Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nik Bonvor

NAME: Nik Bonvor
FACTION: None, just a criminal and may join a faction later
RANK: None
SPECIES: Weeqauy
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 197 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
+Good marksman
+Skilled in technology
-Terrible in hand-to-hand
APPEARENCE: A rather short man with long hair with breads in them. Each bread represents how many years he has been away from his planet. Two KYD-21 blaster pistol would be securely tucked in and latched in holsters. He wore protective goggles and vest and wore extremely dirty boots.
BIOGRAPHY: Nik was born on Sriluur and was apart of a poor family. His father was killed by a bounty hunter and his mother was unbelievably ill. Nik spent most of his time pickpocketing travelers and using the credits to buy the food his mother could not cook. At a young age, Nik was exposed to alcohol and cigarettes and eventually became addicted. When he became 19, his mother passed away and Nik boarded the nearest ship to Corucant. Once he made it to the city, he started stealing blasters or cigarettes and selling them to anyone willing to pay. Once he made enough credits he purchased two KYD-21s and started mugging people on the streets.
SHIP: None yet(Well, a hover bike but I don't think that counts as a ship)
BOUNTIES COLLECTED: He is not a hunter.

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