Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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    • Faction: Ashlan Crusade
    • Birthplace: Metellos
    • Age: 38 GSY
    • Species: Kessurian
    • Gender: Male
    • Height: 1.75 Meters
    • Weight: 78 kg
    • Hair: White
    • Skin: Red with mottling
    • Eyes: Grey
    • Force Sensitivity: Yes
    • Voice: Roger Craig Smith as Ezio Auditore]
  • Over the course of some lives, faith and secularity intercept each other. Some use the talents they possess to better serve their faith. Such is the case of one Nol Akkos. A spiritual healer and physician intersected.

    His story began when he was born on the colonial world of Metellos. Born to immigrants, his life was much more privileged than others in his situation. His father was a Kessurian businessman closely tied with the Trade Federation. His mother, on the other hand, was a freighter captain with Jedi ancestry. Because of his father, Nol lived a comfortable life.

    Yet, he could not overlook the suffering of others. He often saw people on Metellos who had no ability to get healthcare. It was this vision where Nol saw the path of his future. He aspired to become a physician to help those in need. He studied well and eventually graduated from Byblos Academy of Medicine.

    For years he used his skills for the better. He joined a relief organization, offering his medical skills to regions of the Galaxy torn by war or poverty. It was in one of these warzones that he discovered his other gifts. He was providing medical aid to a village on Savareen when criminal raiders serving the Hutts came to take Nol's medical supplies. He attempted to fight back, and during the scuffle, telekinetically tossed the raiders away. His Jedi blood had shown itself.

    Now aware of his Force powers, Nol sought out mystics to teach him to control his abilities. He came under the tutelage of an Essonian priest, and was taught in their ways, eventually becoming a friar in their faith. Nol soon came to view the Dark Side as just another sickness, but one of a spiritual nature. With the formation of the Ashlan Crusade, he has followed them, offering healing of both physical and metaphysical ailments.
  • Strengths
    • Force Trained: After learning of his Force connection, Nol spent years being taught techniques from an Ashlan Priest. He is comparable to a Jedi Knight, but he mainly focuses on defensive abilities. He is quite skilled at Force-assisted healing, defensive barriers, and redirecting harmful energies.
    • Medic: Nol is a graduate of a medical academy, and thus has the knowledge of how to treat most patients. At very least, he can provide first aid under pressure.

    • Pacifist: As a medic, Nol took an oath of "do no harm." He will not kill another being if he can help it. If he does have to fight, he will do so to incapacitate and knock out. This puts him at odds with some other Crusaders, who see killing as answer.
    • Anti-Bogan: Nol has come to view the Dark Side as a spiritual plague on the Galaxy. He will never willingly work with a Sith or their like. He will instead try to help rehabilitate them so that they no longer are a threat to others.

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