Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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New Staff Positions Open


The Sith Empire is looking for one to two writers to join the prestigious ranks of TSE Staff, length of time spent on Chaos, age, or gender does not matter; we accept all with an eagerness to write and formulate amazing and creative ideas for the Sith Empire.

What we are looking for in a potential staff member is the following:
  • Thread Participation - A staff member must be willing to start, guide, and maintain various faction threads whenever possible, such as dominions, skirmishes, etc
  • Idea Generation - Cooperation and input among staff members is a requirement, a staff member must be able to brainstorm faction story arcs, sub-groups, and everything else in-between on a regular basis with his or her fellow staff members. The creation of new Codex and Factory subs falls under this category.
  • Community Engagement - TSE Staff must be a constant presence on both the website and in our official faction Discord.
Please PM Emperor Carnifex on the Chaos Website if you are interested in applying for a position on TSE's Staff Team.

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