Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Life, New Lands... When Do I Begin? (Jenna Templar)

Skylar Ichor

Location: Naboo in a nice restaurant

Skylar was sitting in a corner booth, calmly sipping some iced tea, her white hair and tan skin shining from the shower she had taken that morning. She was dressed in a new outfit and looked more sophisticated than when her once-victim-now-friend, [member="Jenna Templar"], caught her pickpocketing on Nar Shaddaa, and instead of taking her to the police, gave her enough credits to start a comfortable new life.

In fact, she was waiting for Templar, who she had contacted saying she would like to take up on her offer and join the good guys, and wanted to talk.

(P.S. sorry for late post, trying to catch up)


Crazy Never Looked this Good
It was good to know she was coming here for a good reason. Jenna was glad to have heard that [member="Skylar Ichor"] was now interested in joining the Omega Protectorate, especially after having not heard from her in some time. At least the recent news she'd heard was here wanting to join as opposed to have done something stupid or wrong and wound up in trouble. Jenna was happy to know her words of wisdom and her little gift of charity for her had been enough to convince her.

Arriving on Naboo herself an hour earlier Jenna was dressed a in her more casual wear, while still sporting her sun glasses over her eyes. After being told where to meet she made her way to the restaurant where, after asking, she'd found where Skylar was waiting. She smirked before quietly walking up behind her before tapping her on the shoulder.

"And here I thought I was going to see you halfway across the galaxy with all those credits already spent." she joked with a smile.

Skylar Ichor

Skylar started and turned around as Jenna spoke, returning the smirk and standing up to greet her friend, "Well, I mustn't try to spend it all in one place, should I?" She embraced Templar, "It's so good to see you again. Even if last time was at gun point. Come sit down and I'll buy you a drink." She gestured to the other seat and sat down again, beaming.

[member="Jenna Templar"]


Crazy Never Looked this Good
The sudden hug from Skylar had made Jenna smirk before giving a small hug back. After that she sat down, looking a bit surprised that Sky was acting to much hospitable now. After telling what she'd have, something small and not too heavy, she looked back to her and said "I like the new look, by the way. Really shows the change of pace you're making. By the way, if you don't mind me asking, what made you finally decide to say yes?"

[member="Skylar Ichor"]

Skylar Ichor

Skylar thought for a bit before answering, fingering her ever present amulet, "After you caught me pickpocketing that day, I lost my edge. I started making rookie mistakes while pickpocketing. I got caught three, wait no, four times before I realized that I had lost it. I kept thinking about your offer, and decided to try to redo my life. I almost died three out of the four times I was caught. I put off leaving, but you know my old building? Well, it was over run by a new powerful gang, so I had to run with my belongings, but I made it in time to catch a ship and here I am." Skylar frowned, submerged in the memory for one second before shrugging it off and returning to her former smile, "So what have you been up to lately?"

[member="Jenna Templar"]


Crazy Never Looked this Good
Hearing her story Jenna felt a little sorry. Had she'd known about those incidents of course she'd have tried to help Sky anyway she could. From the sounds of it they were a lot of close calls. Without much to say, however, knowing that talking about it wouldn't help much, Jenna only reached out to touch Sky's hand, giving her a reassuring smile that all of that was behind her now. When asked about what she was doing Jenna shrugged and said "Nothing too big. Hacked into Sith networks to steal tons of credits right from under their noses. Had to take down a pirate raid on a ship. Oh, and I've been promoted to head of the MICO division of the OP. So, basically, you're talking to your future boss." She leaned her glasses down to look Sky right in the eyes as she winked and said "Hope that's not putting anymore pressure on you, right?"

[member="Skylar Ichor"]

Skylar Ichor

Skylar chuckled, "Sounds like you've been having fun." When Jenna asked about the pressure, she shrugged and smiled, "Well at least I know you. If it were someone else, I would be very nervous when I met them. You know, because of my problem with guns pointed at my face?" She remembered when she and Jenna first met. She had freaked out and submitted when Jenna had pulled a gun on her. She had had a bad experience with guns and people with guns, but Jenna was different from the men that had gotten her kicked from her gang, not cold blooded, just doing her job.

[member="Jenna Templar"]


Crazy Never Looked this Good
Jenna shrugged, holding back a smile, before saying "Fair enough." Once the drinks arrived Jenna thanked the waiter before taking a light sip. From there she asked "So about your new position. I'll warn you now, there's a good chance you might end up in dangerous missions and assignments while working with the OP. Don't worry though. Not until you've done a few smaller missions first. Don't want the inexperienced going in half-blind on an undercover mission or something."

[member="Skylar Ichor"]

Skylar Ichor

"Yea I wouldn't fancy dying before I was old enough to get married, not that that's ever going to happen, but I see your point. I pickpocketed a guy at a bar and I got caught. A bar out of all the places! I just hope that I can get back my skills before I wind up dead because of 'em." She chuckled at the memory. Now that had been interesting. She leaned forward, "Tell me one of your adventures."

[member="Jenna Templar"]


Crazy Never Looked this Good
Leaning back in her chair Jenna chuckled at how Sky was so upset about being caught in a bar. People made mistakes, sometimes funny than the last ones they'd made. When she sipped her drink and Sky asked about one of her adventures she said "Hmmm. Well there was one time I was actually targeted for a hit. Some guy actually managed to track me down at a safe-house and for the next three hours it was nothing but guns blazing and walls falling down. Utterly crazy."

[member="Skylar Ichor"]

Skylar Ichor

Skylar's mouth dropped slightly open, "He attacked you in a safe house? Why were you being targeted?" She knew how scary it was to think you were safe then suddenly someone comes from nowhere and starts threatening you, but not guns a'blazin'.

[member="Jenna Templar"]


Crazy Never Looked this Good
With only a shrug to start Jenn amswered "Long story short, I got the wrong people with the right kind of attachments anrgy at me. But look, no big deal. Things turned out for the better in the end. I'm still here, right?"

[member="Skylar Ichor"]

Skylar Ichor

[member="Jenna Templar"]

"At least that." The server came back and refilled their glasses. When they had left, Skylar stirred her iced tea thoughtfully, "Back on topic, when do I get to meet the rest of the team... Protectorate... thing? I can't wait to start training and missions."


Crazy Never Looked this Good
"Hopefully soon enough." Jenna began. "I'm hoping to get you started as soon as possible. But just because you start early doesn't mean you get to missions that much faster. Part of the training is knowing what you're doing and what you're in for. I had to learn that the hard way." After that little comment she watched as the server went back to other tables, she lowering her sunglasses and saying "Nice behind."

[member="Skylar Ichor"]

Skylar Ichor

"Better learn all I can, train hard, and be serious about it then." Skylar leaned back a bit, "I'm actually looking forward to training, and learning new things. I feel a little nosy in asking it, but is there start pilot training?" Skylar smiled sheepishly.

[member="Jenna Templar"]


Crazy Never Looked this Good
After taking a little sip from her drink Jenna perked when she'd asked about being a pilot. "Oh, thinking of being a flyer, huh? Well I might not have any real training on it, but I'll ask around. I'm sure there's plenty of aces pilots in the OP that'll show you the ropes. With me you have how to fight, weapons, and possibly how to pick up guys. But maybe not in that order." she winked.

[member="Skylar Ichor"]

Skylar Ichor

"Well the sly fox must teach the pups how to catch a rabbit if they are to survive." Skylar's eyes had a dangerous twinkle, the one she had when she was being trained by the gang that had raised her. She hoped she was ready to take up the training and learn new ways, but she doubted herself, and the twinkle did not betray her feelings.

[member="Jenna Templar"]


Crazy Never Looked this Good
Hearing her little anaogly Jenna, not fully getting it, just shrugged and said "Sure, whatever works for you." She sipped down the last bit of her drink before checking the time. "I think we might want to think about getting out of here. The shuttle's waiting and I don't want him to start up a toll for how long we keep him sitting in his pilot seat." She laid down enough money for a tip before standing and waiting for [member="Skylar Ichor"] to join her.

Skylar Ichor

Skylar stood up as well, "Well, then let's be off." She reached under the table and grabbed her new knapsack, very much like the one she used to have, but made with a sturdier fabric, and slung it over her back. Skylar held out her hand, and shook Jenna's hand, "I'm glad to be on the good side for once."

[member="Jenna Templar"]

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