Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No Hard Feelings

S u p e r i o r

Arador Kahn was on the hunt for a loose end that his employer, [member="Varik Ice"], wanted silenced. He had been doing some investigation of his own prior to leaving the surface of Gromas 16. There was bound to have been someone who had colluded with the defector and Arador was keen on finding them. After questioning some of the workers, he had found that his target, by the name of Jason Varzee, had a family on the nearby planet of Centares. Perfect. That would be his first place to look, as family always made for one of the easiest ways to get to someone, something he was very keen on keeping a secret so that no one would ever be able to get at him.

Arador would take off from Gromas 16 as he made the necessary jump to the planet Centares. Arador's ship would soon arrive in the vicinity of the planet, his ship making its way through the atmosphere as he landed on the outskirts of a small town, disembarking as he began to probe around the town, looking for the location of Varzee's home. It wouldn't take long before he had pinpointed the location of the man's home as well as his wife and infant son who were out in the front yard. Arador would make his way through the yard as the little boy looked up and ran up to him, tugging at his jacket as he spoke in an excited voice,

"Mommy, mommy! He looks so cool!"

"Vane, please don't pull at his clothes. I'm sorry about that. Can I help you with something Mister...?"

"Khan. I'm looking for your husband, Jason. He seemed to have gotten himself into trouble and hired me to make sure he was protected. He contacted me to check in and make sure you and your son were safe. Can you let me talk to him? So I can let him know everything's alright."

The woman would have a worried look on her face as she nodded before walking off into the house. Khan would look down at the child before scooping him up, lifting him up with one arm as he was looking at the boy, a red smile appearing on his featureless face as the boy shrieked with laughter. He would soon walk into the house with the boy as the door shut behind him, locking it. He would walk into the living room as the wife had her back turned to Arador, dialing up her husband. She would turn around as he handed off the boy to her, a hologram of Varzee appearing. He would shortly pull out his blaster carbine as he aimed it at her and motioned for her to stay put as he spoke.

"Nice place you got here Varzee. Lovely wife and cute kid."

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing at my house? Where is my wife?"

"A mutual friend wanted me to make sure you didn't let your tongue slip. You come home, and I promise I won't hurt your family."

"Alright alright! Just please, don't hurt my family."

"Better make it home quick, and don't think about trying to bring anyone else. Time's ticking Varzee."

"Just don-"


The hologram would vanish as Arador cut off the transmission. He would turn to the woman clutching her child as he tilted his head and spoke, "I'm terribly sorry for having to do this to you. I promised not to hurt you or your son. I'm a man of my word." Arador would gesture for the woman to find a more comfortable seat as they sat in the living room, his legs crossed as he patiently waited for Varzee to rush back home. Arador had found an exploit to flush his prey out of hiding and forced him to come to Arador, much like he exploited a number of weaknesses to his advantage. He would set a small boxlike device down next to the woman as he spoke, "This here is a pressure plate explosive. If you stand up and try to do anything or let go of your son, it will detonate, so please don't do anything foolish." He would seat the woman down on it as it beeped. In reality, it was just a bluff. Nothing would happen if she stood up, but the sheer fear of possibly killing herself as well as her son would keep the woman from doing anything.

There would be a knock at the door as Arador left the room and made his way to the door. He would open it as a sonic pistol was leveled directly in the face of his target who was wearing a miner's mask, a blaster pistol in hand, pointed up at Arador's chin. The two would look at each other as Arador looked at him.

"Nice reaction time. Expected from someone who had military training."

"Cut the fodder. What do you want with me and my family?"

"Like I said. A mutual friend wants to make sure you don't let your tongue slip."

"I haven't said anything! If you promise to leave me and my family alone, I'll forget everything that I knew."

"I can respect that wish. You have a lovely family, I would hate to rob them of such a caring father..."

Arador would look at the man as he tilted his head to the side. Arador would nod as he shook his head to gesture for the two of them to lower their weapons. The two would lower their pistols down to the side as he raised his left hand out for a handshake. The man would be reluctant to take his hand, but Arador seemed to have a genuine tone of sincerity. He accepted the hand as Arador pulled him in close and patted him on the back with his right hand before shaking firmly.

A few moments would pass as Varzee let out a sigh of relief. A click would be heard followed by a metallic grinding sound as a metallic blade that extended from Arador's cybernetic left arm, piercing the man's abdomen as he spoke,

"Unfortunately you're still just a job...No hard feelings, but I'll respect your last wish and leave your family alone."

Arador would pull his arm back as the blade retracted back into his arm and Varzee gasped for breath. Arador would simply pick the man up as he threw him over his shoulder and began to walk back to his ship. Arador could have opted for a non-lethal capture, but there was something that rubbed Arador the wrong way when someone pointed a weapon at him. He would board his ship as he contacted Varik and spoke, an image of the man appearing for proof.

"Varzee's dead. Contract's complete. I'll be expecting my credits Mister Ice."

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