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Approved NPC Negotiator's Crew

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Crew NPC Template 3.0

  • Crew Name: [Negotiators]
  • Crew Type: [Ship's crew]
  • Base of Operations: [ The Baran Do Negotiator ]
  • Crew Size: [Four]
  • Loyalties: [ Xos Drikre/Baran Do]
  • Description: [The crew onboard the Baran Do Negotiator are mostly Kel Dorian's, the official members being actual members of the Baran Do but the security, weapons, and engineering preformed by Nor Goondok and some of his crew he brought with him who are not force sensitives, but experienced enough in the security business within ships. One way or another, they were all brought in or accepted by Xos Drikre to be members of the Baran Do Masters personal ship, to operate, and keep it safe. The members which aren't Kel Dorian are mostly filled in by droids, simply to avoid anyone who either would be inconvenient to come, or to avoid using an unfamiliar factor for the crew. However in spite of the ships size and capacity, even including the droids, the crew total still only numbers to around 14-18 at any given moment (due to changes in security force or droids) this number may increase or decrease depending on the circumstances. Sometimes a member of Goondok's crew will take place in co-pilot should it be necessary.]
  • Name: [ Gra Vichi]
  • Age: [27]
  • Species: [ Kel Dor]
  • Role: [ Second Command and Pilot (possible engineer)]
  • Description: [Gra is a relatively ranked Sage among the Baran Do, while not known for being particularly powerful or Gra showed he had enough understanding of the force and could use it enough to be ranked Sage, but was particularly made a Sage due to being of excellent intellect and cool nature, making him a perfect leader, particularly in emergency situations. He was the second Xos offered a position to on the Negotiator and happily accepted. His position as pilot is more due to his natural skill and understanding of the machine as he prepared himself well in familiarity with the ship before he officially agreed to join. Should Xos be unavailable to command, or they not actively be in flight, Gra takes rank as the leading member. While Xos remains more wise and intuitive in the force Gra is far quicker to give part in strategies when it comes to the crew and space fighting. His own skills in the force are somewhat limited but he has fairly good telekinesis and when in a fight is known for smaller bursts of force lightning, usually assisted by his staff. This is weaker then many others who use it but it usually is enough for the extra push.]
  • Name: [ Zel Yavuri]
  • Age: [ 18]
  • Species: [ Kel Dor]
  • Role: [Pilot or Co-pilot]
  • Description: [Zel is the only Apprentice on the crew, and only got the position due to his request and knowledge of spacecraft. He was given permission as there would be Sages on board who would be able, and agreed, to teach him, including Xos himself but especially Gra who had met the Apprentice a good few times and considered him a good enough kid to bring along. Particularly when it came to his piloting skills. When Gra isn't piloting, it would usually be Zel. While far from a dangerous individual in either the force or physical combat, he does still have enough time to meditate and has some of the more basic talents.]
  • Name: [Aso Mek]
  • Age: [35]
  • Species: [Kel Dor]
  • Role: [Navigations/Teacher/Communications/Emergency Medic]
  • Description: [Aso was Xos's first member he asked to join. Due to being a Sage and occasional Investigator or assistant Force Instructor she seemed like a good choice for an overall help. While Aso has almost no combat experience unlike Gra, her power in the force is enough that she could use telekinesis effectively against most. More importantly she had a wide array of skills that made her a good miscellaneous position, secondary advisor, and teacher for the less trained members. Under good conditions Aso usually serves as the Navigations member, sometimes serving both navigation and communications. In an emergency she knows enough about Kel Dor bodies and a few other species to treat them at least enough to get them to a proper facility.]
  • Name: [ Nor Goondok]
  • Age: [44]
  • Species: [ Kel Dor]
  • Role: [Security captain and weapons]
  • Description: [On a ship with already four force sensitives as common members one would expect there to be little need for a security leader, nevertheless Xos realized that with only himself and Gra being experienced combatants, in spite of Aso's power, the ship would be rather unprotected compared to a ship of soldiers or even mere pirates. Nor Goondok serves as that fit in, he's in charge of any droids or members who operate the ships weaponry or protect it's members. Unlike the other commanding members of the ship Nor is actually not a member of the Baran Do at all, rather he was a captain of a Kel Dorian security ship which usually worked to assist transportation of goods. Having met Xos several times however, and even assisted them, Xos decided on asking if he'd be willing to join the crew along with a few of his own. Nor is a skilled and experienced captain and fighter, and while he has little experience when it comes to force sensitives, he has fought off many pirates and criminals with his crew. He primarily uses a relatively common military grade blaster rifle with burst firing and semi-automatic, equipped with stun as an option. Similar style weapons are used by his men. All have an additional blaster at their side.]

[During creation of The Negotiator, Xos realized just how necessary it was to have a crew. In response, he began considering members willing to join it. The Baran Do were not really the type to be required to pilot such a big ship, meaning it would make sense for only a few to come with him. He came to Aso Mek first, having seen her preform well as a force user and being fairly good at a variety of tasks. Second he looked for Gra Vichi due to his combative skills and intellect, making him a good second in command and who's dedication led to him being the most familiar with the ship. Incidentally because the word had already passed around Zel, an apprentice, requested to join out of a sense of adventure. While somewhat resistant at first Xos discussed it with Gra and Aso who both agreed he would be a good choice and that they could continue his teachings. Nor was someone Xos had had in mind the moment he realized it was necessary to have non Baran Do along with them to help, and having met him a few times and knowing his experience and skill requested him and some of his crew to participate, though of course with pay. Nor was quite happy to assist along with his men and it wasn't long before they all had begun familiarizing themselves with the ship and procedures. Gra and Zel certainly got on the best due to having been friends for some time and being the younger members of the crew, though Gra seemed to fit in in almost any group due to his intellect but also youth. Aso proffered mostly short interactions but was fine with teaching Zel when there was time. While mostly professional, Nor had a casual feeling to him that rather spread into the rest of the crew making them a lot more comfortable working with a non-Baran Do.]
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