Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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News and Propaganda Forum

I know there are a lot of people that like to write news articles or post propaganda related to the factions. Most of the time this is done in the form of a blog post that most people who visit the site never see. Not really the greatest when you actually want it to be seen.

A few of us here used to write on a site that had a forum for this sort of thing specifically. Factions would often post random news snippets about things they were doing that were publicly knowledge. Other factions would post how they defeated another faction in combat and were marching onward. There were propaganda wars between factions trying to get other factions to side with them. It was pretty cool. There were various different news organizations, some of them independent and some faction owned. Some posted contradicting stories. Some existed only to refute others stories and offer a different version of events. Some people just liked making magazine pages. Either way, this was a visible place for them to do it, and they got a lot of attention.

I'm proposing that we do something similar here. It could be a subforum somewhere or its own major forum (probably subforum would be best). We could have a nice little thread where people can post the name of their broadcast corporation and who is authorized to post with its authority (so we don't have people from different factions posting saying they're with that news agency when they aren't). Then people could post their news articles, magazine pages, propaganda posters, or whatever, and people would have a ready place to actually see it other than on the sidebar where after the 6th or 7th blog post yours disappears from view unless people actually go into the community blog.

In so far as it's likely to lead some people to be totally salty (it happened at the other place too), I think the forum should definitely be moderated. I'm willing to volunteer to moderate it to try and keep the salt flow down.

So that's it in a nutshell. Thoughts?

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