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Nejaa Niynx [Rogue]


A warrior born
From life itself.
Hidden, yet seen.
To walk in the light
Yet cast a dark shadow.
A light which sheds darkness,
And darkness which illuminates.
Meant to walk a path with high fences,
And found the destruction of his own upbringing,
While birthing something stronger than it was in its place.
The victim of destiny, set to redefine light and darkness itself.
Grasping his weakness as a powerful weapon without acceptance.
Set to live within the force, and be one with the force.
A warrior of both worlds, and a victim in both.
Let him hunt and become his sacrifice.
Yet those who lock him within himself,
Those who bar him in judgement,
Shall decay in their
Own Malice.

NAME: Nejaa Niynx.
FORMER REP. RANK: Jedi Knight.
SPECIES: Clawdite; altered.
AGE: 19.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 1.85 meters | 6ft
WEIGHT: 178 lbs
EYES: Yellow; often changing.
HAIR: Brown; often changing.
SKIN: Ashen-Gray Clawdite | Tanned Olive Human

Keba Sueen, Jedi Knight.
Condition - Deceased.

Darron Wraith, High Council member.
Condition - Deceased.

Ben Watts, Jedi Grandmaster.
Condition - Unknown.

Torin Varik, Jedi Padawan.
Condition - Serving.


Altered Genetics
Nejaa was selected to be part of a project close to the time of his birth, back on homeworld Zolan. The participants were chosen from numerous orphanage groups, most of them children who had lost their parents and legal guardians in the planet’s ever present struggle against opposing Zolanders- the genetic forebearer’s of the clawdite species. From a mixture of fear and corruption, the clawdite species pushed for further genetic mutation in their own species, hoping to overcome the status of ‘prey’ from within their ranks.

Subjects were submitted to high doses of nuclear treatment, relying on the clawdite’s predisposition for genetic mutation. Most entrants perished, many simply unable to withstand the constraints of such dangerous testing. A few showed signs of genetic mutation in various forms before death, but Nejaa Niynx was the sole survivor to bear results and walk away from that particular covert organization. It should be noted, however, that although Nejaa was capable of survival, it is probable that such harsh treatment durastically shortened his overall lifespan; that said, to this date he has not noticed any particular health concerns. Keba Sueen, Jedi Knight of the Republic, exposed the illegal and immoral group (Zynt’Ek) shortly before destroying most of the facility’s equipment, finding, and rescuing Nejaa.

In truth, the effects are somewhat small, though certainly noticeable depending on how they are displayed. Most clawdites, for example, undergo a period of pain during each ‘skin change’ or transformation, their skin stretching and pulling to mimic whatever form they were taking. In some cases, their skin rips or tears, and active changers are forced to apply concentrated oils to their body to keep themselves moisturized. Most of Nejaa’s body is scarred from treatment, a different consistency, and much more malleable, firm, and resistant to pain. Many clawdites will loose their form during moments of unconsciousness or surprise, though Nejaa’s transformations are more steady than that.

Lastly, many clawdites are highly limited to minor augmentations to their mass in order to take differing appearances, most only able to mimic species with nearly identical anatomy. The clawdites derive their ability to create aesthetic suggestions by manipulating the water within their own body. Through applied use, as well as through training in the Jedi arts, Nejaa has become more the master than most at manipulating his own body mass so as to free the limit of strictly humanoid personas. In rare cases, medically enhanced clawdites were able to take much different appearances, such as of a dug.

“You would do well to remember that these children, doctor, could very well be the future of Zolan, of our species.” -Zynt’Ek Leader

Raw Force Power
Nejaa’s connection to the force has always been strong. Since a young age and from the beginning, he’s had a sturdy relationship with the telekinetic force abilities of a Jedi. Aggression, that is to say, has always come easily to him, mastering such principles in his days as a youngling. In his later years as a padawan of the Jedi Order, Nejaa has been shown to wield physical force abilities far exceeding that of his peers, and even learned to wield pyrokinetic abilities through his training in the force. These abilities only became/have become increasingly more powerful with additional training and real life experience. There are restraints, however, to carrying the bigger sword. Nejaa’s adept manipulation of the physical force and his masterful grasp over destruction is shadowed by an almost intangible relationship with the force’s wisdom. While his prowess in combat is remarkable, he struggles elsewhere.

“It was caught on holo-cams, he tore down two central defense towers without even touching them. Boss say’s we’ll be rebuilding for the next few months.” -Mygeeto Construction Crew

Blade Expert
In a combination of choice and natural suggestion, Nejaa studied in and excelled in lightsaber combat. With a firmly set prodigal nature in most that was physical, it was no surprise that he shined here. From the time he was issued his first burn-limited training lightsaber in the Academy, it was only a few years before he had constructed two of his own. Their grip was simple, allowing for use of many styles without being particularly angled in any method. Under strict tutelage, Nejaa became a practitioner of many forms, essentially specializing in the seamless transition between them. It was because of his physical abilities and prowess alone that allowed him to pass into Knighthood at such a young age, a necessity on the battlefield during the Republic’s war against ‘evil.’ Shortly before his ascendance to Knight rank, Nejaa was taken under the wing of a High Council member and shown the ways of both Juyo and Vaapad, even if only a few strikes. Most of his training was in the mindset of Juyo and its brotherhood of neighboring forms. Since then, Nejaa has constructed forms of his own, slurs from various favorites, movements he’s found to be the most effective.

“Your attacks are strong, your defenses are impenetrable, you needn’t prove that. If only you didn’t so quickly resort to your weapon when calm might have fought a better battle.” -D.W.

Mental Chaos
In the stead of Nejaa’s well known combat skills are his somewhat less developed skills in the "art" of wisdom. Meditation, a Jedi’s insight, the will of the force, these are concepts which never came quickly or even at all to Nejaa. The Jedi’s code, their nearly religious approach to the study of the force was never a realistic concept for the boy. Always seemed too strict and too far suppressed. As a result, the wise and clever lessons of the ‘light side’ were not fully taught. By this same token, nearly all of Nejaa’s power comes at the cost of a chaotic lack of control. He’ll push too hard, create fire hot enough to scorch his own skin as well as the enemy’s.

“I sense a darkness in the boy, uncontrollable, rebellious. I think it’s dangerous, he shouldn’t be trained. We have our rules set in place for a reason, why would we not follow them here, too?” -Kordo Hardeen

Whether it’s a genetic trait of the clawdite species, something nurtured through his life, or a combination of the two, Nejaa’s brain operates on impulse. Like a reptile, he employs simple, quick and selfish logic where he could vastly benefit from a more broad and confident scope of thought. In this way, Nejaa is ruled by his by fears, fascinations, and curious interests. Stubborn in his search for self, hard to control or work with, and certainly not to be trusted. It is important to remember that, as a clawdite, Nejaa isn’t human and can’t be expected to think or react like a human might. He had come from a world where his species was hunted, where survival was key, and only the strong could accomplish it. This is also to suggest that he’s highly unstable and hard to predict, always darting in and out of extreme ideas and philosophies.

“He’s… unlike other Jedi, that’s for sure, he’s always been so... preoccupied with reflexive habit. Sometimes it can be hard to make him absorb the new material.” -Keba Sueen


As a clawdite, it’s a bit harder to describe exactly what he looks like as often he’s in an appearance which isn’t his own. Nejaa was made to undergo experimental treatments from a young age, burning his skin with high doses of radiation testing and various other conditions. As such, much of his face’s structure has changed from that of the average clawdite, making it a bit more humanoid. Where many clawdites have a green, yellow skin, Nejaa’s has fallen into an ashen grey. His natural hair, a wild red torrent of flame, is often doused in other colors ’n’ styles, depending who he’s mimicking.

Nejaa’s favorite appearance to take is that of a human persona, the boy who many know as Nejaa Niynx. In his younger years, after being rescued from such harsh living standards by Jedi Knight Keba Sueen, Nejaa began to shape himself after his savior. This form continued even after Sueen died at the hands of a sith follower, something he ‘wears’ far more than his more truthful, alien form. Striving for something far more aesthetically pleasing than his own burnt maw, Nejaa molds himself as a handsome human youth, thick dark hair and a smaller build. These appearances can change rapidly, even able to change his assumed gender, grow and remove hair from his body, etc.

Attire & Clothing.
Since the beginning, Nejaa had embraced the attire and cloaked style of the Jedi, sticking strictly to it in most cases and wearing his Jedi affiliation proudly. Even in his fall from the light side, he remained true to the traditional draping of Jedi, though later it fell to something more akin to the dark Jedi. Well fit garments of fine materials, belts and gauntlets of wooden light armor. Cloaks, and hoods, hanging pieces, dramatic variations in color. Rarely, despite his species’ disposition, does Nejaa dress in casual or nondescript clothing when given the choice. Below is an example of the robes he wore in his early Knighthood under the Republic’s Jedi Order.


  • Chapter One: Nejaa was born onto the planet of Zolan, a desolate planet in the Mid Rim, located in the Lambda sector of the Galaxy. It was an interesting and pretty dangerous planet, home to the shape-shifting Clawdites, such as Nejaa and his family, as well as the other Zolanders and predatory Monzus. Due to the constant disagreement between the Zolanders and the Clawdites, a disagreement centered around the planet's alliance, there was a constant state of hit and run, miniature attacks and a general state of dangerous war between the two races. Because the Zolanders outnumbered the Clawdites by a long shot, they were able to oppress the Clawdite race, and impose their will onto the planet, having it ally with who they chose. The Clawdites began to become desperate and formed an organization called the Mabari, a group of highly trained assassins and Clawdite warriors that was devoted to passing their skills onto the next generation to help fight their fight. At least, that was what it had started out as. Years and years later, when Nejaa was born, it had changed greatly, and become more obsessed with the science of the Clawdite race, and concentrated on making a super soldier than anything else. Nejaa's mother, Kebaa Niynx, a woman who had lost her husband to the constant wars between Zolanders and Clawdites, decided to give her child up to the Mabari in order to be one of their first test subjects and lab toys. Nejaa, far too young to remember most of it, was thus handed over to the science department of the dying Mabari, where he was placed into a series of experiments that would attempt to alter his DNA and create more genetic mutation than what other Clawdites had already gone through. It was said that the Clawdite race had evolved, though genetic mutation, from the Zolanders due to the solar radiation coming from the planet's sun. Because of this, the Mabari organization subjected Nejaa to controlled spurts of radiation, aimed directly at the areas of the brain responsible for the change that Clawdites were able to undergo. Surprisingly, the testing paid off, and before long, Nejaa's entire appearance changed, hardly looking like a Clawdite in the first place, and looking more humanoid than most. What was more, the part of his brain which had been subjected to the testing was much larger than what would be found in most other Clawdites, giving him a much larger control over the Clawdite's shape-shifting abilities. However, even by this time, Nejaa was still a small boy, about three years of age, and just beginning to understand language, though fully able to walk, of course.

  • Chapter Two: Nejaa's entire life began to change around the age of four years. It was in this year of his life that his mother was killed by a brutal Zolander raid on his residential area, killing most everyone that he knew, including three of his friends. Things were beginning to set in for Nejaa, and he was starting to understand the world around him; that it was violent and dangerous. Because of his mother's death, the Mabari claimed him as their own, and so it was. He was sent to the Mabari in order to continue feeding their greed filled wills with his abilities, and use him as a test subject and example of a successful completion of their project. However, this would not be his fate, it seemed. On a mission to start sorting out the differences of the races, a single Jedi Knight was sent to Zolan, in hopes of being able to sway the planet's choice in allying itself with the Republic's enemy. This Jedi Knight's name was Geemta Todowian, a male, Rodian Jedi. His mission was to negotiate with both sides of the "war" on Zolan, and talk with both side's leaders in an attempt to set some kind of peaceful standard. This meant, of course, that Geemta came to the Mabari districts, and instantly picked out Nejaa's force sensitivity to be quite incredible. Instantly, he became more personally interested in the fate of the young boy that was there, at the mercy of the ruthless Mabari. Nejaa, just conscious enough to be able to plead, begged the Knight to take him off and away from the planet, not knowing the full possibility of it, and merely thinking it a pipe dream. However, before the negotiations had fully taken place, the Zolanders attacked the Mabari headquarters, and in the chaos of it all, Geemta took Nejaa back to the Jedi Temple to be trained as a Jedi Knight. His age was less of a problem than Geemta thought, seeing as he was about the age that the younglings started to undergo training in the first place. As such, he was placed right into the Jedi Order as a youngling, and started the training with the rest of the kids. To say the least, Nejaa started to undergo culture shock, but was able to overcome it; at least to some degree. Though he was a child bread from a warring planet where mischief, crime, and other villanous acts were needed to survive. That kind of cultural difference was not something as easily replaced.

  • Chapter Three: Years passed for Nejaa, until he was of the age to become a padawan, and shed his youngling title. At that time, he was only eight years old, much younger than most were when they moved on from the youngling title. In part, this was because the masters thought it needed for him to have a master, a parent figure almost, and someone to look up to in a more personal way, due to his cultural differences, and the tendencies that he was starting to show. Trouble making, a sign that meant he was unruly. It was only to be assumed from the young Clawdite male, who had already started to take the appearance of a human male. If nothing else, it was out of shame, hating his appearance when paired with the appearance of the other children he was always around. He was never described as cute, or talked to with loving words on the mostly-human-world. Instead, he was looked at with almost fear, his appearance looking rather demonic, almost. Because of this, he created a persona which he clung to more than his natural appearance, and even wore it while he was by himself, hiding his real face, and having most assume that he was simply a human. His Jedi Master was a strong, human man by the name of Keba Sueen, and Nejaa very quickly bonded with him, idolizing him for his beautiful appearance, and wishing that he could one day be respected and loved like his Jedi Master was. They started their training at once, learning the art of lightsaber fighting at an excelled rate, quickly surpassing the other Padawan learners in the temple, despite their older age, and longer years of training. Nejaa and Keba grew very close, and really started to trust each other. Nejaa was even brave enough to allow his master to see his real face, knowing that the Jedi Master did not have it in him to judge the appearance as anything bad, and just as who Nejaa was under the false skin he provided himself with. In fact, he told Nejaa on numerous occasions that he thought the Clawdite's ability to be rather interesting and cool. Because of this, Nejaa quickly bonded to the man in perhaps a stronger way than his own, biological parents. However, that was just the problem. He started to become too attached to his master, and thought of him as the father that he never had. He told himself that his father was just like his Jedi Master, and convinced himself that it was okay to think of him that way. Keba's mistake was not making it clear that this was not the relationship between the two. It was master and student, not parent and child. However, he had made the mistake due to his similar feelings, feeling responsible and bonded to the young boy. Over time, the human persona which Nejaa had created started to look more and more like his master, wanting to look as if he were the man's son. Of course, he justified it by pointing out that it would make certain infiltration missions easier, however Keba needed no justification to it. He had wanted a child, and this was the perfect secret from the other Jedi Knights.

  • Chapter Four: This chapter is perhaps the most life changing. After numerous years with his master, Keba, Nejaa was sixteen years of age, and had become rather adept with his lightsaber abilities, and force control. He was, by all means, ready for his first big mission; something more than simple diplomatic missions with minor danger levels. Keba ad Nejaa were sent into the Outer Rim, to the planet called Sigil: a planet which was the source of the dangerous and expensive sigil lightsaber crystals, an important planet to the Jedi Order. Reports had come in from the Jedi Guardians posted there which made it sound like the planet was under siege. Keba and Nejaa were sent instantly, and arrive as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it was much worse than they had expected; than anyone had expected. As it turned out, one of the Jedi Knights posted there had tampered too far with the dark side, seemingly converting himself into a Dark Jedi, and slaying the others there. In a sudden and desperate attempt to control the situation, Keba engages the dark jedi in combat, telling Nejaa to seek cover. However, despite Keba's prowess with the lightsaber, the other man was more powerful and struck down Keba, forcing the padawan learner to watch as his master and father figure died from the agonizing pain of cauterized wounds. Nejaa waited in hiding for what seemed like hours, until he found the chance to escape, stealing the dark jedi's Scimitar starship, and using it to explode the building that the dark jedi was in, killing the man before Nejaa returned back to the Jedi Order in order to report the events. The mission scarred him, and started to push him towards angery tendencies, and a strong fear of death, not having fully comprehended the pain involved with dying. The jedi gave him their condolences, however, it did not help, seeing as their mentality was to rejoice the fact that he had become "one with the force." A concept that Nejaa could not simply accept, and he hated the fact that death was so easy for the others around him. Darkness started to collide with the boy's natural bright light, pushing him closer and closer to an undetermined fate.

  • Chapter Five: Years passed and Nejaa became a Jedi of the Republic, though he always felt different than them. A little bit more rooted in his own life. Life before the Jedi had interrupted. Certainly, he was greatful to the mystical order, only to realize that they were just as dangerous as the torturous chambers he was sentenced to in childhood. Daring missions and charismatic enemies, the allures of power, and the risk of using it. It all began to pull him away from the light. While still a padawan, in his younger teens, Nejaa was saved by a man named Darren Shaw-- a man who later became a lord of the Sith. The encounter left Nejaa questioning what was evil, what exactly he could get away with. The idea of balance started to appeal to him, accepting the light as he would accept the dark. A friction between himself and the Order only continued to grow worse and worse. They leashed him, knowing of his prophecy and near fated destiny of sin, never telling him why or explaining his situation. Resentment built, and before long Nejaa became adept in avoiding the order altogether. The idea of fighting for the Republic, and idea which he had lived by in his younger years, and dying, dying for a faction he knew not. This continued for years, until Nejaa's early adulthood. Still clinging to his ever present fear, he was finally pushed into a decent which marked him darker than a Jedi. On mission through Mandalorian space, Nejaa sabotaged and killed his own men in an effort to conceal his identity, understanding them only to be liabilities. Since then, his presence with the Jedi has evolved into nothing more than a leech like existence. They offer him shelter and protection, he lies to their face, conceals his identity and remains undetected from within his own ranks. His goal is self preservation, there is no mistaking that.

Added. Encrypted. Born in Zolan war zone. Unspecified parents. Found somewhere. Orphanage. Test group selection. Zynt’Ek. Extremist terrorist group, clawdite supremacy. Keba Sueen. Jedi Academy/Jedi youngling/Jedi padawan. Training and life with Keba, Keba dies. Academy, alone. No additional masters. Prophecy reason for drama.

Padawan. Darren Shaw, later changed his name, Sith Lord. Talks about a neutral force, implants the idea into Nejaa. Success on the field. Rank advancement. Torin Varik dispatch mission. Knighthood for 3 years. More fame.

Knight. 3 years later. Nejaa alone, at odds with Jedi. Shoots his own men in an act of rebellion, hides. Grandmaster, Kiskla, summons. Padawan assignment, Kashyyyk. Torin Varik is given.

Invasion of Kashyyyk, encounter with Matsu Xiangu. Stasis. Encounter with Cryax Bane. Media spur. Return to Kashyyyk, Cryax Bane prisoner, reclaim ship.

Novice ••• Apprentice ••• Adept ••• Expert ••• Master

Aspects of the Force.
Art of Movement • Expert.
Flashburn • Expert.
Force Speed • Expert.
Tapas • Expert.
Breath Control • Adept.
Center of Being • Adept.
Force Body • Adept.
Force Stealth • Adept.
Hibernation Trance • Novice.
Morichro • Novice.
Force Cloak • Novice.
Alchaka • Novice.
Detoxify Poison • Novice.
Force Enlightenment • Novice.
Force Healing • Novice.
Force Ghost • Unknown.

Force Powers.
Telekinetic • Expert.
Pyrokinetic • Expert.
Force Lightning • Expert.
Force Choke • Expert.
Precognition Expert.
Force Destruction Expert.
Force Fear • Adept.
Foce Jump • Adept.
Battle Meditation • Adept.
Force Sense • Novice.
Jedi Mind Trick • Novice.
Droid Disable • Novice.
Tutaminis Force Defend • Novice.
Farseeing • Novice.


Stolen Pride.
The Scimitar, fondly nicknamed Stolen Pride by its new owner Nejaa Niynx, is a stolen Sith Infiltrator that he claimed later on as his own. It has a pair of folding wings around a round cockpit; a design which was used on T-class long-range personal cruisers like the Valcyn and would later resurface in the famous TIE series of starfighters used primarily by the Galactic Empire. In front of the round cockpit (the whole forward-center section of the spacecraft) of the vehicle was a rare stygium crystal-powered cloaking device for creating an invisibility field. This enabled the ship to sneak through even the most advanced of security technologies and allowed its master to evade pursuit while on his missions. Built beneath the cloak field generator was a series of compartments containing various equipment for the previous owner's missions including three DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droids, his speeder bike Bloodfin, several interrogation droids and several security droids, spying equipment, torture devices, bombs and mines. Unfortunately, none of the equipment was on-board when the ship was stolen by Nejaa, other than the Bloodfin speeder bike. The Infiltrator was protected by six low-profile solar ionization cannons which could extend and fire several bursts in the blink of an eye. It was also equipped with an experimental high temperature X-C2 ion drive array which would resurface in future Sienar designs while the ship's hyperdrive was an unmodified SSDS 11-A. It could also carry six passengers while its total capacity was 2.5 metric tons.

"That ship is alive with the dark side, Master Yoda. I can feel it clinging to my robes. And worse, it still tempts me, calling me back with promises of fantastic journeys to the far reaches of the galaxy." -Jedi Master Saesee Tiin

Hook Hand.
The Razalon FC-20 speeder bike consisted of a semi-circular body powered by a repulsorlift and piloted with a simple steering handle. The strange, curved body gave the FC-20 a low center of gravity, affording its rider a dramatically improved cornering ability. The FC-20 was most useful for those who did not wish to be seen, since the compact design presented a small target profile. The FC-20 was not armed, however it can be used in conjunction with the Jedi's lightsaber if needed. The FC-20 speeder also lacked shields or sensors, though an auto-brake feature brought the bike to a safe halt if the rider released the steering handles. Though popular, the FC-20 model was considered to be slower than other speeder bikes of the time, with a maximum speed of 180 kilometers per hour. The speeder bike also had a limited range before a recharge was required. It had a small repulsorlift engine with heavy baffling which made it a very quiet vehicle. That and its low riding height made it a popular vehicle for use in scouting.

"Stealth is the greatest tool of the Sith assassin." -Darth Sidious

KILLS: None.



Hiding Period.
En Route; Saleucami [_Cross Ikon]
There Were Only Three [_Darren Shaw]
En Route; Felucia [_escape]
[_run] // Mission_Launch: Hiding (?) [_Kiskla]
A Second Attempt At Escape [_Asterion]

Master & Padawan.
Almost Unwanted Gift [_Torin]
Justified Back-Stabbing [Torin]
A Secret Shared is a Trust Formed [_Torin]
Arrive; Run! [Torin]
Visitation Rights [Torin & Matsu]

Cute Without the "E" [Cryax Bane]
Shed, Hide, Revenge [Cryax Bane]

Dark Side.
To Cross Over. All The Way. [Sage & Matsu]
Pitch Darkness, Three Steps Back [Cryax Bane]
The Planets Bend Between Us [Cryax Bane]
Caught In Chaos [Cryax Bane]

What's Mine Returned [Torin Varik]
Fire Makes Molten [Ursa]

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