Leo & Luna
The Bond of Blood
"You look fine..... Stop playing with your skirt, or you're gonna tear it..... It's the uniform, Luna. I didn't design it, but it's a school rule to wear it."
Leo fiddled with the buttons on his uniform jacket. It was uncanny how proper this Dantooinian school required their students to be. He had to wear a suit and tie, nice black shoes, and he even had to keep his fiery red hair in a ponytail. He made sure it was a low one, of course. No need for people to think of him as a girl.
Luna wasn't accepting the dress code as passively as her brother. She hated skirts. She continued to pick at the hem of it as they walked up the school campus. She didn't see why they had to be so fancy. Putting her hair back, shiny new shoes... It was ridiculous! And for what? To sit in classrooms all day and learn about dead people and number problems. Honestly, why were they even doing this?
"Now remember. Our names are Leon and Lara Grey, and we came here from a few towns over for the last semester of our senior year. You got it?"
Luna nodded. The two made their way into the courtyard, which was crowded with students waiting for the first bell. Well. Here they were. No turning back now...
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[member="Nixius Ikon"]