Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nicair Claden

NAME: Nicair Claden
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: None
AGE: 30
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 195lbs
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Black (Grey starting to show)
SKIN: White

  • Kiler Claden- Adoptive father (deceased)
  • Tya Claden- Wife (deceased)
  • Kheir Claden- Adopted son
  • Jack-ei Gyyll- Biological brother (alive)
  • Welck Gyyll- Biological father (disowned, unknown living condition)
  • Nei Gyyll- Biological mother (disowned, unknown living condition)

  • Excellent hand to hand fighter
  • Trained in various melee weapons
  • Left handed (most are used to training against right handed enemies)
  • Relatively good with ranged weapons
  • Blacksmith- If it's a metal there's almost a certainty Nicair has worked with it at least once
  • Profiler- Sociph make naturally good profilers and after hunting serial killers for a living Nicair has become quite adept at it
  • Tactical Minded- The constant wars he's been involved in, both on Antisoch and in the wider galaxy, brought about a mind that thinks in terms of strategic information
  • Mental discipline- Force use on Antisoch is mainly restricted to torturers and as such upon discovering his sensitivity, his sole training has been the resistance of mind reading and influence

  • Sociopath- If he's not considered one, he certainly shows sociopathic tendencies. At times he's completely unsure what to do in a social situation and lacks the ability to really care about others. At the same time he displays the charisma and the ability to "fake it" that is common among those with Antisocial Personality Disorder. He also has the ability to focus on a task or thing that it becomes almost an obsession, with all the unhealthy aspects that go along with that. Ever since the last stage of his upbringing he has lacked the ability to truly feel remorse. It is assumed that his genetic makeup as a Sociph is enough to bring about his transition later on than if he had remained on his homeplanet. In this case, nurture cannot override nature.
  • Machiavellian- Either through necessity or his own thought processes, Nicair thinks of many things in terms of the ends and rarely the means. If the Sociph need unity he will create enemies in the galaxy to rally against whether such creatures exist or not. If a few need die to secure his mantle so that he may continue to alter Antisoch for his interpretation of the better, then so be it.

  • Death wish- He will occasionally make irrational and reckless decisions in an attempt to kill himself
  • Burden of Iron- The Sociph don't like nor did they much want him as a ruler. Wars are common on the planet and as such he is often required to attend to business on planet that often distracts him from outside responsibilities.
  • Flawed man- More than a few of his choices are simply illogical and unreasonable. On occasion, they can get him into no small amount of trouble with the locals, governments, or his own people
The man is slightly slim for his weight. His body has a tonality brought about by a life spent in combat and the pursuit of martial prowess. His facial features are sharp, a well defined jawline and cheekbones give his face a hard edge. His hands bear multiple small scars from extensive work with small blades. His knuckles are rough, bearing the brunt of numerous breaks. He wears the scars of numerous small nicks from sparring. Three claw marks run from the middle of his forehead skip over his left eye and cease slightly above his lip, they're rough and slightly jagged. The Mandalorian's skin is fairly pale, he rarely leaves his armor on principle. His face is practically always in a scowl at worst or mostly void of emotion at best. His eyes have a tendency to make others uneasy, as if they're being seen as more of a tool or object than as a person, some, even say they're the eyes of a predator.

His facial hair changes fairly regularly, in part because he cares little about his appearance or he's using it as some sort of countermeasure. When he does pay attention to it he usually has a spiked goatee or stubble, at times a full beard. His hair is usually cut short, sometimes to the scalp. If it's allowed to grow longer he may spike it forward into a fauxhawk or simply let it grow wild.

Since his taking of the throne on Antisoch he has let his hair grow slightly longer and has adopted different braids often seen on Antisoch. Through the course of wearing his heavier and more protective armor he has started to gain more muscle mass as well. His beard he has begun to let grow out as well.

Upon his wrist lies ugly scar tissue. A slave tattoo once rested there, it was scraped off the skin itself.


-Bloodied beskad (Received from Ronan Vizsla)​
-Crusader Tomahawk (received from Isley Verd)​

Early life​
The boy I used to be was taken from a planet I choose not to remember at an age I cannot remember. Taken or sold it doesn't make much of a difference anymore. The first memories I have of my new "home" was pain. More specifically, the pain of the tattoo etched into my wrist. The sealing of my new life, my "birth". The next memories were a flash of blood, sweat, tears, and consequently, more pain. My slavery was not for labor, but for the sands of the pits. My training began immediately. Blades, axes, staves, maces, nothing was off limits, the more blood and carnage the better. The diet was strict, everything we ate was used up, muscles were built and hardened. I was not raised, I was forged. Being raised carries implications of an almost nurturing aspect. This was anything but. The Hutt who owned me, a vile worm by the name of Groppu, cared little if I lived or died, at least until I started winning. The sickness of the crowd that enjoyed seeing someone as young as I was be killed enraged me. It was no stellar win, but it was enough to get the slug's attention. I was taken under the wing of one Kiler Claden, an old Mandalorian, for further training.

Crucible of a Mandalorian​
The man drilled me to exhaustion, sparred till I was broken. I hated him. I was too young to know he was doing what he could to keep me alive, it didn't change how I reacted. He had no children to bear his name, his legacy would die with him. I sought to be better than he, devoted every waking hour I could to the memorization of technique, the building of my physical condition, and the strengthening of my mind. Someday I would outdo my torturer. It was a noble goal, but practically unreachable. The man was a genius in the ways of combat, a lifetime spent learning everything there was to know, a personality that could convince the most xenophobic teacher to part with their knowledge. Looking back, he had manipulated me just like them, only I owed him my life for it, for all my life's worth.

His true feelings for me became clear after my return to the pits. As I spread my arms, drenched in my enemies blood, I leveled my sword in his direction. I saw not disgust, not anger, nor contempt for an upstart. I saw pride in the old man's eyes, love. The love of a father to his son. Something I had ever known, nor could fully appreciate. It was that night, covered in the dried, caked blood of my opponent that he adopted me and passed his name to his son. He taught me the ways of the Mando'ade, the language, the honor. He recounted the history of the universe he had been taught, everything I knew in my own confined universe I learned from him.

Gazing at the Star​
I was a young man by the time I felt attracted to anyone. I no longer believe in love, I've seen too much to think such a thing is possible. But at the time, I was just foolish enough to think I knew what such a thing meant. She was a human girl, Kiler spoke as if she were my elder by about two standard years. He called her Tyatr, the Mandalorian word for "star", she shortened it to Tya. He said it was because her eyes blazed a deep blue like a young star, this was true, for they might as well have been in the radiance they exuded. Her hair was a raven black, as deep as space. She was Groppu's personal attendant, in every manner of the word. The hut'uun! I yearned to rip the worm apart every time she was taken from my sight. I no longer fought for myself, not for my honor, and most certainly not for the Hutt. I fought so that my eyes could be witness to her once more. Just once more.

She became his messenger to me, yet her stays exceeded their necessary duration. They were never long enough. Fret not, Kiler was always present, romantic involvement was forbidden, he was our watcher. Though he would sleep so that we could have some semblance of privacy. We were young, but we were far older in mind than most. It wasn't long before my father married us, a happier day I've never known. Nor would ever since.

For a time I was content. A better life could have been asked for, but if we were to get our freedom it would be bloody. Dangerous. I dared not risk parting from her. Kiler looked at me with a new emotion this time, pity. He would look at me with even more in the days to come.

We were betrayed by a man I called friend, his name is not important, he forfeited the right to a name. A name is remembered, he was a traitor, best to be forgotten by the galaxy, ground into nothingness! Groppu rewarded him for his information by giving him his freedom, and a position working for him. The event transpired in graphic detail, burned into my mind. I was brought to the pits for a fight, I was told it would be my greatest challenge yet. Kiler and I trained nonstop in preparation. It would do nothing. I arrived on the sands to glimpse a broken form. My star had been snuffed out. The burning blaze of her eyes, led to nothing but the abyss and long did I gaze into it, for it gazed back at me. The torture I received I only recall after the fact, I had receded into myself.

Kiler had taught me the word "dar'manda" when I was learning. He said it was the one of the worst things a Mandalorian could be besides a hut'uun. I always assumed it was a state achieved by choice. Then I learned what it truly meant to be soulless. I was told I spoke to no one and was force fed for two weeks. For two weeks I felt nothing but the emptiness of depression. A depression borne of losing one's own star, a celestial body with which his eyes needed to see and in the star's dying had burned out from the supernova. I grew new eyes. And they saw only darkness. When I awoke I was born anew. My father knew his son's life was forfeit. Such sorrow in his eyes over the lack of anything in mine. I had but one fell goal, and I would be damned if I was denied it.

Holy Retribution​
It was time. My recklessness in combat had earned me favor with the crowd, with the degenerates. They screamed for Mandalorian against Mandalorian. We sparred until neither of us could stand, not to find each other's weaknesses, but to cover them up. Perfect our form. Push our bodies to their limits. The crowd wanted blood? It would taste its own. We both knew what was coming. Death, most likely our own.

The day had arrived, I looked forward to it. The day father and son stood across from each other for the final time. We saluted each other with our blades and I charged. He played the part of patient warrior. Long enough for him to crouch down and springboard my roaring body into the crowd. Blood of all colors sprayed from the tight quarters. I draped a Twi'lek around myself as I reached down for my father's hand. He joined the fray. The battle had brought too large of a crowd, no blaster could pick us off in the midst of it, even as the bodies began dropping. The floor was slick, many tripped and were trampled underfoot. My father grabbed hold of my right arm and together we marched through the crowd with one goal in mind, reach Groppu. A lane opened up amidst the people gathered. I could see my hate made flesh. The two of us broke off and charged together. Kiler ran ahead as a group of Gamorreans formed around the Hutt, he was lowering himself. Another springboard, brave man.

The jump was controlled, my blade held at point towards my target. Kiler engaged the nearest creature to him, roaring and cursing. The sword struck true, the eyes of the Hutt bulged in pain, his tongue wagged erratically. As I gave one final thrust into the creature it fell limp, the great mass making it hard to get purchase. I heard a cry from a voice I recognized behind me, a cry of pain. Tearing the blade out of the pile of fat and excrement I swung it at the closest Gamorrean. It fell in a humph of motion, the rest were summarily dispatched, those that were left at least. Amongst his enemies lay my father, his breathing ragged, his weapon still clasped in hand, still trying to stand. There was nothing that could be done for him, he was dead and he knew it. He asked me for the mercy of death after a long and relatively honorable life. I lost a father that day. Yet I barely registered it. I took my blade and, after cleaning it, took it to my left wrist, and began scraping the tattoo from the skin. It wasn't my primary hand thus the etching was unpracticed and crude. But after awhile there was nothing left but a mess to be scarred.

By now I had made my way to the surface and could see the night's sky. The stars glinting in the darkness. They held no measure to the stars I had known. Searching for them would be a wasted life. Kiler's taught me where I could go for the chance to see those stars again.

Threads (Somewhat Chronological Order - Some lost to time)

Mandalorian Clans/Crusaders

Independent Troublemaking

Back Into the Fold

What Use Is Family

Death of a Good Man?



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