Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nose Burn

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

A fleet of warships from Mandalore that has left their home in search of a place they can truly be what the Manda intended for them to be. They had gone back to their nomadic roots, but with less murdering everything in their path this time. Three Outer Rim Coaltion donated Redoubt-class light cruisers made up the bulk of living space of civilians of the fleet, though as Mandalorians were any of them truly civilians? Every being aboard these ships were armed to the teeth. They ran their small businesses, took mercenary contracts all over the galaxy, and raised their families. They wore their armor and spoke the language and there was no one hanging over their heads with ominously marked armor ready to steal them away and take away the gifts the Manda saw fit to give them.

Since the Great Vanishing many more Mandalorian children were being born Force sensitive and more were awakening to their gifts. While Gilamar didn't care for the Sith or the Jedi, he was a deeply spiritual man and believed the Manda had chosen them for a reason and it was his duty to keep those gifts safe. As any Mandalorian they would grow into their skills on their own or their kin would teach them. Here at Echoylir all Mando'ade were welcome.

And so was anyone willing to spend their credits.

Mandalorian goods were rare this side of the Galaxy and were deeply coveted by bounty hunters and mercenaries alike. It was also probably the only place other than Mandalorian colonies to get good Tihaar or some good hetikles. At the center of it all though was the Ketyadyr. A massive ship built for House Skirata several years ago and spirited away during the Civil War along with the rest of the migrant fleet. It was the flagship and home of the training facilities that kept the militia-like defense force on their toes as well as the meeting place where decisions on where to go next were made.

From Port to Starboard the goods on this warship turned space colony were of the best quality and held the busiest markets of Echoylir. It is here that this web of stories takes place.

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