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Approved Tech Nephil and Seraph

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  • Classification: Lightsabers

  • Size: Average

  • Weight: Light

  • Double-crystal design

  • Curved hilt design

  • Isotope-5 power cell

  • Modified dual-phase blade.


  • Able to deflect blaster bolts in normal mode.

  • Second phase can be triggered turning the blade into a lightfoil with a blade like a spada da lato (x)(source) a thinner, more focused duelling weapon.

  • Both blades can shrink down from a full length lightsaber to a short blade (of a similiar length to Ashoka's blades).

  • Seraph has a superior defensive capability, flaring with a bright flash and a loud crack when engaging a lightsaber, while deflected blasterbolts will carry more power than the original shot.

  • Nephil has a superior cutting power, able to cut through materials which are normally seen as lightsaber proof.

  • Cortosis will short the blade if in contact.

  • The Curved Hilts are both shorter and thinner than normal, allowing for only a single-handed grip which limits the power that can be brought to bear by each blade.

  • Blades will short out when dropped in water.


After the Summit on Geonosis Asaraa knew that the galaxy she was growing in was becoming a darker place, a place of war, not peace. A world for which she needed to be prepared. While she had developed an affinity for bladed weapons, the lightsaber was still the essence of a Jedi, and so she turned her attention to this elegant weapon, to seek to improve and enhance it.

The original lightsaber she’d developed as a Padawan had a curved hit to better suit her prefered style of Makashi as she developed as a duelist and fighter. Over the years though she found that her style had shifted and developed leading to the creation of the Kervanos and the Svalinn, her signature sword and shield combination each of which was a deadly weapon in their own right. Asaraa knew her new weapons would need to account for her personal adapted style. The Jedi had always preferred speed over power, her natural affinity for telekinesis allowing her to supplement her combat with invisible strikes and tricks.

It was to this end that Asaraa wanted a pair of lightsabers that would allow her to expand on her expanding duelling and dual-wielding skills. To that end, the lightsabers are heavily modified and variable, to allow Asaraa to adapt her style to the situation at hand.

Each lightsaber comes with 2 variations in mode from the standard lightsaber that create the additional danger of the blades.

  1. Each blade is a dual-phasic design that allows each blade to alternate between a full-length lightsaber and a short blade.

  2. The emitter on each blade can modulate the lightsaber between the standard lightsaber blade, and that of a lightfoil, The emitter focuses the blade down to a more focused, thinner blade is a style similar to a real world spada da lato, a weapon designed for duelling rather than real world combat. This modulation of the blade allows for a more effective deployment of the blade in duelling, The thinner blade is better for parrying and riposting, slipping through holes in an enemy's guard to strike at them. The downside of the thinner blade configuration is actually at a disadvantage when countering blasters or other attacks, a pure duellists weapon.

While the two lightsabers may have had a significant number of similarities in their construction, they differed in one very important way, the crystals used in their construction. Both lightsabers carried a pairing of two crystals, but the effects of these pairings couldn't have been more different.

The light purple bladed Seraph was a primarily defensive blade, combining the defensive capabilities of the Etaan Crystal and the defensive boosting capability of the Lorrdian Gemstone. The Etaan Crystal caused a lightsaber blade to flare brightly with a loud crack when it clashes with another lightsaber. When blocking blasters the Etaan crystal provided the blaster shots with some of the blade's energy, the resulting deflected bolts ending up more powerful than the original shots fired at Asaraa. The Lorrdian Crystal on the other hand didn't have such a powerful physical effect, what it did do, however, was make it easier for Asaraa to predict the actions of others, and improve her ability to block blasters. Combining the defensive capabilities of the two crystals gave Seraph an incredible defensive capability.

The bronze bladed Nephil on the other hand was very much built as a counter to Seraph, a lightsaber built around pure offensive capability. The double stacked crystals used in this blade consisted of a Lignan Crystal and a Heart of the Guardian. The darkside focused Lignan Crystal gave the blade an increased cutting power, leaving the blade capable of cutting through those materials that normally proved to be resistant to lightsaber blades. However, that left the problem of a darkside blade, a problem that was solved when Asaraa discovered a crystal purporting to be the legendary Heart of the Guardian. Although not sure of the crystal's provenance it did appear to be the legendary crystal, both cleaning the weapon of any darkside influence and creating a blade that seemed to dance through the air that much faster.
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