Zavzen stood for a minute, thinking through how he would accomplish his task before acting. Slowly and clumsily he drew Saviour, his longer sword, into his right hand. Taking a deep breathe, he began to channel the Force into the blade. He expected for there to be some resistance and degree of difficulty to his attempt and as such push a lot of the Force into the blade, expecting to fail. The result of this was a small and shallow hole near his feet as the Force followed the direction his had made it flow in, towards the tip of Savior.
Zavzen stumbled back slightly in surprise in what had happened before he shook his head and mumbled to himself, using phrases like: "Kriffing Force" and "Son of a Sithspawn".
He let out a deep sigh as he began to analyse what had happened, 'The amount of Force I used was obviously too much,' he thought, 'so the first thing to try next time would be to use less. The Force also definitely did flow through Saviour, it had to to make that hole. If it had not it would have impacted onto the floor not drilled into the kriffing thing.' Without him consciously realising it, the young Zabrak had begun to pace as well as mumble under his breathe. 'The second thing to address would be the fact that the Force would follow the shape of the exit point off of the blade. That rules out send Force Push towards Krest using the point or the sides of the blade, while it would maybe work in a combat setting it wouldn't in training nor sparring.' Outside of his thoughts Zavzen let out a sigh, This means that I'm going to have to use the flat of the blade, an awkward position it maybe be to move my arm in such a manner so as to keep the flat face directed in Krest's direction, it is probably do able and will take practice. I will also have to make sure that the flow of the Force through the blade will have to be towards the correct face. Now, that maybe a little complicated, I wonder if storing the Force in the blade and direct it from there would be easier. A project for later, maybe.'
Zavzen shook his head as he came out of his thoughts a few minuets after entering them and turned to face the red Zabrak. With a sigh, he tried again. He channelled the Force into Saviour and let it pool there, making sure to use a lot less than his first attempt. With one last sigh he swung his sword in Krest's direction, making sure that the flat always stayed facing him, and released the Force towards him in a 'flat' shape.