Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Not like the movies

Amanda braska

Training lightsabers

Maxir Vancil

Amanda called maxir to one of the jedi temple training rooms today they where going to be training in general force training and combat. She disrobed wearing some training gear for this session that she'd be comfortable in and have ease of movement. She wasn't thinking about the effect they'd have on maxir when he showed up she showed up an hour early to set things up for their training session.

She was expecting this to be a longer training session and had planned for it to be that way. Maxir was older than most padawans hell he was her age so she would have to whip him into shape sooner than later unlike lukan. Who was still a kid and so she would have to take lukans training differently than maxirs who seemed willing to learn and that was the point today. To see how quickly he learned and how how she would need to teach him.

Maxir Vancil



Location: Coruscant | Jedi Temple | Training Room
Wearing: Light Training Clothes
Tags: Amanda braska


Though the Temple seemed to be an early to rise locale, Maxir thought that Amanda got extra excitement from beckoning him to early training sessions. Less than a year ago he was an actor who didn’t need to wake until maybe a few hours prior to call time. It was very rare that a call time was early in the morning, so a Jedi’s schedule was one of the hardest adjustments Maxir had to make. And Amanda enjoyed making the transition very obvious.

At least he didn’t have to don some crazy training outfit for today’s training. Just some daily combat training that will no doubt end up with Maxir on his back many times learning lessons from his very talented Master. Maxir rounded the corner into the assigned training room and his eyes went from half open to gaping wide when he saw Amanda. She had unsurprisingly arrived at the training room early and the outfit that she wore while, unassuming on many others, was striking on her.

“Looking good Master,” Maxir commented as he stepped towards the center of the room looking to see if there was something special in store for him today. “Just a normal run through exercises today? Hard sweaty work? Or am I going to be the victim of a new lesson?”


Amanda braska

Location: Coruscant | Jedi Temple | Training Room
Wearing: outfit

Tag: Maxir Vancil

Amanda sensed maxir around the corner and as he came in her back was turned but she quickly turned around. To match his gaze and walked to the center of the room. To be in front ofhim"I figured we'd start off light than get into lightsaber training" she said standing before him she had planned to start off with force training first off. She had set up some training equipment used for force training around the room. "I figure first off is force training unless you like the view of seeing me standing over you as you lie on the ground first thing in the morning" she teased. He would need to learn how to sense through the force and this training room had the best rubber mats for moving silently and she had a surefire way of teaching him or atleast she hoped it would be.

"I was hoping to start you on the basics of force training like force sense and some more basic force powers that will prove useful" she said as she levitated a blinding apparatus Into her hand. She walked over to maxir "get into a meditation pose and I'll put this on you then I'll instruct you how to sense things through the force this should become second nature over time" she said waiting for him to get into the proper stance placing it onto his head blinding him completely.

"Alright listen let the force flow around you don't force it feel it all living things are touched by it and can be seen and felt in the force try to sense me take your time" she said. As she then began to move silently around the room not giving him any verbal clues of her location.

Maxir Vancil



Location: Coruscant | Jedi Temple | Training Room
Wearing: Light Training Clothes
Tags: Amanda braska


As Amanda met him in the middle of the training room Maxir bowed his head. It was a weird feeling to have Amanda as a master and some things just were different between them than almost any other master and student. So that being the case it was odd to bow and be formal while in this training setting, while they had been so informal many times before now.

Maxir’s need to focus on how to accept the feelings that came to him in the Force were not at all surprising. With the exception of his innate “danger” sense everything that came to Maxir was an effort to accept. There were probably mental walls that he put up causing the issue. Something he would bet that Jedi who started at a younger age did not have to deal with. “I always enjoy looking up at you,” Maxir said with a smirk. “But since we’re talking about training I think starting with some basics before putting me through the ringer is a good idea.”

Maxir wasn’t able to see what Amanda had floated into her hand and he looked at her with a tilt to his head in curiosity. He gave her a smile and took a seated meditation position in the middle of the room. The blinding apparatus was a little heavier than Maxir anticipated. “A cloth blindfold and maybe some bindings would have done the job just fine,” Maxir joked before focusing and preparing for the lesson. “Sorry Master. I am ready.”

Amanda moved around the padded floor Maxir initially lost all notion of where she was at. Maxir frowned. They had a connection. If he couldn’t feel her he was not going to be able to detect other things. Taking a deep breath Maxir focused completely. Emptying everything from what he knew of the room and let the Force talk to him. He could now sense that she was in the room. It was a start. “I know you haven’t left at least…but where you are…” Maxir took another deep breath. “Over my left shoulder?” he questioned.


Amanda braska

Location: Coruscant | Jedi Temple | Training Room
Wearing: outfit
Tag: Maxir Vancil

she could sense his uneasiness through the force and their connection plus he screamed it in the way he walked and bowed towards her. Maybe it was a mistake to take him as a student he deserved to learn to be a jedi and she thought she would have her hands full with lukan and her relationship with maxir. And she didn't want to shove him off onto someone else he might get the wrong impression. She shoved those thoughts out of her mind for now though and focused on training maxir.

she heard his comment and let it slide for now she knew he meant well and that's why he agreed about starting with the basics. She wanted him to have a mind restricted by combat training for this part and she figured starting off on a high note would help him feel better if he failed in combat. "Good then clear your mind of all distractions feel the force let it guide you" she said.

when he said his second insinuating comment she looked down at him in disappointment and a small amount of anger. But she knew it was a jest "these lessons could save your life and your making lewd jokes about it" she yelled her voice stern. He didn't deserve that and she knew it but she cared for him and she didn't want him to die because he took his lessons lightly. Or worse he got experimented on by sith or was tortured by sith or criminals.

"You didn't deserve that I'm sorry" she said there was sadness in her voice as she said that. She stood over his right shoulder he wasnt far off but still he was guessing and not fully getting it. "Your close but you need practice and your guessing I know your older than most padawans when they start and it might be harder for you to grasp these things so we will have to figure out what's blocking you from fully grasping this" she said.

Maxir Vancil



Location: Coruscant | Jedi Temple | Training Room
Wearing: Light Training Clothes
Tags: Amanda braska


Maxir cringed at Amanda’s reaction to his joke. He should have expected it. This was serious business and Maxir knew that was the case. He should be able to leave the flirtations at the training room door. He’d worked with flings before and no one was the wiser. But Amanda Maxir was quickly believing to be more than just a fling. And those emotions came out all wrong when it was time to focus. He wondered if this was the best student/master relationship. But he shook that off quickly. Amanda was a Jedi. Who worked her way up the Jedi ladder quickly. She would be able to show him to focus properly. Or no one would.

Amanda was quick to apologize for the outburst, which made Maxir grin. “You don’t need to apologize, Master. You are right. Leaving feelings in the bedroom needs to be done. I think I’m making jokes to cover for the fact that I’m having trouble doing just that. I will do better. I promise.”

The exercise should have had more focus as well. In his desire to work fast and impress Maxir had taken half measures. As soon as he got a hint that Amanda was behind him he guessed at exactly where. And he guessed wrong. “Impatience. Master,” he answered with disappointment to the question of what was blocking him. “I’m older than everyone at my level. I want to advance faster. I know it’s not the correct approach, but twenty-four years of pushing is hard to overturn.” He closed his eyes tightly. Reached out to where he now knew Amanda was standing and he felt her presence. The familiar presence that was going to be dangerously distracting. He took in a deep breath, pushed the male urgings from his thoughts and focused on Amanda before dropping his focus all together. “Can we please try again?”


Amanda braska

Location: Coruscant | Jedi Temple | Training Room
Tag: Maxir Vancil

Amanda didn't need extensive echani battle training or the force senses of a jedi master to see how her yelling affected maxir. But hopefully she got her point across to him that this life wasn't to be taken likely even if they sometimes shared a bed she cared for him and wanted him to succeed in this new life. She had grown to like having him around in a short time but could sense his frustrations. He was older than most padawans and she got it even before he said it.

Amanda walked to be infront of maxir and she got onto her knees to be at eye level with maxir. She took off the blinding device on maxirs face and looked him in the eyes her eyes held tenderness in them. "We will not continue until we have a heart to heart master to student" she said. She didn't know his view point but she was willing to listen and speak. "I know you want to push yourself hard and learn quickly but that's not how this is going to happen you'll need to learn patience" she said seriously. But there was still tenderness there she was making it clear she was speaking as his teacher not his lover.

"You where blessed with the force at an older age than most but that doesn't mean your less than any of them and age doesn't matter" she said still sitting there emanating an aura of calm. "Everyone's training and jedi path is different just as everyone is Unique" she said as she sat there not moving looking into his eyes.

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