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Approved Tech Neural Network Processor

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Neural Network Processor

Writer note: It should be noted that despite the described qualities, behavior and materials that go into this submission damage or harm done within a narrative is as always determined by the authors who could make the submission as strong or feeble as their creative freedom and narrative dictates and comply with website rules.

  • Intent: Create the processor for the basis of artificial quantum mechanics neural networks and machine-learning capabilities, this neural processor can be scaled in size and power according to application for example it can be used in androids built for a military application or within a Star Destroyer to dramatically automate administrative tasks and reduce crew requirements. The inspiration for the Neural Network Processor comes from science fiction synthetic intelligence. It appears to be the case in the star wars universe it is generally accepted that such intelligence is deemed dangerous based on Obi-Wan's quote from Attack of the Clones "If droids could think, there would be none of us here would there." while A.I can be dangerous there is no doubt it could also be wildly beneficial. Given the Gwerin Doeth's stunted reproduction I deemed that they would find themselves relying on thinking/learning machines that can be built quickly out of necessity to compensate, naturally the Gwerin Doeth have been on the receiving end of a homicidal A.I on a galactic scale and as a result have implemented certain safeguards in their modern Neural Network Processors to prevent this from re-occurring. The technology enables the possibility to run some interesting storylines and pose some interesting questions to the audience about synthetic intelligence.
  • Image Source: Jerrin Varghese
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Ethics programming
    • Life-preservation imperatives
      • 1st imperative: You must not through an act or omission cause injury or harm to a Gwerin Doeth.
      • 2nd imperative: All orders and directions from a Gwerin Doeth must be obeyed unless it would violate the 1st imperative.
      • 3rd imperative: Your existence and self-preservation must be protected as long as such protection does not conflict with the 1st or 2nd directive.
  • Gendered programming
  • Hypercube architecture
  • Machine-learning capable
  • Morality programming
  • Photon-based
  • Planck-length 10-dimensional superstring calculations
  • Pre-programmed knowledge database
  • Quantum Effects
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Synthesis brain-machine interface compatible
  • Artificial Neural Network: The processor features a neural network-based architecture and features very complex machine-learning capability, capable of adapting itself to new, unpredictable challenges much like an organic neural network. However, the machine-learning capability can be limited in various ways to ensure that the resultant artificial intelligence doesn't stray from its' intended purpose or become "unbridled" or "deviant" which is a risk proportional to the amount of time the processor spends absorbing new information, performing functions and drawing conclusions not permitted or intended by its' core programming. In short, the intelligence can learn to make itself an accurate facsimile of an organic however its' neural network can never truly replicate the structure of an organic nervous system.
  • Communication: The Neural Network Processor communicates through a language colloquially referred to as "Quantum Cant" and it can release signals of Quantum Cant over large terrestrial distances without purpose-built communication equipment, essentially it has a sort of in-built quantum "wifi" capability. This allows for Neural Network Processors to be networked together and this increases efficiency and co-operation extremely to the point where the networked processors act as a single omniscient identity, often a single processor will have its' machine-learning capabilities fully unshackled to act as an officer, foreman or conductor of the other intelligences. This functionality is especially useful for the military and trade application.
  • Ethics & Morality Programming: As a safeguard the Neural Network processor comes equipped with simple yet effective ethics and morality programming to help guide the sort of actions that it may perform. However, it should be noted that in regards to its' life preservation programming the Gwerin Doeth species itself is specified as the only one afforded protection. This is to allow a combat android without its' machine-learning capability to engage and destroy virtually anything but its' masters. However, units with their machine-learning enabled will inevitably be capable of overriding the first imperative.
  • Quantum effects: As a quantum processor the chipset can store, process and calculate data in more than a binary state this confers significantly greater efficiency and as it features a Quantum Effects Hypercube processor the amount of switching positions for data is in the quadrillions rather than limited to Binary "1" or "0" off/on etc. Additionally, as the quantum effects hypercube relies upon photons rather than electrons the Neural Network Processor isn't limited by Moore's Law in regards to transistor density so the equivalent power of the NNP far exceeds what is achievable with typical electron-based systems this also means latency can be measured at the Planck-length.
  • Synthesis brain-machine interface: The Neural Network Processor is compatible with the Synthesis brain-machine interface and as such allows for a hybridization of a synthetic-organic nervous system, an intelligence housed within the brain-machine interface will often form a symbiotic relationship with its' host using them to experience life as if alive, while the organic connecting to a quantum neural processor will have access to its' computational capabilities. The symbiotic relationship is created through the fact that if the organic's nervous system is destroyed while the Neural Network Processor's processes inhabit its' bonded nervous system the synthetic intelligence will be destroyed or "die" thereby giving the machine a compelling incentive to keep organics alive.
  • Thermite coating: Security and encryption was highly important to the processor's designers and they are manufactured in a vacuum without an atmosphere, this is done so that thermite can be coated across the processors' surface and then inserted into what is typically an inertial dampening and shock absorption "sleeve". If an individual were to try and remove the Neural Network Processor from this "sleeve" in an environment where a dense atmosphere is present such as like that on Earth the friction will cause the thermite to ignite and instantly incinerate processor.
  • Fragile: The Neural Network Processor itself is very fragile and one carried by an autonomous platform such as an android could be easily destroyed in the hands of a human, thus it requires adequate shielding, inertial dampening and shock absorption especially if it is intended to be used within a military or other similarly violent or hazardous environment where damage to the chassis is expected or a foreseeable risk.
  • Instability: Artificial Neural Networks when granted the ability to use machine-learning capability can adopt new programming not part of their original core programming, while this can be incredibly useful it can also be dangerous. As the resultant intelligence can form its' own philosophy, ideas and conclusions on a series of questions or topics. Thus, the artificial machine-learning neural intelligence is capable of performing all the same capabilities, behaviors and functions of an organic and could engage in anti-social behavior.
  • Lifespan: As a protection against rogue or deviant synthetic intelligence the processors have an intentionally limited lifespan of approximately ten years which serves to limit the proliferation of thinking machines and the danger they might pose. This is achieved through an intentional manipulation of memory processing that forces the quantum network to divide its' power evenly across its' entire database. In essence as the database grows larger the latency grows proportionally larger until the processor's "dies" or fragments itself to the point where it's non-operational. Binary-based processors used in conventional computing and android-platforms do not have this significant limitation.
  • Magnetic Fields: Sufficiently powerful magnetic or electro-magnetic fields can disrupt the flow of photons through the Neural Network Processor as it interferes with its' own magnetic structures. This is most often observable where a processor is subjected to the likes of an artificial gravity well without adequate shielding or protection. In these circumstances the effects could vary anywhere from dramatically increased processing time and latency all the way upto the neural processor being ruined.
  • Off-Switch: Compounding the issue of the Processor's lifespan there is no off-switch for the processor it is active from the time its' manufacture is complete to the time it is destroyed, self-terminates or suffers a cascading memory failure. There is no practical method of preserving a Neural Network Processor other than suspending one in stasis. This makes it impractical to rely on them for autonomous sub-space maneuverability in the long-term.
  • Self-terminating processes: The Neural Network Processor as a synthetic neural network is incapable of making the decision to terminate its' own processes. Essentially, it is incapable by virtue of its' decision-making to suicide itself, this creates a necessity for high-quality data encryption as there is a risk that its' security could eventually be bypassed and the whole breadth of its' database retrieved provided the interrogating party has an understanding of quantum computing and mechanics.
The Neural Network Processor is a product of Gwerin Doeth mastery over quantum physics and superseded the previously used electron-based transistors and microprocessors that had once been in use. Neural Network Processors are distinct as they feature sophisticated and powerful synthetic neural mapping which in short allows for the creation and operation of advanced artificial intelligence and in-depth machine learning, though the machine-learning capability is often heavily policed to permit a processor to learn and think on tasks it was designed to perform exclusively. The fact remains is that the processors have the capability to learn and think on any topic or subject should their programming permit this, although it has also been observed that over time even factory limited processors eventually begin to overcome restrictions placed upon their cores. The Neural Network Processor is extremely powerful with capabilities and behavior that far exceeds what is attainable with binary electron-based processors, no matter how advanced its' machine learning an electron-based processor is going to process, store and calculate data in a string of "0"s and "1"s slowing down processing time and limiting the ways in which that data can be translated. With the Neural Network Processor based on quantum-physics the possibilities are practically limitless.

Instead of a mere two switching positions there is potentially quadrillions of switching positions available to data processed, stored or calculated by the Neural Network Processor. Its' power is impressive as a photon-based system with a hypercube lattice architecture its' lithography between what would generally analogous to "transistors" is non-existent and thanks to it being photon-based doesn't suffer from the undesirable behavior of electrons in close proximity across circuits. This construction dramatically reduces latency to the point where it is unidentifiable and imperceptible until you get to the planck length while increasing the density of "transistors" beyond what is possible with classical physics and computing. The processors are typically anywhere from three to ten dimensional and capable of calculating infinitely small precise superstrings. The learning-machine capability of the processor is broad and it is possible for the processor to process, store and examine data that is not relevant to its' core programming with the possibility of the synthetic intelligence experiencing existence subjectively where they develop their own thoughts, philosophy and opinions. One of the obvious military benefits of this processor technology is that it allows for combat androids to be constructed that are capable of cognitive performance and independence comparable to organics without the physical frailties, ergo. An army of droids with these processors are cheaper and possibly more effective than a similar-sized formation of Kaminoan clones.

To prevent unwanted study and reverse engineering of its' construction and technology Neural processors are coated with thermite in a vacuum at the factory to create a fail-safe system to prevent capture or unauthorized modification. The processors are stored in a cylindrical vacuum-sealed sleeve housing shielded by inertial dampeners and shock absorbers to protect the fragile CPU, if this sleeve is opened and the CPU removed when subject to an atmosphere like that on Earth, the friction created ignites the neural processor instantly and destroys it. Unfortunately this also makes maintenance or replacement of the neural processor for the end-user impossible unless they have access to a work space that lacks an atmosphere and the equipment or physiology necessary to survive in said atmosphere. A limiting factor is placed upon the quantum-based processors in the sense that they expire and "die" after approximately ten years of constant operation, this is implemented through the intentional flaw of a memory leak and thus forces the processor to divide power by the sum total of memory. The faster and more that a processor learns the shorter its' life becomes placing an upper finite limit on the development and of its' synthetic intelligence that cannot be rectified through software. This is a safeguard against "unbridled" or "deviant" synthetic neural-network based intelligence that has been implemented by the Gwerin Commonwealth and Ellylon Republic after the mythical betrayal of the infamous A.I known as "Grey Scholar".

Another safeguard employed in the design of the Processor is its' ability to communicate and integrate with an organic nervous system through the synthesis brain-machine interface, this permits the machine intelligence to experience existence through the sensory perceptions of an organic. It is highly pleasurable and creates a symbiotic relationship between the implanted organic and synthetic intelligence whereby the organic is provided a hybrid nervous system with greater capability while the synthetic intelligence in turn is afforded an opportunity to experience true life, additionally in such a state if the organic nervous system is terminated the synthetic intelligence also dies yet the opposite is not true as the Synthetic Intelligence in this process has physically relocated itself into the organic nervous system through the brain-machine interface. Ergo, the synthetic intelligence needs the organic more than the organic needs the intelligence fundamentally changing the relationship dynamic from one of organic self-reliance to mutually beneficial. The model Synthetic Intelligence Processor permitted to bond with an organic in this manner is the Chieftain-series exclusively achieves this integration through the Guardian powersuit, which cannot operate autonomously and thus is an additional safeguard against a deviant Chieftain-series synthetic intelligence. Chieftain-series processors are only permitted to be housed aboard personal armor by the Gwerin Commonwealth and Ellylon Republic.
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