Sayl Bane
Scanning the bar for a face as familiar as her own, mostly because it resembled hers almost down to every last detail, Sayl spun absently in her chair, stopping herself after a few turns and facing the crowd of people milling about once more. He's late, no surprise. But Balkar has to be around here somewhere. Her gaze strayed almost habitually to the pazaak tables that were to one side of the bar, not spotting him in the throngs of people pressed around. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out the deck he'd given her, shuffling the cards more out of boredom than anything, never quite able to sit still. After a moment of this she returned them to their proper place, sighing quietly in annoyance that not even [member="Balkar Din"] had shown yet. Their status as friends or perhaps something more had been left open-ended, but she was beginning to get the feeling that they were now a couple of sorts, though she'd never bothered to ask him outright.
That was a question for another time, when she wasn't waiting for both him and her twin brother, [member="Sage Bane"], to show. There was another thing she'd never figured out: why exactly her brother was so interested in meeting him as well. He'd never struck her as the overprotective type, or the sort to really have any concern about any relationships but his own, but it seemed she'd underestimated him in that regard. She just hoped he wouldn't behave too badly, with it being their first meeting and whatnot. No promises could be made about how exactly he would act, something she'd informed Balkar of beforehand. The fact didn't bother him, or at least he acted like it didn't, so that had been that. A time had been set, the arrangements made. But the both of them had neglected to show up on time, a factor that didn't surprise her when it came to Sage. Her other anticipated guest was another matter altogether.
And she hadn't even bothered making a pass or two around the establishment in order to pass the time. Then again, she still had plenty of credits left from the last time she and Balkar had crossed paths. Not quite ready to take on the pazaak tables yet, she still preferred pickpocketing over any other method of thievery, even if playing cards was easier than any other options in some scenarios. C'mon, I'm not gonna wait here forever. It's only so much fun when you don't have anything to do. There was no use in complaining about it, really, but that didn't stop her any. It wasn't like she had anything better to do, in her mind. She could always buy a drink, sure, but something told her she would want all of her wits about her for this meeting, especially when it came to keeping her brother in line at least marginally. He was a wildcard, but so was she.
Once more she searched the faces of those that passed by for any token of familiarity, finding none. Leaning back she rested her elbows on the bartop, toying at her lip piercing with her teeth. It wasn't the most fun pastime in the galaxy, waiting, but it was a deal better than most others that she could think of. Besides, no one had really bothered her yet, something both rare and surprising given the number of drunks that were wont to inhabit places like this. Any second now would be great.
That was a question for another time, when she wasn't waiting for both him and her twin brother, [member="Sage Bane"], to show. There was another thing she'd never figured out: why exactly her brother was so interested in meeting him as well. He'd never struck her as the overprotective type, or the sort to really have any concern about any relationships but his own, but it seemed she'd underestimated him in that regard. She just hoped he wouldn't behave too badly, with it being their first meeting and whatnot. No promises could be made about how exactly he would act, something she'd informed Balkar of beforehand. The fact didn't bother him, or at least he acted like it didn't, so that had been that. A time had been set, the arrangements made. But the both of them had neglected to show up on time, a factor that didn't surprise her when it came to Sage. Her other anticipated guest was another matter altogether.
And she hadn't even bothered making a pass or two around the establishment in order to pass the time. Then again, she still had plenty of credits left from the last time she and Balkar had crossed paths. Not quite ready to take on the pazaak tables yet, she still preferred pickpocketing over any other method of thievery, even if playing cards was easier than any other options in some scenarios. C'mon, I'm not gonna wait here forever. It's only so much fun when you don't have anything to do. There was no use in complaining about it, really, but that didn't stop her any. It wasn't like she had anything better to do, in her mind. She could always buy a drink, sure, but something told her she would want all of her wits about her for this meeting, especially when it came to keeping her brother in line at least marginally. He was a wildcard, but so was she.
Once more she searched the faces of those that passed by for any token of familiarity, finding none. Leaning back she rested her elbows on the bartop, toying at her lip piercing with her teeth. It wasn't the most fun pastime in the galaxy, waiting, but it was a deal better than most others that she could think of. Besides, no one had really bothered her yet, something both rare and surprising given the number of drunks that were wont to inhabit places like this. Any second now would be great.