Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private New Surroundings

Zeke Dystra


Light hearted
Zeke Dystra
Security detail

Coruscant, a beacon of civilization throughout the galaxy for thousands of years. It had everything you could think of, all of which showed off the true benefits of the alliance. In the midst of that was the Jedi, who had found a home within the alliance itself. A grand temple, built in the middle of the urban planet was the pride and joy of their beliefs. Today, Zeke had been finally able to have a taste of that.

Along with the commander, as well as other army personnel they had been given an invitation by the Jedi to discuss future drills the two can do to prepare for future conflicts. Zeke was one of the few commando captains that were available to accompany his commander to the meeting, a rare offer he had no reason to refuse. The meeting overall was standard for both sides while he was present, but when it came to the more secretive talks he and the rest were asked to leave the room until further notice.

Upon exiting the room they were given permission to use the mess hall to fill up on some much needed grub, everywhere else was off limits to them. While the rest stood around and continued to discuss matters, Zeke announced his leave to the hall and walked down the large halls by himself. His head couldn't stop swiveling from the beauty of the structure, something that had been around far longer than imagination. The Jedi sure did know how to make something with style, if only they knew their secrets.

Zeke was so distracted that he seemed to walk into an area he didn't recognize. The soldier sighed and scratched his head a few times from how unknowingly large the temple was. It almost seemed like a maze to him compared to the Jedi who seemed to know every last stone. With a hint of embarrassment, he seemed to stand there like a headless chicken.

"I'm so going to die in this place..."

Shem Spinner Shem Spinner


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Zeke Dystra

The Jedi Temple was unfathomably large. Nothing from Oni's time even came close to it, and he had once thought the temples of the Je'daii to be quite grandiose. Still, all that space meant that there would always be a spot to relax. With how rigorous Oni's studies had been, given his need to 'get with the times,' relaxing was always welcome. The swordsman perched himself atop one of the many statues within the building, where he was tending to his treasured blade. The sword was all he had left of that time. If he was to do anything to honor the memory of the order who raised him, keeping his weapon in perfect condition would certainly be it. That and a dull blade was no good.

As Oni cleaned the surface, a man caught his eye. The individual didn't appear to be a Jedi. In fact, he seemed to be rather lost. The swordsman could relate to that. He also found himself struggling to navigate the halls of the Temple.

"First time?" Oni asked down to the man, his eyes remaining fixed on the upkeep of his blade. "You seem lost."

The padawan sheathed his sword, sliding down off the statue to speak with the man face to face.

"I'd offer directions, but I'm afraid I may not be very reliable," the Pantoran continued. "I'm rather new here myself."

Zeke Dystra


Light hearted
Zeke Dystra
Security detail

Zeke casually turned to the voice of a boy beside him. The soldier raised his brow slightly as he glared over to the padawan, who seemed to state the obvious "You've hit that on the head kid..." he grumbled back, rotating his body around a few times to see if there was some kind of way out. Yet, it only seemed to complicate things more and make him realize that the whole place was bigger than initially thought.

The man sighed after the padawan offered no help at all to him, other than be a person to talk to during this frustrating time "I thought all you Jedi knew this place like the back of your hand. Especially you kids, thought they would have drilled that into you by now" he stated, finally looking back to the kid with a judgemental look.

"So you don't have any clue where a mess hall is right? nowhere?"

Shem Spinner Shem Spinner

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Zeke Dystra

"I thought all you Jedi knew this place like the back of your hand. Especially you kids, thought they would have drilled that into you by now" he stated, finally looking back to the kid with a judgemental look.

Oni reacted to this with little more than a frown. Hadn't he just explained that he was new here? He couldn't completely blame the man. He seemed to be frustrated more than anything. Frustration was a strong emotion, one that could easily blind any rational individual.

"I said I was new here," Oni echoed. "I'd like to see you learn to navigate this place in a week."

It seemed that the man was simply looking for the mess hall. Fortunately, this was one of the first locations Oni had managed to memorize. Unfortunately for Zeke, Oni now had different plans. The boy folded his hands behind his head and leaned against the statue he had been perched atop, remaining casual about the situation.

"It's a shame," the padawan continued. "That was information I could have given you. Now I don't feel like it."

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