Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ninotchka Svetlova

Ninotchka Svetlova

NAME: Ninotchka Svetlova
RANK: Apprentice
AGE: 25
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'10 or 177 cm
WEIGHT: 121 lbs or 55 kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blond
SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Is a Privateer
+ Is an Icarii
- Greedy (Pirate)
- Prone to Outbursts (Pirate)
- Lightweight

A slender and attractive blond woman.

Ninotchka Svetlova, or Nina to her friends, is a beautiful 25-year-old pirate, who had earned a reputation in the Tapani Sector as having an uncanny charm among men. In her youth she was spurned by a young Tapani Noble and Saber Rake. In order to exact her revenge she set about training in the finer arts of the lightfoil. Through guile and manipulation she saw to the destruction of the nobles family and interests turning his allies against him in a bloody massacre until finally challenging him to a duel. To add insult to injury she decimated her opponents defense and allowed him to live without use of his dueling arm a penniless vagabond.

Although her reputation was gained in the Tapari Sector her origins lay elsewhere. On Nar Shadda she was presumably born, or in the least she was found there wandering the streets. The Tionese Pirate Captain Marko Paolo caught her running a scam on a local and took a liking to her bringing her aboard his vessel “King Xim’s Revenge”. From there she learned the tools of the trade acting as a go between for the captain and various merchants he traded stolen cargo with. After several altercations between herself and her father figure and captain she finally took what she considered to be her rightful place as his executive officer and upon his retirement, after raiding a particularly large Corusca Gem shipment, took command.

"King Xim's Revenge"




I complain a lot about profiles. This is one I can get behind. This character's "strength" is a species, and that species makes it easier for her to lose fights. I think Icarii may be my favorite species ever for this exact reason.


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