Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not as elegant, just as effective

Why was Ossus so damn interesting? The question went through Gherron's head as he walked around aimlessly, not quite sure what to do. One thing he liked about the place was that, though it wasn't as pretty as Tython, it had a certain... formality to it. In fact, he'd often seen not only Jedi, but others milling about on their business. Gherron had never gotten too involved with the Republic military, but he'd always had a desire to. Men and women that put their lives on the line for the same reason as the Jedi, but without having all of the perks. In a lot of ways, it impressed him. The low sound of a gunshot in the distance, and started walking in the direction it came from to investigate. They had a range? The idea fascinated him. He'd rarely ever used blasters. Just a few times in the past, to his memory. He'd always relied on his lightsaber. Perhaps it was time he learned a few new tricks.

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]
Drapeam Nyx wasn't technically part of the Republic. Or the Jedi Order. Nor did she really want to be. Why then, you may ask, was she on Ossus? Good question! If you asked her, it was because the Protectorate wanted to assist their allies. But if you asked around the infirmary (where the woman was often seen) you'd find out that that was only a half truth. She was here because a Sith Lord had stabbed her in the eye and injected alchemized poison into her. Yeah, not good. Currently she was being treated for it. Surprisingly her chances were pretty good- despite her aching body and fading eyesight. Or, at least, that's what Dr. Stone had told her. Considering the fact that she was an old-school Jedi... Well, her lying didn't seem likely. Maybe she'd get to go home soon. If her lie didn't turn into a truth, that is. After all there were some people here who could use her help. How many of those Jedi peeps knew about surviving in the wild? Which ones knew how to shoot a blaster or take proper care of it? Having a soldier like her around to help those interested was a blessing. Of course... she wasn't exactly the most sociable of people...​
That's probably the main reason she was here, at the makeshift range, instead of in bed, where she was supposed to be. Nyx had been quite pleased to hear that the academy had a bit of a gun area. Most of that excitement faded when she actually got there. That had been a bit over a week ago. Now, after a 'bit' of work, she had managed to fix the place up. On one side a small selection of firearms was stored. Immediately across from it were a variety of different targets. To the right were some beat up droids. Those had likely been decommissioned decades ago. Someone had been asked to come and fix them, but Nyx hadn't heard anything back yet. She figured they were talking to her doctor about it to see if she should even be out there. Or maybe they were talking to Corvus Raaf, the headmaster, to see what she thought. Either way, using the bots was out of the question. That meant that getting a moving target was unlikely. Unless she could find a partner... One person could throw a target into the air while the other shot at it. That would work... if the Zorren ever decided to make friends, that is.​
She held her breath for a moment. Then her finger curled inwards, pulling the trigger in one quick, small movement. Her intended target was pushed back, it's center now a smoking blur.​
They don't call her Boomshot queen for nothing.​
[member="Gherron Vael"]​
It didn't take very long for Gherron to find the range. When he did, he noticed a single woman there, taking pot-shots at the targets on the other side. Nodding in appreciation, he had to admit he was impressed by the soldier's skills. He'd seen many fight alongside him in battle, so that was saying quite a lot. Eventually, the Jedi would stop watching the woman, and walk over to her. He wasn't in his robes at the time, so he didn't know if she would immediately notice he was a Jedi, which he was okay with. "Nice shooting. You've got a great aim." As he said this, he looked out at the target, nodding, impressed.

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]
She heard his footsteps before she ever heard him speak. That wasn't unusual- with her Zorren heritage, it was pretty easy to understand her surroundings. Before his boots hit the dirt by her she noticed his scent in the air. For a moment she was confused- he smelled like the academy. Almost as if he was carrying a piece of it with him. Perhaps he was, in some sort of way. Nyx simply figured he had spent some time there. Well... technically they were still there. The shooting range was just towards the outskirts of the grounds. That way the noise wouldn't disturb those meditating. Though, of course, there were some who could hear the gunshots from long distances away. No one had complained yet. However, a sentient rodent sort of guy, a Jedi Knight, had mentioned it 'casually' to Dr. Stone... who in turn had talked to the lass in question. She had been asked to use sound dampeners when possible. So far she hadn't complied with the suggestion, but that had only been talked about this morning. Yes, she could still smell lingerings of Stone's perfume, clinging to her jacket unnecessary. It was oddly... relaxing. A reminder that if the poison in her veins acted up she'd have someone to help her recover. Even if she'd never admit it, she did, in fact, enjoy the presence of Dr. Lydia Stone. Enough that when she heard footsteps she hoped it was the doc.​
Well, it obviously wasn't.​
"Nice shooting, you've got great aim." Nyx turned to her left, glancing over the man. Having been in the middle of lining up another shot she ever-so-casually pulled the trigger again. An empty can shot off a bench in response. Was that an amazing feat? To do something like that without looking? Not really, when you consider the fact she had already had the thing in her sights before glancing away. It was still better than most could do. The Zorren was a crack shot. A damn good sniper. Probably why the Protectorate had been okay with the vague details of her past. Letting someone with her skills go was generally a bad idea. Who knew where they would end up?... Potentially on the opposite side of a battlefield. Now that would be unfortunate! However, we really should get back to the main action. After all there was a stranger watching our hero with some semblance of interest. Without a word Nyx put her rifle into safety mode and placed it back onto the table. Besides it were a few of 'her' favorite 'toys'. They were not toys. Nor were they hers. Did the man know that? Had he handled such devices before? Or was he one of those Jedi who thought they'd always have their lightsaber by their side?...​
Maybe he wasn't even a Jedi at all.​
"I've done better. Being on a range is one thing, being in the middle of a firefight is another."​
[member="Gherron Vael"]​
Gherron nodded at that. "I'd bet." He examined the beauty of the weapon for a few more seconds before asking the obvious question. "Yiu wouldn't mind training a Jedi, would you?" In fact, he'd been looking for this kind of opportunity. There had been a lot of times in his recent travels where he'd been crippled, just because he couldn't use anything but a lightsaber. He'd used other weapons, but had very little experience. This could be the first step to a new idea on weapons.

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]
Yeah, it made sense. Battles were far different from training. Had the kid been in one before? Probably. He didn't exactly look like a kid, and the Jedi Order had let younger people fight before, so, yeah, most likely. Though Nyx did wonder how old he was. Based off of looks she'd put him around his early twenties- maybe late teens. Though she had never exactly been good at guessing ages. What she was good at was estimating height. And seeing how he was definitely shorter than her... he was about five feet, nine inches, maybe ten. On the other hand she was six feet even. How old was she again?... Almost forty-one. You'd never be able to tell though! It was thanks to those sweet Zorren traits of hers. The claw-like nails, the slightly bowed legs, the advanced senses, and, the best/worst part, the lifespan: 5000 years. Having undergone her trial at around twenty, the girl looked, at most, twenty five. Looks sure can be deceiving! Oh, the boy is talking. Nyx stopped making assumptions about him and just listened.​
"I'd bet."​
She nodded at that. Dr. Stone would be squealing right now, excited that her patient was being social for once. But the patient herself was more likely to scream. Whether that was out of nervousness or mild poison-induced irritation was yet to be determined. Maybe a bit of both. Talking with others wasn't her strong point. Nor was even being around them. Unless they were fighting, of course! This man, however, seemed to be no bigger threat (at the moment) then a leaf in the wind. Looks, however, could be deceiving. Despite her best effort the woman still found herself being unnecessarily cautious. Her gaze never left the man, even when she moved to polish her precious rifle. It was in this state, this overly attentive moment, that she nearly missed what he said next. Funny how that works. You focus to much on one detail and everything else escapes you. Even the incredibly obvious parts. Like, you know, someone talking.​
"You wouldn't mind teaching a Jedi, would you?"​
Her first response was, as expected, a little snappy.​
"Generally the first question you should ask is if I'm willing to train someone at all."​
There was a pause, and then she spoke again, handing him one of the spare rifles while she did.​
"I don't exactly like force users. But some Jedi aren't that bad, or so I've found out. To many of them, however, have no idea how to handle weapons that aren't wacky glowsticks. If you're asking me, the random lady you just met, to help, then I'm guessing you, for the most part, are one of those. Show me what you can do." Nyx gestured to the remaining targets on the far end of the range: A bottle, an empty can, and a suspended rock, no bigger than a fist, hanging from a tree. Each was put out farther then the last (the bottle being the closest to the two). "If you impress me, I'll help you get better. And if you do embarrassingly bad, I'll laugh, then make sure you can shoot moderately straight. Though... I ain't the best teacher. Generally I'm strict, I don't like failure, and I won't tolerate you half-assing anything. If you want to shoot like I can, you're going to have to practice. Hard. For years. Or just be a naturally good shot. And if you were the latter, you wouldn't need me. So... either give it a go or go."​
This was going to be a hell of an interesting day.​
[member="Gherron Vael"]​
Ignoring the woman's snide comments, Gherron just shrugged and took the rifle, kneeling at the base and scoping in. It was his first time using one, but he'd seen them used plenty of times to get the general idea. Now actually hitting the targets? That was a different matter altogether. Breathing softly, he figured on testing himself. Aiming for the farthest target, he gave himself a few seconds to bead in on the rock, and squeezed the trigger. At least three feet between the rock and where his shot landed. Cursing to himself, he tried again, a little more to the left. Squeezing again, he just nicked the target. A satisfied grin shown on his face. "How's that for a first timer?"

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]
"How's that for a first timer?"​
Nyx wanted to face-palm. Hell, she wanted to facepam x2 combo this thing. But she had to remind herself that this kid was a nerf. Brand spanking new to the world of ranged weaponry. Well, besides for the rocks he probably threw at people at some point. Jedi tend to throw a lot of things around. Part of that whole "oh my gah I haz space wizad powahs" thing (Nyx would like to point out that she understands this is an exaggeration, and in no real way represents her actual opinion of force users). At least the kid (she was going to call him that, even though he was definitely a man) managed to hit something after a couple tries. Sure, the rock was still intact.... at least it had a scuff mark? Well... Nyx had seen worse shots. Once she had even made a worse shot. Only once. It had been her first ever time with a rifle. Ah, wondrous (for once) memories.​
She figured it was about time to get back to teaching.​
"Could have been better. Could have been worse. Mostly it could have been better. You did focus, that's good, but eventually you're going to need to be able to only half focus. Or at least you should learn to. Practice enough and this'll become second nature to you. Kind of, uh, kind of like I've been told using the force is like. You won't need to think. You'll just do. That weapon will be an extension of yourself, another part of you, one you can do a lot more with than you might think. The model you got right there it's- it's a great gun. Pretty little thing that can pack quite a punch. The range is phenomenal as well. 2000 meters is just fine for it. No problem. Further than that? Yup. Shorter? Definitely. So treat it with respect. It'll return the favor at some point. Now get into shooting position, aiming at the bottle this time. Let me see if we can whip your stance into shape."​
[member="Gherron Vael"]​
Nodding gently, Gherron would quickly pull the rifle back into his shoulder and aim into the sights. The first time was a measuring contest for himself; he wanted to see just how far he could go, and how long it would take him to improve. That first shot went surprisingly well, though the woman was right. Now it was time to try an easier target. Aiming in at the bottle, he steadied his breathing, like he did whenever he used the force, except he wouldn't be using the force at all for this. He wasn't a cheater, after all. Once he had his target lined up in his sights, he squeezed the trigger, and not a moment later heard the sound of breaking glass. A small grin made its way to his face then as he put the weapon back down.

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]
It was even harder to hold back a face-palm that time.
Drapeam Nyx let out a quiet sigh.​
"I asked ya to get into ya frakking stance, aiming at the target, not shooting the krackin' thing." A thin scowl found itself on her face, briefly, before melting away into a 'casual' blank. "Don't shoot this time 'round. Arms up, elbows in. Feet balanced. Why feet? Sometimes targets move. They won't this time, but ya gotta be ready for that chite, for when it does. Can't get used to a bad position. Old habits die hard. Lesson of the day: Don't make bad habits." She waited, quietly, for the man to get into position again. Without another word she watched. If he made a mistake she'd gently adjust his form. Great shooters didn't need to be in the perfect stance to get it right. But good shooters normally did. Novices?... Most needed to be.​
[member="Gherron Vael"]​

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