Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Frontiers

Here we go again, bwomp.​
In finest trash panda tradition I will be getting very intoxicated tonight in celebration, but while I can still speak in complete sentences I thought I would take the time to thank everyone for your resounding support and speak a little about the near future for ORC as a faction. First thing's first: don't panic. The tl;dr of this post is that we will be remaining the Outer Rim that you know and love.

That being said, I thought it might be productive if I were to go into detail on what I would consider the "pillars" of that setting in the hopes that it can help people understand the thinking that will be driving us forward. I am not the best at communicating my plans sometimes, a leadership defect I have been working to correct.
Lawless Wasteland

Even before the lawlessness mandate was a thing we've always worn our IC dumpster fire narrative like a badge of honor. While there have always been pockets of order across our space like the Kathol Republic or Aing-Tii territory and we may see additional pockets in the near future, there are no impending plans to restore order across the vast majority of ORC.

This has always been a sandbox for smugglers, vagabonds, pirates and bounty hunters to do their own thing. I think that is awesome, and if we were to institute something like a highly advanced Coalition Navy with hundreds of battlecruisers it would grind out all sense of small band of heroes/antiheroes vs. unstoppable hordes that makes the Underground appealing.

Wild Wild West South

The ORC is unique in a lot of ways, but its a testament to its founders that in an era of Chaos dominated by canon major factions, an original group with a weird west theme of all things continues to abide. The Outer Rim is a savage frontier, meant to incorporate a spaghetti western vs. Firefly aesthetic along with a dash of mad science. We're the part of the galaxy with the Kathol Rift, extragalactic horrors, slaver's bay, and space whales.

We should embrace our weirdness, not shy away from it. Its not that we just haven't gotten around to civilizing our space, its that compared to the mundane hazards of the Core we're facing down cosmic threats that the rest of the galaxy couldn't imagine.

Rebel Heroes
Okay so the Republic is restored, now what?

Move on to the next one, of course. Rebel groups come and go, but the Underground has been toppling despots for longer than anyone else. We love being rebs so much that the rebellion hierarchy has pretty much become the closest thing we have to an IC government. Aiming to misbehave is our main source of interaction/conflict with the wider galaxy, and I want to see more opportunities to RP with other majors in our future.

No we will not be turning into the new lightside deus vult faction, but we will be organizing some smaller scale conflict. Both PvE threads and PvP, so even if you don't like writing against other players there will be plenty of chances to contribute to the war effort and get your rebel swag on!

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