he was more protective than she'd imagined. That was one facet of his personality that she'd never imagined she'd see come to light. Either he had good reason to suspect Balkar, which she doubted, or he was being overly paranoid about things, something that wouldn't surprise her. It was appreciated to a point, but he had a way of taking things out or proportion. There was no doubt that she got along well with her brother, but there were times when even her patience with him had a way of running out.

Her eyes flickered that same red in annoyance, and she shot Balkar an apologetic look along with a half-smile. "Yeah, he's always like this." She didn't bother to lower her voice, already having a good idea of how Sage would respond anyhow. Defensiveness, that was his thing, whether it was for himself and his own ideals, or those he was close to, which was an incredibly small circle indeed, not that she could say much about it in rebuttal. It was true that she had issues trusting others as well, but unlike her brother she at least made a conscious effort before treating them with unrestrained hostility.

"At least try not to kill each other, alright?" She looked to Sage as she spoke those words, the comment directed more towards him than anyone. There was no doubt in her mind that Balkar would be at least moderately cordial, but she knew her brother didn't share the same moral boundaries. Then again, neither did she. It was something the both of them lacked, but there was a difference between making an attempt and, well, acting like he always chose to.

[member="Sage Bane"], [member="Balkar Din"]

Balkar Din

Con-dude extraordinaire
Balkar flashed the girl a grin at her comment. She hadn't changed a bit since their last meeting. Perfect. He went to say something about the cards, when another man walked over and kissed her on the cheek. If he didn't have his senses about him, he would've punched the guy right there. Turned out to be a good thing he restrained himself, because from what he saw, this was the one who'd called the meeting. Though he didn't know much about huttese, he could tell the general idea of what had been said. With a smile and a nod, he offered his hand to the newcomer. "Balkar Din. You must be Sage. I've heard a lot about you." Chuckling at Sayl's comment, he sent a wink her way, to show her understood. If the brother caused any trouble, he'd be happy to end it. Maybe over a game of pazaak.

[member="Sayl Bane"] [member="Sage Bane"]
"Always like what, Sixer?" he said mock-innocently. "I wouldn't be a good brother if I didn't haze your one night stands every now and then would I?" Sage was amusing himself quite nicely. Hazel eyes flicked down to the hand that was offered and then back up. The twin made a move to shake Balkar's hand, but then quickly feigned and moved it to his lips, where he took the deathstick in two fingers and ashed it on the bar. Taking a sip of his sister's drink, he smiled. "Heard alot about me, eh?" he asked, looking squarely at the other man. "Well, if lying were a job, this one would be a billionaire." he said, laying a hand on his sister's shoulder.

Sage knew he was being an ass, but he lacked control over his moods lately. Detoxing from glitterstim addiction was harder than he'd ever imagined, and being in a bar awakened his need for the spice. His craving hummed like a blaring alarm call. Sage's choices in the matter were limited if he wanted to stay at the Jedi temple on Ession and train with Sayl. The ultimatum was clear: get detox or get dumped, and the young padawan didn't want to lose his sister all over again.

Sage narrowed his eyes at the wink that was exchanged and then spat out a question to Balkar. "So where did you meet my sister, anyway?" His eyes moved to the deck of pazaak cards. "You win her in a bet?"

[member="Balkar Din"] [member="Sayl Bane"]
There were a few choice words Sayl could think of to exchange with her twin right at that moment, but she merely sighed and counted backwards from ten, reminding herself that when it came to Sage, it was best to let all that he had to say roll off your back instead of taking any of it to heart. Nine times out of ten he didn't mean any of it anyhow, especially lately, with his finally kicking his glitterstim addiction. It was nice that he was finally starting to perhaps take care of himself, but there was a point where she knew it was no longer withdrawal and merely his natural attitude shining through. "Does that mean I should be meeting your boyfriend soon?" Two could play at that game, and she wasn't about to lose so easily.

Doing her best to ignore his comment about lying, she smirked. "I forgot, you're always telling the truth. Silly me." Most times the two always went back and forth in a similar manner, so this wasn't something completely out of the ordinary. It was an intrinsic part of their sibling relationship, but there were times when the both of them took it too far. She would make sure her brother knew when he crossed that line, whether he liked it or not. Thankfully Balkar seemed to be taking everything in stride, which was more than could be said for her. But maybe it was because she had to deal with her twin everyday, while this was his first time meeting the man.

"If you want a nickname like mine, all you have to do is ask. I have a few thought up already. How does winbekhia sound?" At that she couldn't help but smile, sipping at her drink, unfazed by the fact that Sage had done the same seconds earlier. They already shared most everything else, and that wasn't much different.

In a way the meeting was already going marginally better than she'd expected, given that it hadn't escalated beyond her brother's usual smart comments and her having to moderate just a bit before things became too out of hand. It didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, she supposed, what exactly her brother thought. She was never one to listen to other's opinions most times anyhow, and it was unlikely that this would be the grand exception of them all. Especially with the hole Sage was already beginning to dig himself.

[member="Sage Bane"], [member="Balkar Din"]

Balkar Din

Con-dude extraordinaire
Balkar looked between the two twins, a small smile creeping to his face. It was rather a treat, seeing the two fuss back and forth. He didn't think too much of the brother already, with his apparent addiction. No, Bal wasn't one much for drugs. Drinking? Of course. But he almost gagged every time he saw a deathstick in someone's mouth. At the question directed to him, he could only smile at the man. "Well I didn't exactly 'win' her. We met in a cantina. And don't tell her this, but I think I may have won her heart." He said the last sentence like Sayl wasn't even there, and maybe that was the point. Besides, whether he'd actually won the girl's heart or not, he knew he'd at least got her hooked. "Nah, but seriously, we made a business deal. I teach her pazaak, she teaches me her own useful skill." He shot a knowing smile to the girl.

[member="Sayl Bane"] [member="Sage Bane"]
Sage's Epicanthix boyfriend was a sore subject and the young padawan was hurt that his sister brought it up. He hadn't heard from Baelfire Lenasin for a couple of months, and he was starting to wonder if he'd been given the proverbial boot. Getting dumped would certainly be bad for his sobriety. Sage wasn't good at managing life's pesky little tailspins without generous use of illegal substances.

At his sister's Huttese insult, the edges of Sage's mouth turned downward for a half a second. "That wasn't very nice, pateesa," he tutted at Sayl, smiling a bit more tightly now as he traced a hand along his sister's cheek. "I'm just looking out for my beautiful sister." He insisted, the picture of innocence.

It was obvious Sage liked to push people's buttons. Unfortunately this unflappable man's buttons seemed to be well hidden. When Balkar told him that he'd won Sayl's heart, Sage rolled his eyes. "Oh man, what playbook did that line come from? 101 Ways to Pick Up Correllian Chicks?" He gave the man a belabored golf clap. "Truly inspired. I don't think I'll ever be the same." Then he let his eyes linger over the man's athletic frame.

"Well sis, I certainly can't say much about the originality of his pick up lines, but he's good looking anyway." Sage was talking to Sayl, but looking straight at Balkar with a roguish grin. "Too bad I didn't find him first."

[member="Balkar Din"] [member="Sayl Bane"]
Looking to Balkar with an almost secretive grin, Sayl shrugged at his comment, while in truth she hadn't expected him to say something of the sort in the first place. Maybe the two had hit it off better than even she'd thought, and she was perfectly okay with that. A relationship wasn't what she'd come looking for in the cantina that night, but if she'd managed to find one, well, she wasn't about to deny him. Especially since the two of them got along, and he seemed to be able to at least marginally stand her twin, which she knew was more than could be asked for some times. "Hmm, well, you can have my heart if I can have yours." She flashed a half-smile. "And I think our business deal includes too many kisses to really be just business anymore."

Instead of replying to her brother's comments she just looked to him, her eyes flashing crimson, the faintest of amused smiles on her lips. "It's too bad you don't do a lot of things, really. Like learn when to shut your mouth." Her smile widened into a grin, and she nudged him playfully. "But you know I love you anyway, so don't get too sensitive on me. You should be used to this by now. I know I am, then again, when it comes down to it I didn't have much of a choice. And you never did tell me how you feel about the nickname. I can give you a few other options, y'know." It was fun teasing her twin, she had to admit, though she wouldn't have continued if she didn't think he wouldn't take things seriously.

As if to make a point with her brother's flirting, however harmless it was, she gently intertwined her fingers with Balkar's. "I think this night'll be getting boring fast if we don't find something to do. It isn't that I don't enjoy talking to the both of you, but this is the three of us, in a bar of all places. I'm sure we can think of more creative ways to pass the time than just sitting here. I know I can."

Here she looked to Sage with that same almost smile. "And before you say it, the answer's a no."

[member="Sage Bane"], [member="Balkar Din"]

Balkar Din

Con-dude extraordinaire
Balkar looked between the two siblings when Sage had seemed to flirt with him, wondering if it was a joke. However, from their conversation before, the man honestly seemed to go that way. Shrugging at that, he raised an eyebrow with a crooked smile. "I'm sorry man, but it wouldn't work anyway. That's not my style." When Sayl commented that he could have her heart if she could have his, his face twisted into a broad grin. He could definitely deal with that. And maybe they did have a few too many kisses for it to be business anymore. He was a little surprised when she took his hand and laces their fingers, but was hard pressed to complain. When the girl wondered about what they could all do, he smirked. "Well, you did want to learn more about pazaak. Maybe with enough practice, you could school your brother." He smirked at the man in front of him. If he had to gauge, he would say the brother was a pazaak player, but one could never be too sure. Looking around the cantina for a few seconds, he spotted an empty table not too far away.

[member="Sayl Bane"] [member="Sage Bane"]

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