Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Nilia Aar

Name: Nilia Aar

Height: 5’5
Weight: 120 lbs
Species: Human

Home planet:

Appearance: Thin/athletic. Blonde hair/Brown eyes/ healed scar under her right eye/Scar on chest


Force Attunement
Force bellowing
Force push


Loner: Nilia Is slow to trust, being that she feels everyone is after her either because of her latent abilities with the force or because she chooses to live in seclusion and haggle whenever the opportunity presents itself

Anxiety: Nilia suffers from panic attacks when cornered or feels like there's no way out of a situation. At one moment in the past, it caused her to use her force powers inadvertently.

Biography: Nilia Was born and left on the planet of Foerost in the industrial district outside of a factory when she was an infant. A Female Bothan factory worker happen to see her nestled in linens after ending her shift. Choosing to take her in, she would bring hr home and nurture her, having her become a part of the woman's Bothan family which consisted of two children and her husband.

Although tempted to release Nilia to the authorities because they did not know where she came from, her husband reluctantly kept her around but treated her differently, having her do more laborious work than the others to earn her “keep”. Nilia learned a lot about Bothanian culture and saw her “adopted” mother and father as her own. Their children were divided at first on letting her become a part of their family. She was smooth-skinned and had different eating habits as well as a different mentality. As she became older, they eventually saw her as one of their own.At the age of 11, she discovered her force ability Force Bellow) in the midst of an awkward situation involving bullying. Scared and afraid of herself, she turned to her parents for help. Her father sought the help of witches to explain the phenomenon as her mother leaned more towards the possibility of Nilia being a force user. Finding out that she had force powers, her mother contacted a friend who knew a jedi that would refer her to an academy, but the man never made it to Foerost for unknown reasons. Nilia decided to embark on a journey herself to the infamous Coruscant seeking help for her newfound abilities.

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