Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nicademus Blith

Nicademus Blith

War as a business to end war as a business
NAME: Nicademus Blith
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.7 Meters
WEIGHT: 75 Kilograms
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Rich - Nicademus is loaded, he inherited his fathers massive fortune when his father died
  • Business genius - He is great at anything buisness, selling things, making contracts, he is good at anything to do with his company.
  • Calm - He very rarely gets worked up or anxious, he is calm and serene.
  • Rich cannot comprehend poor - he is incapable of empathizing with poor people, he grew up rich, and is still rich, and has no idea what it is like to have nothing.
  • Terrible pilot - He cannot fly a ship for his life, needs others to do it for him
A 1.7 meter tall 75 kilogram human male, with brown hair and brown eyes. He normally wears a sweater, or a suit and almost always looks his best. Has a buzzcut

Nicademus grew up in the rich part of Alderaan, his father was a very wealthy man, and had a very large fortune, his mother died when he was young, so he grew up with his father. He had anything he wanted, and lived a very happy childhood up until his adulthood. He went to buisness school, and when his father died, inhereited all of his massive fortune. Using this fortune, he Started His own company Blith-Tech, and this is where our story begins.

Currently has a horizon-class star yacht.

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

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