Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New here? Need a Minor faction to start off your char? Join the Expeditionary Fleet!

Are you a new char or experienced spacer with nowhere to go? Are you a pilot? Are you a Secret Agent or a Roving Jedi?
The Expeditionary Fleet is looking for a few dedicated roleplayers to add to our ranks and start us off. We primarily run Exploration, Smuggling and some PVP combat threads. Most missions hold a prize item at the end.
Here's where we are gathering in our first thread. Come on down and join us!
Here's a bit about us!
Welcome aboard the Expeditionary fleet. Formed in the wake of a Galaxy collapsed, lending refuge to the hunted, and assistance to the weak and down trodden. Come to our ranks and claim your freedom, or protect that of others.
Built around the Charter of Tatooine the fleet is committed to three primary Mission sets.
First we are explorers, plunging into the depths of the unknown. Turning over stone and spacedust to discover new and uncharted worlds and territories. We hold nothing to far and no mission to hard. We will map the stars and the unknowns or die trying!
Second we offer aid to all those oppressed. In their time of need weapons and good will be delivered onto those who would be a force for good in this galaxy. Expeditionary fleet members are charged with maintaining smugglers routes and delivering the precious tools of salvation to the needy!
Third we do not tolerate the oppression of the Darkside, nor Piracy. Both are a threat to the freedoms we so enjoy. The Expeditionary fleet hunts both where they can, exterminating the scourge of darkness and keeping our lanes clear. The survival of the Fleet depends upon it!
Where do you fit in? Will you save the Oppressed, will you hunt the Oppressors? Will you delve into uncharted territories? Only you decide!

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