Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ni'gel from Accounting

NAME: Ni'gel from Accounting
RANK: Accountant
AGE: 39
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 120lbs
EYES: Empty Sockets
SKIN: Bone-White Exoskeleton

[Blind Obedience]
[Bystander Syndrome]
[Dirty Coward]
[Etiquette Nazi]
[Hates Being Touched]
[The Scrooge]
[Sex is Evil, and I am Horny]

+Mathematics: Ni'gel would explain his calculative genius to you, but you wouldn't understand anyway.
+Logistics: Do you need to get somewhere? Ni'gel will plan your day. Down to the second.
+Dejarik: The only respectable pastime.
~Prude: Clothes exist for a reason, so wear all of them. Sex is an unfortunate reproductive necessity.
-No Fun Zone: Ni'gel doesn't like words like cool. He prefers terms such as 'efficiency'. He takes his caf black, without sugar, because sugar is exciting.
-Thinker, Not a Fighter: Ni'gel does not know one end of a sword from the other, but when put in a corner he's not above using underhanded means to win.

Tall, gaunt and possessing a baleful, empty-eyed gaze, Ni'gel isn't the cheeriest fellow in the galaxy. He prefers apparel with high-necks and long-sleeves, so as not to be crass and show skin.

Ni'gel was a very successful accountant in Cestus Cybernetics for many years. When the company changed labels to Hegemonic Automaton, Ni'gel received a promotion. His family is very proud of his accomplishments. He hopes one day to be the Secretary Treasurer of the Trade Federation, but there are many calculations to be made between then and now.

For starters, he has to keep Hegemonic Automaton running despite his employer's ever incessant wish for 'bigger, stronger' and frankly, more ludicrous droids. What is a Givin to do?

After a stint in the droid industry, dipping his toe into bureaucracy with the First Order, and then trying to seek gainful employment as the CEO of an energy corporation, Ni'gel still finds that his heart lies with the numbers. Cold, hard, unfeeling numbers. Also, he discovered that he likes money. So now he launders it. Lots of it. For a Hutt.




Hmmm. A mathematical genius specializing in finance? Impressive. I'm more trained in spatial relativistic physics and genetic algorythms, but I can certainly see the practicality of combining advanced mathematics with financial predictive skills. You must be quite the handy asset. I sincerely hope you do well for yourself. It's good to see ambitious intellects in the galaxy.

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