Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not Quite Thunderstruck (Polaris)

Ashera. Raijin had to admit to himself that he was woefully unacquainted with the planet, despite the fact that he lived, worked, and ruled on the station that was close enough to see just by looking closely at the sky down here. He'd actually never met an Asheran before, but the pointy-eared space elves were proving to be a stubborn bunch. The whole praying-to-the-Force bit was something he hadn't quite gotten used to in the last two days.

His actual purpose for even coming down here at all was to garner support for his would be space-town aboard the Royale. He'd been turned out by several of their so-called bishops, and that had led to many of the lesser priests refusing to see him. One of the more gun-ho acolytes had even tried to point a lightsaber at him. Fragile-boned little twerp had gotten off easy. Nothing but a couple of broken fingers.

All in all, it was a day that had made Raijin seriously wish that Shards could get drunk.

[member='Polaris Sovereign']
Dalaria - A beautiful capital
... and just a place for a princess. A small smile spread over Polaris' features as the view of the mighty castle came into view, and that view quickly disappearing as the air speeder she had ordered disappeared into the depths of a tunnel, and further more in front of a space station. She quickly flashed and swiped a card of nearly a million credits, transferring the few credits needed before she walked off into the place with a new-found attitude of pleasure. She had only begun her adventure, but now after the quick tour, she was in the mood to find a guard or something of the such to assist her through the wild plains.
Her two legs stepped about the crazy walk way of the walking area, soon stopping to take a seat on a very cushioned area and stare out at the crowd in hopes, by crazy luck, something would pop out and catch her attention.
{ [member="Darth Raijin"] }
Raijin collapsed into what looked like a mostly unoccupied couch for visitors to the castle with the closest approximation to a frustrated sigh he could manage. Another three hours wasted on these religious types and their refusal to believe that non-fleshy beings could use the Force. So, no support. At least nobody else attacked him. Now he was just bored and staring up at the ceiling.

"Damn priests."

[member="Polaris Sovereign"]
As luck would have it, no body was coming to interest her intentions. She flipped out her holopad and began to update all of her holonet buddies of the news, some instantly replying, and some, slower than others. She typed away quietly, looking up every few minutes to double check on things. Soon she put the pad away as her eyes laid down on a cold looking sentimental robotic figure. After a long moment of consideration, she moved from her seat and to the droid's without so much as a question. "I know all about that." She replied to his word.
{ [member="Darth Raijin"] }
"Do you? You look like a little kid."

One of Raijin's red eyes blinked on and off as he turned to look at the girl who'd come and sat next to him. So annoyed he could barely keep them functioning properly. The one mounted in the center of his chest was working perfectly fine, though. He stared at her a little bit awkwardly. At least she didn't look like one of those robe-kissing Asherians.

[member="Polaris Sovereign"]
Little kid..? She had probably been through much more than any little kid had in their lives. She gave a polite smile to the droid, as he obviously didn't know just what power she could have on his tail, searching for their pointy knives to cut off his head for her, just for a few credits. Luckily, she didn't feel like begging mommy for a few hundred thousand. "Well, I do. If you don't want to talk to them with some little kid that's fine. Sorry to bug you."
{ [member="Darth Raijin"] }
Oh, lovely... Now he'd pissed off some random person. Raijin let out a low metallic growl under his 'breath', then shook his head apologetically at the girl he'd accidentally insulted. She had an oddly authoritative air about her, not that it really meant anything on the religiously obsessed planet they were on.

"Okay, I'm sorry, kid. I'm old. What were you saying?"

[member="Polaris Sovereign"]

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