Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] @T'yr Dellos [member="Tålamod Shapochka"] [member="Lok Jorunn"] [member="Serana Treytla"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Comms were getting worse, damn the nebula! Alva could hardly hear the order from command about attacking the opposing ships closing in on the Imperial formation. All she could make out were the words to engage and destroy along with the part of not letting a single ship and then nothing. The nebula's interference was messing with everyone it seemed. At least the TIE Seekers could possibly rely on point communication if they became desperate. Hopefully the same problems going on for them were also acting as a thorn in the enemy's side as well, but regardless the crinan woman at the head of the Squadron's lead flight could only promise to herself she was making an amendment to naval engagement textbooks to insist upon every commander that they never fight inside a nebula. . . . .EVER!

"Roger that Captain, engaging enemy targets now. All pilots form up, first flight follow my lead, all other flights sweep after us and break around after the first pass." Tuning her targeting systems as she tried to adjust to the nebula's horrendous effect on electronics, Alva sighed as she looked at her sensor display to track the closing blips that were now her task to eliminate. Of course, as they got closer, the communication over the open channel would normally have made Alva pause before carrying out her orders. After all, the Republic was. . . .if not a full blooded ally, then they were at least comrades with a mutual enemy and a desire to not harm one another. However, with the nebula ruining even friendly frequencies. . . .could anyone really blame her when the incoming message was unreadable?

. . . . . . .eutenant Von . . . . . .fense . . . . Bravo Squadro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fire upon...”

With what managed to get through over the unencrypted and less stable channel. . . it left the Imperial Squadron Leader with little to go on to call off her attack as she pressed her TIE Seeker to attack speed, her wingmen on either side of her craft's flank close behind as she input the calculations for missile launch. "All fighters lead with a missile salvo and spray them with laser cannons. Open fire!" Gripping her controls, Alva flicked the firing trigger for the TIE's concussion missile launcher and pressed down on the firing control for the laser cannons as she entered range of the enemy fighters.

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