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Neroba the Hutt


Name:: Neroba Ujiliic Xelurc
Known As:: Neroba the Hutt
Age:: 113
Height:: 2.1 Meters
Weight:: 400 Kilograms
Eye Color:: Blue
Skin Color:: Light Brown (Still Huttling pigmentation)
Species:: Hutt
Languages:: Huttese, Rodese, Shryiiwook, Basic
Homeworld:: Socorro
Birthplace:: Stygian Mecca
Force User:: No

Faction:: Underworld
Affiliation:: Ujiliic Kajidic
Rank:: Kajidii
Status:: Active
Reputation:: Insignificant

Hutt Genius - Neroba is a quick study. Accumulating knowledge, gathering and mastering skills at a very rapid pace. Like any Hutt he has a natural affinity towards the more criminal techniques.

Time On His Side - While 113 exceeds the lifespan of an overwhelming number of species and individuals in the Galaxy, for a Hutt this is not even considered young adulthood. Neroba has plenty of time to play the long game and craft a skill set and Criminal Empire that far exceeds the rivals of his once great Clan.

Natural Born Schemer - Power plays, money grabs, market trends, illegal operations. There is no tactic he will shy away from in the pursuit of riches and authority.

Unbridled Wanderlust - Neroba suffers woefully from the call of exploration and often finds himself at the mercy of his own curious whims. As one may imagine, not all settings and scenarios are practical for a Hutt, but thus far, that fact has not stopped young Neroba from trying.

Master Race - No secret here, like the vast majority of his species Neroba believes the Hutt's as a whole to be the pinnacle of evolution.

Megalomaniac - Much like his view of the Hutt's being above all other Species, Neroba regards himself in such high esteem that even without the terrifying power of a fully operational Kajidic behind him, he should both be feared and worshiped.

Forgotten Kajidic - A Hutt is only as powerful as the Kajidic they belong to. The Ujiliic have had a diminished power base for five thousand years, more recently they have fallen so far from the spotlight that the former glory they once held is only regarded as myth and legend.

Lone Wanderer - Young, alone and short on credits. Perhaps his biggest weakness, Neroba begins this journey of blood and restoration on his own with no back up in an Underworld that is teeming with individuals that would love to add the murder of a Hutt to their seedy credentials.

Conspiracy in the Underworld, nothing too new. It seemed after thousands of years worth of effort the Desilijic and Besadii plans had finally come full circle. One of his older brothers had been whisked away to some nameless prison, the other, a rare Force-Using Hutt whom also suffered from a reputation scarring Wasting Disease, had been missing in action from family affairs for decades and his four sisters were scattered throughout the Rim laying low after the brutal execution of their father.

Neroba, he was just a little Huttling when he'd been torn out of the Pouch. Uma ji muna. Make su marvalic plesodoro
. Terrible and cruel Hutt's are, but the bonds they hold for their children and clan are stronger than any other species in this Galaxy. It was a powerful sentiment from Mother to 'ling before she was bludgeoned, stabbed and shot to death. Hutt's die hard, Anjellyx Ujiliic Xelurc was no exception. No, it took quite an effort to murder the feminine Hutt Slicer known as Halapu Anj.

I love you. Make them marvel at our splendor.

Neroba has never forgotten the words. You could say they're the slow wind that fill his sails. Revenge is a way of life for his species, the common nomenclature in fact states that were it not for schemes and distant plots of revenge, a Hutt would simply die from boredom. In his lifetime, he would exact his, this much he knew. But an eye for an eye was not the Hutt way. Merely killing the culprits and instigators would not be enough for Neroba. His revenge needed to have gusto, it needed to shame the Desilijic and Besadii Clans in such a way that future generations one hundred eons from now would remember their place below the great and powerful Ujiliic.

For his first decade outside of the Brood Pouch, Neroba was forced to watch the murderers and their sycophants occupy the Ancestral Palace of the Ujiliic in the Stygian Mecca, an ancient Shadowport city the Kajidic had constructed on Socorro in the distant past, while he had been relegated to desperately clinging on to life and dodging the cruelty of transient strangers and creatures that were much larger than he was in the dusty, bloody slums of the largely lawless city.

This timid and treacherous existence was not, however, barren of merits. It was a harsh and rugged start, it taught Neroba of violence and gore early. Perhaps it was a biological trait of his Species, or perhaps it was merely a mental state forced in to him, but the diminutive Hutt discovered he had a penchant for murder very early. As his body grew exponentially larger and Neroba found that he was now the one that was beginning to outsize those around him, the act only became that much easier.

By the time he hit 150 kilograms in weight he'd slaughtered or laid low dozens of individuals, it was on those black Socorran sands that Neroba learned the more grisly your methods, the less likely people were to rise against you. Valuable lessons.

It was also under that Red sun that the Hutt discovered his first curious muse, the art of Butchering and Cooking. Both, in his opinion, invaluable skills. The first for obvious reasons, the latter. . . well he could not grow big and strong eating beetles and bugs forever. The Ujiliic Open-Air Live Meat Market was an institution of the Stygian Mecca dating back fifteen thousand years to it's founding. They had dealt in the butchering, cooking or sale of live exotic animals since it's inception and had remained largely unchanged.

He absorbed everything, starting with the massive live Animal sales, in-take and upkeep. Moving in to the precise method of Butchering, all the way to the art form that was Socorran Barbecue, which in reality was Varl or Hutt Barbecue. Or at least Neroba assumed that was the case. Since the techniques used were pioneered by "Porko Bukee" Kuraza Ujiliic Xelurc.

It was a long lasting love affair, Neroba took as much as he could from the experience. Utilizing every meat from the Market, every Spice, Vegetable, Fruit and Ingredient he could find in the widely stocked Shops and Vendor Carts of the sprawling Shadowport. But he never lost sight of his true mission in life. To restore his Kajidic to it's rightful position, and exact his revenge on those that dared wrong his illustrious Clan.

With 5 million credits, the entirety of his earnings in his short life. Neroba has set off from Socorro, knowing one day he would return to reclaim the Stygian Mecca for the Ujiliic. But for now, weighing only 400 kilograms, measuring only 2.1 meters in length and being so young that even his soft brown shade of flesh had not gone through it's final pigmentation stage yet, he took to the stars. A quick wit and knack for learning, a taste for blood and brutality, some violent encounters behind him and a passion for food. He had to begin putting the pieces in motion, he had to turn this 5 million credits in to 5 billion credits.

He had to start this story somewhere.
Looks like someone have read Lords of Nal Hutta, eh? :) It's good to see a Hutt that actively mentions the importance of their Kajidic on their character sheet. Good luck with the character.

[member="Neroba the Hutt"]

I have indeed, absolutely love the Hutts. I've been slowly grinding out a 30,000+ year history for the Ujiliic Kajidic, but then the idea struck me that it may be more interesting to start on the opposite end. Instead of hitting the RP with a powerful Clan behind me and a great deal of authority. I'd start with nothing behind me and work towards building his wealth from the ground up and carving out a base of power chapter by chapter.

[member="T.H.E Ultimatum"]

Neroba is a prime specimen of Hutt beauty. He's so hot he'd get himself pregnant.

[member="Neroba the Hutt"]

That's some interesting stuff! In my EoE rpg group one of my players is a Hutt. He took another approach and instead attempted to bribe/cheat/murder his way into establishing a Kajidic that according to various forged information claims that it is a Clan of the Ancients. He will probably get figured out by the Desilijic soon though.

I sincerely hope you have some good writing. A shame I don't have a lot of time on my hands, would've loved to help you get started. Maybe some other time? :p
[member="Neroba the Hutt"]

I like the biography, very detailed!

When you say he is part of the Underworld, do you just mean the criminal underworld in general? Or is this a particular group he's a part of?
Neroba will indeed be looking to expand his horizons and branch out his contact list. Small crime teams, big organizations, even just the little guys looking to break in. He'll want to tap in to it all, Ujiliic will always be his main course though. Once he starts rolling in some serious profit we can see what happens :)

[member="Neroba the Hutt"]

Sounds good! Well, once he's reached the phase where he wants to start joining bigger organizations, he should give the Black Sun a try. We have a system in place where members can create their own sub-organizations. Basically, you get to run your own gang/organization within the bigger syndicate itself. You at all interested?

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