Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Niman (Zavzen Sae'ryx)

There he was again, standing on the planet of Ession. But this time, he was not aiming to forge. [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] had completed his blades, and now was the time to teach him how to use it. Before, he had shown an understanding of using the force while fighting, and now Krest would push him farther, advance the understanding to something more. With both hands behind his back he would be standing among the wreckage of a ship from a war long before he himself was born. The left over parts had merged with the ground, creating it's own habitat for dark dwellers such as fungi and the like.

Krest's point on being here was simple. The environment offered the ability to use the force, pulling the machines and pushing your foes into walls, the ground, what have you. It was a place where adaptation would be key, and Niman has always been about that for the Zabrak. So clad with his normal clothing and with his two lightsabers strapped to his waist, he would wait for the younger Zabrak. This would take longer then the sword making did.
Zavzen approached Krest, his new swords, Saviour and Reaper, hanging on the side of his left hip. He had removed his outer robe, leaving him in a leather jacket and trousers.He was looking forward to his training, to learning something new and to begin his introduction to the Seven Swords.

Zavzen came to a stop a few paces from in front of his teacher, looking around at his surroundings he took in the trees surrounding them, the buried ship and plant life. He then bowed before speaking,

"How shall we be beginning, Master?"

"Simple, we shall begin by you drawing your swords, and teaching you how to channel the force into them." Krest would fold his arms over his chest, nodding once to [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] . The process of channeling the force through Zavzen's blades would be far easier then he would expect. The blades were a part of him, and reacted to what he did. They were, essentially, perfect for the Rancor user. "I want you to use Force Push on me, but only through the blade."
Zavzen stood for a minute, thinking through how he would accomplish his task before acting. Slowly and clumsily he drew Saviour, his longer sword, into his right hand. Taking a deep breathe, he began to channel the Force into the blade. He expected for there to be some resistance and degree of difficulty to his attempt and as such push a lot of the Force into the blade, expecting to fail. The result of this was a small and shallow hole near his feet as the Force followed the direction his had made it flow in, towards the tip of Savior.

Zavzen stumbled back slightly in surprise in what had happened before he shook his head and mumbled to himself, using phrases like: "Kriffing Force" and "Son of a Sithspawn".

He let out a deep sigh as he began to analyse what had happened, 'The amount of Force I used was obviously too much,' he thought, 'so the first thing to try next time would be to use less. The Force also definitely did flow through Saviour, it had to to make that hole. If it had not it would have impacted onto the floor not drilled into the kriffing thing.' Without him consciously realising it, the young Zabrak had begun to pace as well as mumble under his breathe. 'The second thing to address would be the fact that the Force would follow the shape of the exit point off of the blade. That rules out send Force Push towards Krest using the point or the sides of the blade, while it would maybe work in a combat setting it wouldn't in training nor sparring.' Outside of his thoughts Zavzen let out a sigh, This means that I'm going to have to use the flat of the blade, an awkward position it maybe be to move my arm in such a manner so as to keep the flat face directed in Krest's direction, it is probably do able and will take practice. I will also have to make sure that the flow of the Force through the blade will have to be towards the correct face. Now, that maybe a little complicated, I wonder if storing the Force in the blade and direct it from there would be easier. A project for later, maybe.'

Zavzen shook his head as he came out of his thoughts a few minuets after entering them and turned to face the red Zabrak. With a sigh, he tried again. He channelled the Force into Saviour and let it pool there, making sure to use a lot less than his first attempt. With one last sigh he swung his sword in Krest's direction, making sure that the flat always stayed facing him, and released the Force towards him in a 'flat' shape.

The Zabrak's brow raised at the first blast, watching it cut into the floor. That was actually good, something that Krest himself used on more then one occasion, but [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] seemed too surprised for it to have been on purpose. So rather then interject, he would let the young man stew, let him learn on his own. Patiently he would wait, one hand raised up to chest level and the other down by his side. Of course, he needed to be ready just incase Zavzen might blow a hole in him. And then, there it was. A solid push, basic and simple, flew to his own form.

His right hand, the one chest level, shot forward, erecting a barrier quickly to catch the blast and divert it around his own form. There was an approving nod.

"Good! Very good."
"We continue with that. Niman is about adaptability and utilizing the force with your combat. I shall show you what I know, and it will be up to you to learn, copy, and change it into your own style. Niman has always been open to interpretation, yes?" Calling forth his two sabers into his hand, the Zabrak would opt to take the opening stance of the sixth stance. With his feet close together, he would point his right foot towards the younger Zabrak. Both blades would be held close together, with the blade pointed the same way his torso would be, to the left, and downwards. A slight nod would come from Krest's direction to [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] . "Now you."
Zavzen studied Krest's stance for a bit before trying to copy it. Drawing his second sword, Reaper, he held it in his left hand.

First he positioned his feet. He kept the close together, his heals almost touching. He back foot, his left foot, was almost perpendicular to his front and dominant foot, his right foot. His right foot was pointed towards Krest. He then positioned his swords. He held both swords low and to the left, Saviour - the longer of the two and held in the left - in front of Reaper. Both swords were held pointing downwards and slightly backwards, in preparation for a strong movement that would come from the wrist.

Zavzen kept his body loose and relaxed but ready for movement. His body was angled slightly to left, following the line of his swords. "Attack me, please. I wish to see if this stance is ok."


(OOC: You might want to look at this and this for information on Jar'Kai and Niman. Best videos I could find on the subjects.)
A slight nod came from the red man before he slid forward. His two sabers would flash forward as he brought them up and tore them across for [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] 's chest. It was a quick and simple move, but it had a full killing intent. He would rest on his right foot, letting his weight go forward into the strike itself.
Zavzen reacted as quickly as he could. First he brought Saviour up and round, keeping it angled, to strike at the oncoming attack. He shifted his weight behind the block to give it more strength while releasing a slight push from his sword using the Force. His second sword, Reaper, flowed with his body's shift. It came swinging for Krest's unprotected flank. As much as Zavzen wished other wise, he knew that this was a serious test and as such struck to wound his teacher.

With his weight pressed against [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] Krest would find himself sliding back from the push only a small amount of space. But with his blades free, he would turn at the hip, and bring his saber to and through the ground, and back up to catch Reaper upon his free blade. Holding Reaper there against his own offhand blade, Krest would step in, thrusting his saber quickly for the boys chest, his right foot sliding forward much like one would expect from Makashi.
Zavzen leant backwards slightly, an instinctive reaction to something coming towards him before he could bring Saviour down, around and up to lift Krest's blade away from, but his instinctive reaction cost him a cut across his chest.With Reaper caught in a lock with Krest's offhand sabre and Saviour lifting Krest's other saber, both zabrak's torsos where left open.

Acting as quickly as he could, Zavzen jumped slightly to plant both feet against Krest's chest before jumping again, backwards this time and away from the red zabrak. This jump was also augmented with a Force Push, causing Zavzen to go further than normal in his jump and, hopefully, caused [member="Krest"] to become unbalanced. As he landed, the young zabrak threw his hand forwards towards Krest and with it many rocks that surrounded the two.
Krest would find himself soaring backwards from the kick, much more than thrown off balance. As he flew though, a grin formed on his own face before he would turn himself. Using the momentum [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] had given him, he would turn himself into a backflip. And as the rocks flew at him, his sabers would flash about his form, tearing through each of the thrown projectiles. As he would land, one of his sabers would go off, returning to his waist.

"Now, you should focus on using one blade, as your second should be used for surprise attacks."
Heading Krest's words, Zavzen sheathed Reaper and continued with only Saviour. He ran at Krest, using the Force to bolster his speed. When he got close he decided to attack from a different angle and jumped sideways so as to push of a tree and over the head of Krest attacking him from there, as he landed he turned and used the momentum to put more power behind the blow to his back. He continued to deliver slash after slash, using the momentum from the previous strike to bolster the next.

Krest was quick to follow [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] , his blue saber flashing across to catch the solid blade. With both hands on his blade, he was more than able to withstand the blows, his own force used to increase his speed and strength. Pushing off one of his attacks,the Zabrak would suddenly slip bis hand from the hilt of his blade and send a blast to the younger man.
With a surprised grunt Zavzen went sailing backwards, only stopping when he dug his sword into the ground. Slowly standing, he entered the opening stance again, this time with one sword. Waiting for Krest to make the next move and come to him, ready to fall back on the defensive until he could find the right time to strike.

Krest flicked his lightsaber around, going neutral in stance by simply holding it in a single hand by his side. He would nod at [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] , waving a hand non threateningly. "You still have the basic idea down well. For now, we shall switch the tactic, and you shall practice the pulling slash yes? Grip one of the prices of metal to yourself and cut it. Understood?"
Nodding at Krests gesture and order, Zavzen sheathed Saviour. He took a deep breathe before he started. Reaching out with the Force and pulled one of the loose pieces of metal and pulled it towards him. As it soured towards him he closed his eyes and sank into the Force to let it guide him on his first try. When it came within two meters of him his eyes snapped open and his stance lengthened slightly while he pulled Saviour from it's sheathe in a smooth movement and slashed it from left to right in a rising diagonal slash before he pushed his left hand out, releasing a Force push and sending the now two pieces of metal flying. Slowly, he re-sheathed Saviour before looking up at Krest and asking, "What do you think, good enough when I have the Force to guide me?"

Krest nodded approvingly, but there was a hint of a frown in his face. "It was good, but do not limit yourself to the force. There are those who can cloud that, and the Vong are powerful in the sense that they are force dead and thusly unreadable. You must be able to act without submerging yourself to the force, it is a tool, not a crutch." The Zabrak would nod again, pointing to the rubble. "Again."

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]
"Yeah I know that, I wanted to try it with the Force first." Taking a few quick breathes he tried it again, this time making sure that he didn't lean of the Force to do so. Again the metal flew through the air and his stance shifted, he drew his sword but that time when he cut it was early and when the metal was pushed away it was still in one piece, albeit with a deep slice down the middle. When Zavzen saw this he let out a slight growl and tried again. The next time he was early again, then he was late and ended up punching the metal. 10 minuets later anger and frustration was curling inside of him, trying to control him, but he kept them under as much restraint as possible, using the feelings to focus his mind. Trying one more time, he pulled the metal towards him and this time when he pushed the metal away it came away in two pieces. When he saw that the pale Zabrak let out a relieved sigh, "Well, is that best?" He asked.


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