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Faction New Kid on the Block | Systems Federation

Federation Today



Ah, victory.. Or the first of many steps towards it. Following weeks of negotiations, the Federation of United Systems has been made a reality, and installed as the official governing body of the planet Kirima with the cooperation of it's monarchy, integrating itself into the existing government and utilizing much of it's infrastructure. Having demonstrated sufficient amounts of material resources and financial flow to ensure the monarchy's confidence in their capacity to run the somewhat struggling planet on their behalf, the Systems Federation has established a foothold from which to move onto the next phases of their plan and have made it through their initial establishment intact.

Yet, there is much to be done and this new-born political entity has still to even begin it's journey. Only the government of a single planet, with one system compared to the multiple that supposedly exist in it's namesake, the new administration's first priority is to get it's own house in-order. Numerous regions of Kirima, still loyal to the previous status quo have erupted into civil unrest of varying degrees. The planet's economic and military power have seen better days, harshly impacted by the collapse of the Confederacy, something that likely made the monarchy more willing to negotiate in the first place, and even the Federation itself is still adjusting to the task of actual planetary governance. Things could be better.​


Objective I | Shall Not Be Infringed

Though the living situation on Kirima is yet to even change in any noticeable way with the birth of the Federation. Already public backlash has begun, in several primarily rural areas of the planet, civil unrest has been reported among the planet's libertarian-leaning farming class. Inherently distrustful of government and more than happy with being led by their former incompetents. It turns out that our promises of reenergizing Kirima's government and picking up the pace from the past administration's total lack of efficiency have not been popular with everyone.

Overrun by a collection of local insurrectionists armed with infantry weapons dubbing themselves the 'Frontier Security League' one particular countryside province has gained the attention of not just our people, but of Kirima's monarchy as well.

Taking several members of local government and the regional governor hostage in the province's administrative hall the FSL has issued demands to us, one of which includes their province - Arano - being released as a semi-autonomous territory to avoid what they see as our creeping big government influence. Needless to say this will not happen. We have jammed communications province-wide to prevent similar occurrences being inspired elsewhere and have authorized the deployment of 'military-style countermeasures' to resolve this hostage crisis without any (non-FSL) causalities. Retaking the town they have headquartered themselves in is our secondary priority. Try not to level the place. [Open to any third-party mercenaries also.]​


Objective II | Grace and Beauty

On the other side of the planet, a very different series of events is taking place. Comfortable and ignorant would likely be the best way to describe Verena City, the capital of Kirima and currently our newly formed government's seat of power, the people of this city are very much disconnected from the way the rest of the planet lives, which serves the Federation's purposes in this instance. Organized by some of the Federation's Viceroy backers to attract persons of interest and some of the region's well-to-do folk, the Verena Gala aims to be the most dazzling night of the year anywhere on the planet.

Corporate sponsorships, inter-system commerce and the military-industrial complex are not difficult things to understand once you get the basics. Yet they are without equal in terms of their importance to the Federation's future. The initial coalition of merchants and businessmen that made up those signatures on the Verena Charter have gotten us far, but they are unable to continue carrying us as we push forward. Our military is small and not as well-equipped as it could be and we must secure trading rights with other planets if we are to repair Kirima's economy. Taking place in the grand hall of the planet's most luxurious hotel, the Grand Quay, this will hopefully make it easier to impress the guests.

So put on your best smile and go make some friends. [Open invitations to any business or diplomat characters.]


Objective III | BYOO

Gotham is yours, none shall interfere, do as you please.​

Objective #2 Grace and Beauty.
Tags: Open
Outfit: militaristic dress outfit

What was he doing? Definitely not what he wanted, but the moment what he wanted didn't matter this was about relationships. Vyn sat in the transport looking over a datapad with information incoming from a 'Developing Situation' he should have gotten involved with that, however, Vyn wouldn’t have been blasting his way through fodder, no more likely he’d be heading an Ops Center and that seemed dull, much more than suiting up for a Gala. The transport came to a halt, the door releasing Vyn into a crowd of appropriately dressed individuals, greeting all he could while professionally making his way to a ballroom in an attempt to grab some attention, more importantly for any alcohol that was being served there.

For his own attire, black dress pants, a simple white dress shirt, a black vest, and a black frock coat with a System Federation lapel, his sleeves rolled past his elbows in a military-style to finish the exterior. On paper, he was there to make military and social connections, and while relations was a big part, there was more to it, the faction needed a representative show of military force in a political setting, with his build and figure he was perfect for that role, so he'd stand there like a scarecrow in a museum.

Walking up the steps of the Gala ballroom, chattering about the new government and some doubts that were being harbored floated through the dispersed crowd. Opening the door to what was mostly foreign diplomats, politicians, and military officials drinking the most expensive cocktails credits could buy, and a few individuals on the ballroom dancefloor, everything seemed like it was going smoothly, at least from the naked eye. Vyn, however, walked straight to the bar leaning back on it he ordered "Brandy on the rocks, smoothest you've got." then looked and listened, putting on an inviting smile even greeting passing Individuals, adjusting the System Federation insignia on his lapel.

While he was a show a force, this night also required him to play nice, they needed relationships for military support, as far as Vyn goes he was not only a display, but the best person to tactically judge, advise usefulness, and determine resource capability if any militaristic relationships happened to develop. For now, he'd hold up the bar while taking the occasional drink staying sober enough to make good decisions and even retain the ability to dance.

Ideally, they'd be able to make some progress, or at the very least establish the groundwork. The way the Iridonian stood clearly pronounced himself as a military figure, hopefully word and attention would spread because it was the best the Federation could ask for, now it was a matter of who'd take his bait.
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Objective I | Shall Not Be Infringed

"See it?"

Caio turned his spotting scope a couple of degrees in the indicated direction and adjusted the focus. "Seen" he confirmed, squinting a little. It looked like a couple of the local militia. They'd standard issue rifles on them, probably raided a local armoury. "No uniforms either". Well that was going to make things difficult. What was to stop a few of them dropping weapons and just walking out after it was all over? The irritation helped him ignore the buzzing insects that harassed the motionless figures. The rebels seemed to have some form of patrols and sentries set up around the town but it was sloppy to his eyes.

About a kilometre and a half down the road were the rest of the battlegroup. Caio and a few other recce teams had pushed forward to get eyes on the objective. Kirima had been experienced repeated demonstrations of instability over the last couple of weeks and the powers that be had decided to make a rather vulgar display of power to quell any other dissent. A battalion sized assault was going in on the town albeit with some restrictions. Command had vetoed the use of artillery or other brigade level assets. Probably the most irritating part was knowing that they were just a diversion. Special forces were meant to be moving to secure the province's administration hall and the hostages. The regular army (mercenaries included) were just there to keep the insurrectionists occupied. The display of force gave him a bit of a bad feeling in the stomach but a mercenary didn't have much choice in who paid the cheque.

He would have liked longer but time was of the essence and the decision had already been made. Somhairle slid a bit further down the reverse slope before he radioed in the report while Caio kept eyes on. A low whistle behind them signalled the approach of a sniper team. Dai flopped down on the ground and crawled forward to join him, flashing a smile through the cam cream.

"How we now?" he asked, "No bad Dai" Caio whispered back, scooting sideways a little so the sniper could set up. His spotter was briefing Somhairle, gulping in air after the tramp forward under his back. "They're on the way?" "Yeah, should hear them now in a minute". Dai didn't waste any more time on pleasantries and Caio got out of his way so the spotter could take his place.

They heard the low thrum of the grav engines now, the armour pushing forward with some of the infantry still riding atop it. A crackle over the comms and they began to debus, fanning out on either side of the road. Caio and Somhairle found their section and slotted in, feeling that familiar mix of excitement and fear welling up in them.

The armour was Federation regulars. Traditional rivalries ran deep but he had to admit he was glad they were on his side for this one. The high pitched whine of the sniper fire served as their starter whistle. The armour trundled forward at a steady pace, the infantry moving with them as the assault hit the outskirts of the town.

Roycephus Richardson

Post: 1
Objective: 1
Tags: Caio Caio

Kark! Roy couldn't stop saying the word to himself mentally as he heard blasterfire ahead. The militia was already fighting, apparently. He had just been on his way to see if he could negotiate with the "rabble" to avoid this government's first major action being either the slaughtering of innocents, or an embarrassing military defeat. He needed to get to the fight and stop it, before things went too far south.

It wasn't all a political stunt, sure, it'd help his polling numbers if he was seen attempting to stop
another conflict in the devastated ex-confederate territories, but outside of his political bubble, his true beliefs were evident. He supported the libertarian ideas this militia had. He was a small government kind of guy, despite what he said in his speeches. He hated seeing these people, who so strongly believe in something, being gunned down by....


"Holy CHIT! Tanks!? What is this, the First Galactic Empire?"

This time the words were spoken aloud. He could hardly believe his eyes as he saw infantry following armored vehicles toward the militia. He fumbled to get his comms device out of his pocket, and flip it to the emergency defense channel in hopes he could reach someone. Finally he got it loose, and brought it to his mouth, "Stop! Stop this madness! Withdraw the armored brigade, the last thing this government needs is a massacre on its' hands! Stop it I said! This is Roycephus Richardson, I command you to cease and desist!"
Objective I | Shall Not Be Infringed

Caio's lungs burned and he nearly slammed into the wall. Most of third platoon were mimicking him, taking cover anywhere they could. The militia fire was all over the place but there was enough of it to cause some damage. Thankfully most of it was directed at the APCs but there were a few bodies strewn in the fields surrounding the town from those unlucky enough to be the target of a hostile blaster.

He was risking a peek around the corner when Jalik grabbed and hauled him back in. "Let the armour go in first" he suggested, cracking a nervous smile. Caio nodded as the bulk of the first transport eased forward, the thrum of the grav engines oddly comforting. A moment later it screeched as the gatling laser in the turret let loose, sweeping the top floor of a building where a fireteam had been taking potshots at anything that moved.

"Alright, lets go!" Caio shouted, leading his section out and along the side of the street. He could see Kanner and Matik moving opposite to them, weapons sweeping forward and to the sides. They'd had a quick refresh on fibua a few days before but he'd never liked it. Too many angles they could dead you from. The last time had been Cantros, was it? Memories of Sump, Samovar, Keskin, well that last one hadn't been too bad, nowhere with trees could be.

"Second floor, first window left of entrance!" screamed Somhairle. Most of the section were blazing away before he'd even finished. Caio wasn't sure if they'd gotten the shooter but they'd certainly smashed a rake of glass. Kaza was screaming sheer bloody murder over the comms, demanding to know what was happening. "Did ye get him?" "Not sure, bollocks anyways!" was the response. Caio bit back a grin and signalled for the APC to get moving again.

Jalik was making a face. "Story?" "Getting some interference on the emergency channel" he said, sending the freq to him. Caio's eyes narrowed as he tried to focus on the garbled words, Basic wasn't his first language. His expression only grew more perplexed. "Who the-what's a bloody Roy Robesan?" he demanded. "Not one of ours anyways" Jalik said.

Caio opened his mouth to respond and a rocket smashed into the lead APC. One moment there was a functioning vehicle, the next it was a mishmash of twisted scrap metal. The impact threw him and a dozen others to the ground, shrapnel scything down the three closest to it.

Roycephus Richardson

Roycephus Richardson

Post: 2
Objective: 1
Tags: Caio Caio

Blast it all! It's not working!

Roy thought for a moment, mulling over his options. First and foremost he'd try to signal to the attackers one more time. But if that failed, what could he do? He certainly couldn't fight, that'd be a disaster. But what if he could somehow fix this from being a total disaster? What if he could get to the militia and explain that the government is not united in this military action? He could tell them to retreat, live to fight another day, and save at least some of the government's legitimacy. It's worth a shot.

"I repeat, stand down! This is a direct order from a member of The Federation Government, do not continue the assault!" Expecting his words to fall on deaf ears again, Roy began making his way to the militia position, not directly towards them of course, but making a wide sweep to their flanks, where he wouldn't get caught in the crossfire of battle.


Chapter 6 : The New Kid on the Block

ALIAS : ADAM VERSILI (Minus Imperial Medallion)

Kirima. Home of the newly-established Federation of United Systems , one of the latest Factions to have risen in the wake of the collapse of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It was largely dominated by a mixture of Ex-CIS Military Officials and Wealthy Corporatists although a considerable number of idealists from the Core and the Old Confederacy began to flock to their banner seeking to create a truly democratic state in the former Confederacy. As they continued to grow to gather more support , the Federation of United Systems quickly caught the interests of Dorian Sevenar , the Head of the Politorate which acted as the Secretive Intelligence Agency of the Final Dawn , a Sith-aligned Neo-Imperialist Military Junta embedded within the Brotherhood of the Maw.

In recent times Dorian Sevenar and his superior , Grand Overseer Marlon Sularen had begun the process of slowly expanding the Final Dawn's Influence in the former Territories of the Confederacy and in the Outer Rim having setting up Proxy Corporations such as the Intergalactic Shipping Collective and already deployed various Agents across these vast territories in order to take note of possible groups of interest who could act as reliable proxies for the Final Dawn in the Outer Rim and Ex-CIS Territories and the Federation of the United System was among these groups of interests. Thus when news of the Verana Gala in Kirima reached the Poliorate , Dorian Sevenar saw an opportunity and quickly headed to Kirima with only one goal in mind : To expand the Final Dawn's Influence within the Federation of United System.

A Single Luxury Landspeeder arrived in front of the Grand Quay with Dorian Sevenar exiting the Landspeeder. Under his Corporate "Alter-ego" of Adam Versili he was able to get invited to the the Gala giving the Director-Admiral the perfect means to establish himself within the Federation of United Systems and begin slowly transforming it into a Final Dawn Proxy State. Thus the Director-Admiral proceeded to enter the Hotel passing through the main lobby and headed towards the ballroom where most of the guests could be found. If Sevenar was going to begin establishing a proper presence within the Federation of United Systems he'd first need to establish some connections with other individuals already involved with the Federation and then move on from there onwards. Fortunately all would go according to planned and by the end of this event , hopefully the Director-Admiral could find some new allies and associates within the Federation who could help him advance his agenda.

Tag | Vyn Daldoure Vyn Daldoure | OPEN

Objective #2 Grace and Beauty.
Tags: Open | Dorian Sevanar Dorian Sevanar
Outfit: militaristic dress outfit

Standard, that's how the night had started to feel, he had several dances with the bored wives and some minor political figures, every single one was a bit too grabby for his liking so he wrote dancing off to just the political figures if he was going to be felt up, he'd like something fruitful from it, after all, not knowing how many he'd actually be entertaining tonight was concerning. It seemed like people kept showing up, at this rate every Vyn figured every political party in the galaxy, major or minor, would have someone in this room, it was lucky he'd come days before and hid a blaster in the bar, this place was like a powder keg, and he wanted to be able to snuff the fuse in case any visitors decided to bring a match.

Vyn kept checking his wrist comm about the situation on the other side of the planet, he was wondering if they'd be able to handle the situation. As far as the Iridonian had seen, the people responding were competent, however, The reports nearly caused him to launch alcohol from his mouth, 'tanks... really?' he composed himself, Vyn looked back to the crowd making small talk with the bartender every few moments, his job was here, so that's where his focus would be.

Guests flooded in, and he couldn't help but catch his eye on one, there was something familiar. Was it the face, no it was either the way he walked or held himself? Maybe Vyn had seen him on a broadcast back on Iridonia? That made sense, a lot of these corpo's had demonstrations of products littered on his home and across the galaxy, perhaps that meant this man would be able to provide the Federation with weapons or ships for a fleet, something they were in desperate need of, this was good.

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