Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private New Beginnings

The man was skeptical, but also receptive. He understood the bind he was now in with Gourda's attention.

"My offer? How about I show instead of tell?"

She leaned over him, pressing a gloved palm lightly on his expoxy cast. Moments later, he would begin to feel the warmth of soothing Force energy flooding his shattered shoulder. Bone began to refuse, and torn muscles and tendons stitched together. Healing that would have normally ocurred over a process of days or months was reduced to mere minutes and hours. The Jedi Master was no healing expert, but the sheer amount of Force energy she could muster allowed her to brute force healing on an individual level.

"By tomorrow, you should have about 75% mobility with that arm again. In about a week it should be as good as new, provided you stay out of trouble."

She gave his arm a pat and straightened up.

"I can't promise you riches or fame, but I can give you something better...a home. Full of people just like you and me, who would actually give a chit about your wellbeing instead of how to exploit you for the next payday. Make no mistake, you will die here, and I already feel like you're on you last legs. I'm curious how you even winded up in a dump like this, anyway."

Alakor Alakor
Is Ascending In Power
"How are you going to.." Before he had finished his sentence, he could feel a change in his state. For once, he... he was happy. Whatever she'd done to him had completely transformed how he was merely a few seconds ago. The only other time he had felt like this in recent memory was when he had left the Sith.

Amazed, he looked at her and removed whatever facial covering he had. He didn't even know if he did. Maybe it was just something that had become a habit. As he looked at his arm, he was able to stand up. No more drugs, or weird things being put in his body. He felt like he was able to move again. Although he still had some time before he was combat ready.

"I was running away from the Sith." he said.

"It's a long story. "

Looking around at the room he was in, he put a shirt on.

"I'll go wherever you want." As far as he was concerned, she had earned his trust. And he had to pay her back in some way.

Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
A Sith on the run? Now his outburst in the Dark Side made sense.

"It's a story I'd like to hear," she replied, smile returning. "But for now, it's time to get out of here...I have a feeling that Gourda or one of his cronies will return much sooner than the timetable you gave them."

She hadn't only healed him up as a display of power. She couldn't stick around while he got dropped in a bacta tank for a few days.

"First things first, get dressed and gather your things. Kiss your arena goodbye."

Alakor Alakor
Is Ascending In Power
"Stay here."

Alakor never had a lot to begin with. All his belongings were always close to him to prepare for the day he died. The Epicanthix warrior run, albeit with stealth in mind as he grabbed all the materials he could. They fit inside a gym bag.

And with that, he was ready to go. During that time, he'd gotten his clothes, and had dressed in more casual combat attire. He expected they were leaving with a fight, and despite not being at what he considered to be combat readiness, he was confident, perhaps with a bit of hubris in him, that he could take out anyone that came in his path.

Well, almost anyone.

"Ready when you are."

Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
Fortunately, he didn't have much. That made moving, but it was kind of sad to see at the same time. He really was on the run.

"I was ready 15 minutes ago."

She motioned for him to follow her out of the room after she had checked the halls. However, to her dismay, there were still two wookiee guards posted up in the hall, pacing around. She had been right - Gourda wanted to keep a leash on his new prize.

She ducked back into the room. "Okay, so your new 'friends are still outside...time to get back into bed."

When she had come down she could implant suggestive thoughts among passerbyers without them noticing, but it was much harder to do with an alert group of wookiees without straight up hijacking their brains. That was messy, and she didn't have time for messy. She would have to play this smart.

"I'll cart you out to the end of the medbay, then we have to book it."

Alakor Alakor
Is Ascending In Power
"Why don't you just do it the messier way?"

It probably wasn't the best time to ask questions, but for him, it was much more easier. Passive pacifist approaches were not something Alakor, at this time was capable off. It was either he, or other people died, and he intended to be on the side of the living.

Grabbing his bag, he got a blanket, and covered himself with it. If he was going to go with her approach, he had to at least make it look like he was dead. It wasn't the best of ways, but it was all he could think off. And he was happy to point his blade at anyone who disagreed.

"Your lucky the morgue is the same way at the exit."

Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
Naturally, the (former) Sith inquired why she didn't just take the most direct approach with the Wookiees.

"You said it yourself. Messy is well...messy. One fight could lead to many more and I don't want that to interfere with the success of my mission. I do not kill or maim without good reason."

She motioned for him to lay flat while she applied a cover over his form. After unhooking the bed from cables, she pushed it toward the door. Outside in the hall, the lights began to flicker and then it all went black. Wookiees had excellent night vision, but it would take them at least a minute or two to suddenly adjust to the sudden drop of light. In that instant, she pushed the bed out into the hall, also applying telekinesis to the frame to make it move faster. One sharp turn left and she was off, walking at a fast clip. Not too fast, as she didn't want to arouse suspicion.

Roars from the her back told her that her efforts were in vain.

She broke into a full sprint, the bed about to fly off the floor at that point. She could already hear the heavy thud of paws from behind.

"Ooookaaay, our friends caught on quicker than I hoped so get ready to bolt as soon as I hit the the exit."

Hopefully the mystery man was still fit enough to run, because it was going to be a mad dash all the way back to the street. Reagan better be there.

Alakor Alakor
Naturally, the (former) Sith inquired why she didn't just take the most direct approach with the Wookiees.

"You said it yourself. Messy is well...messy. One fight could lead to many more and I don't want that to interfere with the success of my mission. I do not kill or maim without good reason."

She motioned for him to lay flat while she applied a cover over his form. After unhooking the bed from cables, she pushed it toward the door. Outside in the hall, the lights began to flicker and then it all went black. Wookiees had excellent night vision, but it would take them at least a minute or two to suddenly adjust to the sudden drop of light. In that instant, she pushed the bed out into the hall, also applying telekinesis to the frame to make it move faster. One sharp turn left and she was off, walking at a fast clip. Not too fast, as she didn't want to arouse suspicion.

Roars from the her back told her that her efforts were in vain.

She broke into a full sprint, the bed about to fly off the floor at that point. She could already hear the heavy thud of paws from behind.

"Ooookaaay, our friends caught on quicker than I hoped so get ready to bolt as soon as I hit the the exit."

Hopefully the mystery man was still fit enough to run, because it was going to be a mad dash all the way back to the street. Reagan better be there.

Alakor Alakor
Is Ascending In Power
"Good point." he muttered. He hated being wrong, but Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran made a good point. Well that and she was rescuing him. He was humble enough not to bother arguing with her.

Despite being healed his leg still felt a bit stiff. But his whole mentality was that he'd survived it: he'd just survive a kiffin death match. Grabbing his bag, he felt himself flying. For once in a while, ignoring the fact that he could be killed, the gladiator felt like a child.


He knew the place like the back of his head, and he felt immensely tempted to grab his knife and cause some more damage. But she'd risked his life for him. Alakor hadn't seen someone do that since... since his family. As far as he was concerned, given more time, she was family to him. Or at least more than a good Samaritan.

Getting off his bed, he woke up and immediately saw some controls. He closed two doors leading to his medical room, and cut off the wires. Looking up, he saw some technicians while he run.

As they run, he saw the elevator. But he could here the Wookies approach him.

"There is another shortcut. Forget the elevator he said." Grabbing her, he went toward an exit. There were a bunch of stairs toward the exit of the stadium. And as far as he knew, to the busy streets of Nar Shadaah.

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