Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Family!

So it has been made official today. A faction with a long history on the board has decided to join the family. Now they may be our evil kin, but I expect everyone to give them a warm welcome OOC.

Aria Vale said:
The Primeval is now part of the ORC's influence sphere, but we have plenty freedom to do our thang still. As long as we keep our death-worship and ritual sacrifice on the downlow, the faction is welcome to hop in with the Coalition at their leisure.

Aria said it best, OOC you are family, and we look forward to writing more with you. IC you are a secret enemy causing trouble and blaming others. The perfect foil to our capers.

So once again Welcome!

(PS no real meaning to AD/DC other than the like the song here lol)
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Vaylin"], [member="Aria Vale"]

* infiltration intensifies *

Blood sacrifices every Tuesday and Sunday!

On another note, Elpsis running into Prime types (and presumably fighting) them could be fun.
[member="Vaylin"] Welcome to the Party i just joined reading every single post to catch up so sorry for the late welcome. Lets have some chaos.

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