Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Needing A Hand Or Two


And yet, she didn't believe the same. "The Worm isn't offering power. Their challenge is to come and take it, as any Sith should. We live and die at the whim of the Empire. I've seen so many of us die. The Empire let someone like Vulcanus run free. To harvest worlds of our people under the justification of his pillar. If we're an Empire, that shouldn't happen." There was a somber tone to what Alina was saying. She couldn't look at Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . She wasn't sure what she would feel if she did.

"I'm tired of dying for an absent throne. But I trust you. I've been to the Lords. I've met the Worm. I've been learning under them. My master has been encouraging this, crossing lines to get more knowledge. I don't know what my master wants to do. I don't want to fight Sith."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
At the mere mention of the Pillar of War's name, Alisteri noticeably tensed. Deep down, a part of him knew that she was right. Vulcanus was a monster, of that there was no question. He had seen death too, plenty of it. And even worse, he had seen what was left behind of those that were spared. "Vulcanus is a beast. But he was let loose for a reason. As much as I hate to say it, it may be the Graug that save the war for us. If nothing else, I'd rather they be thrown at our enemies instead of our fellow Sith."

Surprise and concern flashed across his face once Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru spoke of actually meeting the Worm Emperor. He hadn't expected that, and a small part of him felt... "I...I don't want to fight Sith either. But the Worm is the one making Sith enemies of one another, not the Empire." His voice grew soft now, almost as if he were pleading. "Just careful. Whatever you decide."


"They didn't win a war for us. They killed us. I watched them slaughter dozens of acolytes without punishment." Her hate of the Graug leached into her voice for a moment, but she closed her eyes to calm herself from that. They weren't talking about the Graug. Finally she turned her gaze to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius again. She was just scared. It showed in her eyes how truly scared she was.

"I have to follow my master. If she chooses the Worm.. I don't want us to be enemies. Ever."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
He said nothing, but nor did he look surprised by her outburst. Alisteri held no sympathy for the Graug, nor would he pretend to. They were beasts that needed nothing more than to be put down, but unfortunately the Pillars evidently disagreed. He gave no immediate response to Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru , his gaze having moved down to the table. Conflicted emotions turned in his eyes, but he closed them with a sigh.

"I...I could never be your enemy Alina. After all that we've been through...after all that I've felt for you....I couldn't call you an enemy..." After that, his tone hardened ever so slightly. "But I will not bend knee to this false prophet. This Worm is little more than a distraction from our enemies, and if he really cared at all about the Sith then he wouldn't be trying to divide us."

"When he and his ilk are put down...I'll be there to pull you out of the rubble before it crushes you."


Her gaze similarly fell to the table as Darth Strosius Darth Strosius 's did. What he said made it clear. If war came, he wouldn't turn on the Empire. But she might. If her master told her to, she would. She closed her eyes, trying to think of something to say in response. But she had nothing. She hated this. Worse, she hated that she brought it up. On their date no less.

"When I get strong enough I'll take over the Sith. All Sith. I hate this."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Alisteri let out a hum in agreeance, his gaze narrowing slightly at his hand resting on the table. He could respect that goal, he didn't think it be so bad serving Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru someday in the future. After a moment though, a small smirk did crop up on his face. "Such an elaborate plan Alina, I didn't know you wanted me on my knees that badly." Quite literally right after he spoke, his face turned a dark shade of red and his hand flew up to his mouth to cover his laughter.

"I-I'm sorry that was inappropriate, I just wanted to change the topic." He muttered between laughs.


With how serious of a subject this had been, Alina had started to retreat inwards. She hated this situation. That Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and her might end up being on opposite sides in a war. That they might actually have to fight. She'd never fight him, but would she be made to? Then, he spoke. "Huh?" She blinked rapidly as she looked up to her friend. It took a second for her mind to click what he'd said, but the second it did her cheeks turned a shade of pink. As he laughed, they only grew more and more red.

Eventually she ended up hiding her face in her hands and let out a sound like a whine. A very embarrassed, incredibly uncharacteristic whine. "T.. That's..! Don't just say something like that here of all places!"
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
It took Alisteri a good minute or two of laughter to calm down, as the sight of Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru and the noise that she made only made him laugh harder. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone else around to complain about them. "Heh, hah, I-I'm sorry but I had to." He spoke, still chuckling lightly as he tried to catch his breath from laughing for so long.

"T-To be fair..." Another coy smile adorned his features as he idly played with the edge of the menu in his hand. " didn't deny it."


She was still incredibly embarrassed, but eventually Alina did join into the laughter. Her cheeks were still red as ever, but the lack of people around made it easier for her not to want to die of shame. The laughter was short lived as Darth Strosius Darth Strosius once more took a jab at her. She tore her gaze away as the blush seemed to brighten even more. "F.. For someone who couldn't even handle a kiss not even a day ago, you seem to be growing more comfortable with the idea."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
And just like that his chuckles turned into stutters of surprise as his face lit up a bright red. "T-That's not what I meant!" Was the first coherent sentence he uttered. He waved his hands defensively, already regretting that he had made such a joke. "I-I was just kidding! I didn't mean that...n-not that I wouldn't I just...actually I think I'm just gonna shut up now."

Alisteri decided to just keep his gaze on the menu, idly sliding down a little in his seat as if in an attempt to hide from Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru for a moment. "...ahem, so what do you want to eat?"


Ha. That seemed to catch him off guard. Turn the tides. She smiled wider, but followed his lead to look at the menu. It was probably a good idea to figure out what they wanted to eat. It wasn't long for her to look through it before she set it down with a big grin. "I want a burger. A big one. Juicy, delicious burger. I'm pretty sure they have one."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Alisteri was content to stare at his menu as the color in his cheeks slowly drained. Thankfully, Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru didn't cause him any cause to grow red again. Yet of course. Her choice of food made a slight grin return to his face however as he nodded. "A fine choice. I think I'm going for a steak myself." He raised his hand and waved it a bit, and soon enough the waiter had returned ready to take their order. And he left just as soon as he had them taken as well.

There was one question that had been nagging him though. "So...was this too much? I figured since you came from nobility and all that a fancier restaurant would be more...impressive I guess."


Steak sounded good. Well, there was a lot that sounded good, honestly. This place was pretty great for food. She smiled kindly to the waiter, shamelessly showing off her fangs in the process. There was some enjoyment in the fact she wasn't what she was before. Her gaze shifted back to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius after a moment. She raised a brow curiously. "The only time I've ever gone off to a fancy restaurant is when my mom wanted to show me off to her friends. The only thing I was good for until my sisters death was to be married to another influential family as an alliance. This is the only time I've ever actually enjoyed being in a place like this."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Ah the good old fang trick. He couldn't help but smirk at the sight, knowing that he would have to explain a thing or two to the waiter at some point in the future. Oh well, it was worth it. Alisteri winced at the answer to his question, but her last remark did return a small smile to his face. "Well...I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself so far then. This is my first time somewhere like this, I'm glad that I get to share it with you." It certainly wouldn't be the first of something that Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru had caused for him.

She had a habit of introducing him to new things, and for that he was grateful. "I always used to imagine what it was like doing fine dining you know? I must say that my imagination was a bit more vibrant than the reality." A small chuckle accompanied his words.


"There's a number of firsts I look forward to sharing with you." Alina gave a surprisingly sweet smile for what she was saying. This was a much better mood than the talk before. She laughed a little and shook her head in response to what Darth Strosius Darth Strosius said next. "No, this isn't what you'd imagine. There are more.. High end places. Ridiculous, at that. Costs hundreds of credits just for a meal. I hate those the most, personally. Such little food." A soft giggle escaped the young Sith as she shifted in her seat. The dress was already getting a little uncomfortable.

"Truthfully, I don't think you could of picked a better spot for our first date."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Alisteri offered a smile in return. "Me too." He had little idea what she meant, but he had no doubt that he'd enjoy it. His eyes widened at her response, simply staring at her in disbelief for a moment. "Hundreds of credits for one meal?" And he thought that this restaurant was a bit on the expensive side. Thankfully, Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru didn't seem to care much for those places. All for the better really, he had no idea how he would pay for meals like that.

He perked up slightly at that last remark, a small grin spreading across his face. "You think so? I spent a lot of time trying to figure out where to take you, I'm glad you approve." He couldn't help but feel a bit relieved, his smile turning slightly sheepish. "Now I just have to figure out how to top this one for the next time..."


"If it means I get to be with you, I don't care where we go. The fact you thought this much about me and what I might like makes me so happy." The whole conversation on the traitorous Sith had completely vacated her mind. Now all she could and wanted to think about was how she could make it up to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . What did he like to eat? To do? There was a lot she didn't know yet, but by the smile on her face she was plenty excited for the chance to learn.

"So what's the plan after lunch? Anything fun planned?"
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
His only response was to turn slightly red and do his best not to give her a goofy smile, his gaze resting on his hands so that he wouldn't be dazzled by Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru 's smile. Score one for ol' Ali. He was rather proud of himself that he managed to get the first date done right so far. He could worry about the rest of them another time. "After lunch..." Alisteri did his best not to look like he was thinking.

From what he could recall of the dating tips that he had read, they could end up anywhere from a nice walk to a bedroom and everything in between. "Uh...a nice walk."


"A nice walk, huh?" Her smile softened. It wasn't hard to tell that Darth Strosius Darth Strosius hadn't entirely thought out everything afterwards. Or at least, that's what she figured. Honestly, it was a good thing in her mind. She'd prefer to figure out something to do together. Well, no. She had ideas on what she wanted to do, though she didn't dare say them aloud here.

Her gaze turned down to the table in front of her as she tried not to end up blushing. "What, um.. What do you want to do after that?"
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
"Mhm, a nice walk." He nodded, more to confirm it in his own mind than to her. Now all he had to do was figure out where to have said nice walk. Perhaps a park or somewhere scenic? Alisteri was sure that he could think of something by the time they left the restaurant. A confused expression adorned his face as he saw Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru blush, his gaze narrowing slightly. Why is she blushing? I didn't say anything...crass did I?

"After the walk..." He paused before smiling slightly. "Why don't you tell me what you want to do? I'm sure you have an idea or two."

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