Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No Flesh left to Devour

Dantooine, Crystal Cave

Once this had been jedi land, a beacon of light against the ever growing darkness that threatened to consume the galaxy. Now it was no longer so, one of the oldest jedi worlds was ruled by the sith, or rather the Sith Ascendancy. Abyss never cared much for the empire his allies were building, the whole idea of an empire was inherently flawed to his mind. Yet that didn't meant that he couldn't see the advantages such a structure offered, for example the option to explore the ancient caves where the jedi had hunted down crystals for their sabers without the need to hide and deceive his way there.

What little light filled the cavern was spend by the various crystals that grew around here, tainting the cave in all shades of blue, green and yellow. In this dim light a hollow figure stood, dead metal that only walked because of darkness and twisted magic. Abyss had come a long way until he had finally ascended into what he had been meant to be, until he learned and mastered the skills needed to unchain his spirit form the shackles of flesh. Empty eyes looked thorough the structure, the sith spirit behind them immersed in the flow of the force that was even stronger here than on the rest of the already highly attuned world.

It was all there. The light, echoing through the old stones from the past, the dark, calling for both the present and the future for the hand of the Prophet. Yet there was more than just the neutral flow of the force, a presence that didn't belonged to the caves, but to a person. He could not see it just yet, but it was near, it was coming to disrupt the flow that he was caught in. It was a glimpse of darkness, clearly that of a sith, but not of a lord. An Knight, or maybe just a powerful acolyte. It was hard to tell for now, as the presence was still shrouded below the presence of the cave itself, his senses only able to feel it as an echo of a possible future.

Whoever was about to make the mistake of bother him here and now would learn why his enemies called him the Mindeater.

[member="Satia the Cruel"]


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​Returning to Dantooine, I could still inhale the impressions of deaths turned ghosts haunting the green land done in my name. As a TSA supporter, I was not allowed to officially kill, but unofficially I killed many, feasting like a starving predator upon bloodied meat bone; twisting the sinew of tough flesh across my chainsaw teeth. I didn't rule Danootine, Ord Binnir was mine, but I hunted these lands like a plague creeping silently in a foul mist form; consuming the hearts of purification. Even now, the incestuous land was filled with the bodies of rotting corpse nailed to T-trees; I was after all, the Queen of Crucifixions.

​Gnawing the remaining flesh from the skull of a child, I felt a strong presence moving through the Force. Maneuvering my blood-soaked face toward the east, I could plot where this uninvited guest was travelling too; the crystal cave. This cave, famed for it's gems to be added to hilts housed many beauties; but it housed many bones of victims subjected to my insatiable hunger. My only visit to those caves, I turned serenity and beauty into dreams of horror; putting many boned secrets to rest. Yet, an invader came.

​Arriving at the cave, the joy of killing ran rampant and uncontrollably; sending my body into a shivering mass of pleasure. What I felt was a mere glimpse of near nothingness, yet like a broken winged moth darting through the cold night, in search of warmth; I stumbled into the cave looking to eat wounded moths.

[member="Darth Abyss"]
"You stumbled into the wrong cave girl, turn around now or be consumed."

The metal figure didn't had to turn around to see [member="Satia the Cruel"] walk into his newly claimed sanctuary, her echo and the sound of her steps more than enough to see her as clear like he was looking directly at her. His voice was quite unlike that of a man, a disembodied noise that lacked any clear source, instead simply forming out of thin air through his mastery over the force. Slowly, and slightly theatrical the husk of a sith turned around, the black, ragged robe that shrouded his body slightly dancing around him thanks to the movement.

There was no face she could look at, only a metal skull with a fixed jaw filled with sharp teeth much alike hers, and a twisted wooden mask that obscured everything besides said jaw. For just a moment he allowed his full presence to fill the room, a cold, dark void that hungered for its endless emptiness to be filled with more minds. Then the presence disappeared completely, suddenly hidden below layers upon layers of shadows and deception, masking his position on a spiritual level.

The book that rested on his belt, attached through a small chain, was suddenly lifted into the air, hovering at the exact right height for a being of Abyss size to read from it, its pages turning by itself. While his own presence was hidden she would be able to feel the taint that weighted on the cursed pages, as soon as power was channeled through the runes engraved on its cover.

"Decide quickly, I have more important things to do than to erase petty insects."

His words were followed by a mocking laugh, a jarring noise less human than the sith himself. It had become a trademark of the Mindeater, an always taunting, always mocking entity that never felt more pleasure then when belittling lesser beings. The truth was that it was merely an act, a sign of mastery of Dun Möch, the ancient sith art of mental warfare without the force.

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