Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Students (Sirus and Nixius Ikon)

"You look fine..... Stop playing with your skirt, or you're gonna tear it..... It's the uniform, Luna. I didn't design it, but it's a school rule to wear it."
Leo fiddled with the buttons on his uniform jacket. It was uncanny how proper this Dantooinian school required their students to be. He had to wear a suit and tie, nice black shoes, and he even had to keep his fiery red hair in a ponytail. He made sure it was a low one, of course. No need for people to think of him as a girl.​
Luna wasn't accepting the dress code as passively as her brother. She hated skirts. She continued to pick at the hem of it as they walked up the school campus. She didn't see why they had to be so fancy. Putting her hair back, shiny new shoes... It was ridiculous! And for what? To sit in classrooms all day and learn about dead people and number problems. Honestly, why were they even doing this?​
"Now remember. Our names are Leon and Lara Grey, and we came here from a few towns over for the last semester of our senior year. You got it?"
Luna nodded. The two made their way into the courtyard, which was crowded with students waiting for the first bell. Well. Here they were. No turning back now...​
[member="Sirus Ikon"]​
[member="Nixius Ikon"]​
Nixius sighed as he walked into the academy's courtyard his own special variant to the uniform adding to the effect of his presence he wasn't sure where his twin [member="Sirus Ikon "]was located but he was sure it had something to do with a female or maybe a male you could never know with Sirus for now Nixius was here to spread word about a new race. It would take place in 3 days and as usual he was going to drop the word around. His long red and gold hair tied into a lose ponytail falling down his back revealing sea green eyes that flashed around the courtyard. Finally his attention halted on what appeared to do new students putting on a welcoming smile he walked over to them the black and green trench coat drifting on the light breeze. "Hello you must be new to our school." He came to a stop before them and bowed exaggerating the movement by his arm crossing over his chest sending the coat flapping lightly. "My name is Nixius Ikon I am a senior here but they probably won't graduate me. If you are looking for something to do may I suggest going to see swoop races? There happens to be a race in three days. BUT I forget myself what may I call you two by?"

[member="Leo & Luna"]
Luna stayed very closely behind her brother as the eyes of strangers passed over them. She wasn't good with social interaction. To be honest, she hated talking to people in general, and not just because of the fact that she was mute. People were just so... people-y...
Leo's blue-violet eyes scanned the clusters of students around them. It was a very big school. So much so that even he was a bit nervous, and he was the one that loved meeting new people! There were just SO MANY!​
It was right about then that a boy with startling green eyes and blondish-red hair came up to them and introduced himself. Luna almost cowered behind Leo, staring at the stranger over her brother's shoulder. Leo smiled nervously.​
"Erm... Hi, Nixius. I'm... Leon Grey. This is my sister, Lara. Yeah. We're new..."
He gestured to his sister, who continued to stare warily.​
[member="Nixius Ikon"]​
[member="Sirus Ikon"]​

Sirus Ikon

[member="Nixius Ikon"] [member="Leo & Luna"]

Sirus was walking out of his class, and paying no one any attention. He was kinda off in his own world at the moment, with the teacher yelling at him for some reason. "Yeah, yeah, Im getting something to put it up." He said behind him. With his hands in his pockets, and hard head on his shoulders, he walked on by other students, some watching him, others not caring, like he did. That's when he saw his brother with two others around their age. The skirt man, damn... He thought to himself. Pulling out a hand, he waved it.
"Nix, what's up man? Who are these two? Holy Ranco poodoo, this the red headed convention?" He called out. When he was finally by his older brother, he leaned a arm around his shoulder, and leaned into him. "I'm Sirus, watch out, Nix likes to go after girls in skirts." He poked at his brother's rips. "He's going to grow up to be a dirty ol' fart."
Nixius's smile brightened as his brother appeared almost exactly alike aside from slight differences in coloration to hair. Wrapping his arm around his brothers shoulder Nixius smiles brightly. "Ignore my younger brother he always forgets that his manners. But if you need anything Leon and Lara just let us know. Also if anyone starts bothering you just mention us if they are bothering you in a bad form they will stop." Nixius turns as he sighs glancing at the two red heads he grins lightly. "So do you need help getting anywhere?"

[member="Sirus Ikon "][member="Leo & Luna"]
Well, they were certainly lively ones, to say the least. From what Leo could gather, Nixius was the more adventurous one, and Sirus seemed to be a bit more grounded. Leo laughed a little bit along with them, all the while nonchalantly reaching back and taking Luna by the wrist in order to pull her up beside him.​
Luna would have protested to this, but the last thing she wanted to do was make a scene. She just tilted her head to the ground, giving her brother a small blue-violet glare.​
"Nice to meet you too, Sirus. We only just got here, so we aren't very familiar with the school yet. If you could maybe show us to the lockers and the bathrooms and stuff, that would be great."
Luna continued to stare at the twin brothers in front of her. She tended to look at Sirus a little bit more than Nixius. There was just something about him...​
Leo wasn't dumb. He saw what his sister was doing. He nudged her with his elbow slightly, using the Force to talk to her.​
"Don't stare. It's rude, and obvious when you're crushing out on someone."
"I'm not staring! And where the Hell did you get the whole 'crush' idea?!"
"Oh right, like I wouldn't notice you goggle-eying Sirus over there. My point is, stop worrying about that kind of thing. We're here to experience highschool for the only time in our lives. One step at a time, got it? Classes first, love-lives later..."
Luna rolled her eyes ever so slightly. She knew perfectly well that "later" meant "never" when it came to her and dating. He was like her dad in that department. It got REALLY annoying.​
[member="Nixius Ikon"]​
[member="Sirus Ikon"]​
Nixius noticed the glances that were directed at his brother and he chuckled giving his brother a slight push. "Go ahead and show them around I am going to go and do the shopping bro see you at home." Turning Nixius walked towards the exit to the school calmly his coat flapping lightly as he did.

[member="Sirus Ikon "][member="Leo & Luna"]

Sirus Ikon

[member="Leo & Luna"] [member="Nixius Ikon"]

Sirus chuckled, and looked back behind the two, the teacher was starring him down. "What? Look, I'm going okay! Jeez!" He sighed, and turned to his brother. "Alright Nix, I got to get a thingy to hold my hair up, or get it cut. Where the hell would I even find one of those..what are they? Hair ties?" He shrugs, and flicks some hair out his face. His red school uniform fit just right, it wasnt too loose, and it wasnt too tight.
"So, we still going to the swoop races Nix? I got a lot of money on a guy in the race." He turned to look at the two..twins? "Oh poodoo man, their twins too!" He slapped his brother on the back. "How about that? Ya'll should come with us! We'll pay for you two to get in." He said staring the girl named Lara down, then switching his gaze to Leon, and smiled brightly. "I have a surprise for Nix when we get there, he's just hearing about it today too."

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
As all this was happening, I was drinking coffee with my hammer propped on its head against the wall. I, Celty Ikon, was cutting class again. What class? Who cares? I was almost godlike at this school, a lot like my cousin Nixius. He was the guy to go to for betting of any kind, and I was the guy to ask to get into places. Nightclubs, bars, parties. I was just that guy.

Stepping away from the bench, I could see the younger of the twins standing with a guy and a girl who looked like... other twins. Also redheaded. Awesome, new people. I walked over and lightly spun my hammer between my fingers with deceptive ease. It was actually really heavy, even with the mini-repulsors meant to keep it light.

"Well, Siri... Don't march these two off without introducing me. I'll be sad."

I dropped my hammer onto my shoulder, and took a small bow.

"Celty Ikon. A damn pleasure."

[member="Sirus Ikon "] [member="Nixius Ikon"] [member="Leo & Luna"]
Nixius spent the rest of that day doing some minor shopping and than preparing himself he had a big race tonight that meant he needed to get in the right mind set. Finally the time came his Sirus and Celty would meet him at the location all he hoped was that brought that attractive girl Lara Grey and her brother. Walking out to his swoop the young man swung himself onto it and took off quickly flashing to the location and testing his speed shift and how well it handled. Finally he approached the location slowing and hopping from the swoop he sighed and crouched looking along the line the track would take. It was a rally not a speed race good thing for him he prefered rallies to anything else. [member="Leo & Luna"] [member="Sirus Ikon "][member="Celty Ikon"]
*Later that evening*​
Luna was in a much better mood, surprisingly. Their first day had gone quite smoothly, and she was ready to do something fun. She was the one tugging Leo along with a bounce in her step as they neared the swoop track.​
Leo wasn't as eager as she was. He was wary, which was quite odd. But that might be because of the shady-looking people they were passing at the moment. The way they were eying his sister only further fueled his anxiousness. He stopped Luna for a moment.​
"Luna.... I'm not so sure this was such a good idea...."
[member="Nixius Ikon"]​
[member="Sirus Ikon'][/CENTER]
[CENTER][member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
I heard the brother's uncertain statement, as I drove up on my swoop, slowing down to keep pace with the twins. The girl was remarkably cheery compared to how she'd been at school that morning. One man gave me a blatant look of disgust as I passed, and he got a certain finger flipped in his direction. Then I grinned at the twins who'd come as my cousins' guests. Particularly at Leon.

"Well, you're not very happy to be here, I see. Don't worry, though... Nixius practically owns this place, and nobody wants to piss me or my cousins off."

I stood up in the foot-rests of the swoop, and hefted my hammer up onto my shoulder.

"Anyway, it'll be fun. You get free admission with me."

[member="Leo & Luna"] [member="Nixius Ikon"] [member='Sirus Ikon']
Nixius suddenly strode forward the black and green trench coat as always draped around his shoulder smiling at the twins he gave a brief gesture to some of the shadier members of the track and leveled his gaze on them calmly. "Disappear. NOW." Seconds after the words left his mouth they were gone leaving him standing there with Celty the twins and the members of his pit crew grinning he walked over holding his hand out to the twins. "I am glad you two could make it if you need anything just let Celty or Sirus know as I will be a bit busy preparing for the race. I just wanted to greet you and let you know I got you seats in one of the few VIP boxes with my crew they will make sure no one bothers you." He gestured a girl and boy about their age forward who both smiled and nodded before gesturing towards the stands. "If you want we can take you on a tour of the pit area before getting settle up there they have snacks and everything."
[member="Leo & Luna"] [member="Celty Ikon"] @Sirus Ikon

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